unfortunatly it doesnt seem that many on this server understand that helping the faction out helps everyone so it is kinda a struggle to catch up. you get your random few but thats about it
I am new at this but here goes,, I want to buy a 100/200% rosary or beetle pet but no one is ever on I thought I would try the forums,, and I would prefer to buy it with rp tyia
What faction are you and what part of the planet are you from, time zones affect everyone differently in this game.
I think this game need some advertisement so you can get more players and a real rp store were you can have bonus for when you buy so much like ts2 if you bought a pc you get 1 free and then tire spenders were you spend a certain amounts of rp you get rewards. This would bring alot more people i bet
well, I noticed that there was a suggestion made in regards to chat filter on the older post from efj.. um complicated name so I can't remember that, however. Yes the chat filter is extremely problematic because it doesn't allow for normal sentences to be typed in, some of them forces us to write in an extremely odd way. Chat filter triggers on normally written sentences as well and it makes absolutely zero sense why it should. I have made a post regarding this however the message is pretty much the same on the suggestion section of the forum, but I'll post it here again because I am having doubts on any development teams reading constructive feedbacks there, (in all fairness some of them are outright superficial or bad ideas). Please reconsider the chat filters.
I got a few suggestions, 1.) A increase in Mat`s drop would be nice, I`ve been playing for a few months now and only had 1 maybe 2 materials drop for me. not only that but it is hard to find someone selling mats at a reasonable price that would make it worth buying. I` currently M2 in all clean gear and I have just enough silver to get cheap kills and keep pills for grinding. 2.) A slight increase in pet drop rate or something that would help new players get a pet would be nice, I know this game has horrible drop rates for good stuff anyways. I`ve played Ts2 way back when Mayn had there CB and from all that time I`ve had maybe one pet drop, not to mention pet are not cheap either. 3.) An increase in the amount of silver dropped would be nice it would help new players with getting gear, pets, skill, ext.. Iv been able to keep around 10-40m going from lvl 1 to M2 granted I did buy HS HB and 2 level 60 skills. That is all...
I would have the input of saying I believe g1-6 shouldn't be in the same war as G12's.....we can't even hit them and they normal us for 150k....and bring back the rebirth so we all have a chance to be at the same level as those who are reborn
You are letting the players to quit. u're neglecting your work. players are currently waiting for the solution of your usual problem RED BAR. we are waiting and until now, there's no even one response or update why red bars now happen.
Server Down? please give us a quick notif , or u'all staff there are still sleeping or just not checking the site?
After reading all previous post I can agree with most of it except making the game easier what I agree most with is gm presence in game. I was a gm for aeria they were all pretty much the same and frowned upon gms in game mingling with the player population with the mentality that any favoritism to any group or particular faction should be avoided above all, only experienced gms should be allowed to enteract with the players. My time as gm for aeria tranquility server was spent running in game events the most popular was player tournaments for each faction and server wide. More than willing to do the same here or at the very least give advice based on my experience with aeria servers simply because I just got here and do not want my efforts to be all for nothing (playing in a dead server)
The yaoguai stone would create more pvp/ more activity. I really hope out of anything this comes back The nangin faction could help balance factions or/& being able to have characters in both factions Thank you for reading