we need more content and straight up the events you guys throw out is trash imma be real its trash you guys think "OH THIS GONNA BE GREAT FOR AN EVENT" Welp guess what buddies ur events have holes remember that silver bug? Hehe yea was a total disaster y'all fudged up on that OH OH wait theres a long crap ton of fudge up yall did and couldnt fix untradeable rares, leets, etc whole crap ton of fudge up but man o man we still play this game expecting y'all to actually do something bout this so when u even THINK of doing an event think long and hard on what the pros and cons that can result from this I feel y'all nevered even played this game you might as well recruit a freaking player like FleshMonkey, Gaz3k, xIcarus, or Solrac as a gm or cm i dont give a fudge whatever the fudge it is that actually knows with experience on what to do they can even help with ur events naming the problems etc that could result from ur fudge ups I Dont Give A Fudge if u mute me here etc and u ban me or what not im speaking the truth and the truth hurts you just gonna make urself look bad and sht im already looking bad talking nonsense but what the heck do i care for i dont give a fudge I speak my mind so do something please i freakin urge you to listen you got a ton of pages of our anger and frustration here (Contuing Onto Next Post)
im tired of seeing ppl say the same crap even I say it too but im still here playing hoping y'all do something good and beneficial for both sides so in conclusion if we are ur foundation than do something we're the ones holding you up in revenues, and promoting this old and classic game remember customers always right you gotta listen and actually help jeezus christ I expect and update soon man foreal foreal craps getting on all our nerves if u drop this game man and expect to profit from ur other games well crap you dont deserve to run any games u let ur player base down im done i expect a response so ill be waiting for an excuse of some sort " we tryin our best yada yada" i dont give a fudge get it done and make it snappy
As you can see a lot of frustration from the community here, he isnt speaking for him self he is speaking for dozens of players that want something done and nothing happens , events are made and not 1 single player has joined the game with the last event, I have given so many ideas, so many tips, so many stuff that could be done to attract people to make this grow everything has been succesfully ignored, im just looking forward to leave the game once again just like 20 other friends that left on the past 2 weeks and another 20 that said they are just selling their gear to leave, im not gonna swear and he shouldnt be penalized for displaying his frustration visibly, since all this is just the consequences of RedFox actions Neko I see you keep trying but words are just words in the end, they have a 1 sec meaning and they vanish the same moment since nothing is done. All those 1 sec paragraphs through weeks and here we are 144 days l8er without ANYTHING beeing done. Im giving another week to try out, since grinding event ends in 4 days, summer ended 3 days ago. Drops wont solve anything now, either jump into islands and mroe content or we all gonna quit ASAP. its been 4 weeks since neko said the patch was beeing polished, i have been GM my self and to polish a patch only took us 1 week, max 1 week delay sometimes, never 18 weeks
Action speaks louder than words. This is on a real! All these guys are veterans and been playing since beta. Listen to us and act upon it. Please we kindly ask you folks. You took our suggestion when you started but it seemed to be just ignored. I too just recently came back but i feel that it was a mistake.
I agree. We all have been complaining so much so almost everyone of us have given up.. Next patch after this new patch is gonna be 2020 see you then bois.
Hi SaintMusubi, actions do indeed speak louder than words. So without further ado, we would like to officially announce the launch of the G9~G12 Item Drop Update! For more information, please visit the following post below: http://forums.playredfox.com/index.php?threads/g9-g12-item-drop-update.44702/#post-426387
A guide on new set names would be great Some look different so pictures and information on what bonuses they add would be awesome.
@[GM]Neko Good Pm sir, this is not about the event or what so ever. im just concerned about my account being stuck in the "account in use" and its been 15hrs already,all of my characters are in offline mode. Can you at least help or follow up the resolution for my ticket. Missed hsb,missed wars,missed grinding for s5r parts.
GM Neko has a lot on his hands right now and your ticket has to wait in line like the rest of us. It's not only you, you know? Everyone sending tickets for questions and concerns to be answered so wait your turn!
Hi Oeuny, thank you for your suggestion! We will definitely try to create an item guide for the new G9~G12 items. We currently have our hands full with holiday planning so, it may take a bit before we are able to release the guide. Until then, please try be patient with us. Thank you!
Hi Sweetcracker, it seems like your ticket was submitted after regular working hours so the support team was not able to get to it until now. Feel free to check again when you have the time and sorry about the troubles!
Did i say a word that they should come up with my ticket first? I just asked [GM] Neko to assist and follow up the resolutions for my ticket. "Its not only you, you know?" Say what???
Awesome, everyone will be happy for that when it comes. We are also happily waiting for these holiday events as well
Hello GM Neko, First of all I apologize for reaching you in this thread. I would like to ask if my ticket #66953 can be solve today or as soon as possible. Thank you so much and more powers to RedFox family. Sincerely, Beeruss
Hi Beerus02, I believe your ticket was submitted in the middle of the night (PDT Time) so our support team was not able to assist you until now. Please keep in mind that you do not need to provide notifications regarding ticket submissions. When the support team is able, they will promptly respond to your ticket. Thank you!
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz well i think we may have to wait another 1-2 years until they change the Hsb and labby time, also i feel so bad reminding GM's in forum about this issue, cause we shouldnt have this issue for this long..
Hi Fausti, we have already reviewed the results from the HSB Timer poll. With that information, we are currently working on executing the best possible plan which is to add an additional HSB Timer to have 2 on each day, instead of the original 1. These changes may not arrive immediately as we are preoccupied by the upcoming Autumn event. However, just know that it is high on our priority list and we will definitely try to push it out as soon as possible. Thank you!