Official TS2C Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by [GM]Neko, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    The core foundation of a video game are the players and community because without you, there wouldn't be us. So, this post is designed to be an active thread for player feedback and suggestions! We want to engage with you, hear your thoughts, and discuss the various issues surrounding the current version of Twelve Sky 2 Classic.

    Feel free to voice your opinion about topics such as content, balance, events, items, or anything else relevant to the current status of the game. We hope that this thread can prove to be beneficial for both Game Masters and players alike so don't be shy to speak up!

    As long as this thread is open, GMs will actively visit this thread on a regular basis to read your comments. Please keep in mind that this thread is for discussion purposes only so don't be disappointed if your feedback does not immediately result in development changes!

    Lastly, if you have not done so already, please review our Forum Rules and Guidelines before posting. Thank you!
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  2. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Allow Mounts to Gain XP While Grinding.
    iiRisk, TheRealKronix, Grumps and 5 others like this.
  3. etfjudas

    etfjudas Active Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    Things that need to be improved/changed in order for this game to prosper:
    1. Hsb and labby times need to be changed,also change the rewards on labby if possible because getting 15% enchanting material for all that effort feels like a slap in the face.
    2. Need more GM involvement in the game.
    3. Need regular events outside of drop rate and exp rate increases.
    4. Need permanent cp rate increase due to extremely low server population to promote pvp.
    5. Fujin character creation needs to be locked in order to promote other factions and put an end to the overpopulation of one faction.
    6. Nangin faction release would be nice ( but ultimately not necessary)
    7. Having Game Sages in each faction to help you would be a plus also, so as to not overburden you.
    8. G9-12 gear drops implementation.
    9. Add missing maps (Island of Blood, Cave Of Darkness, Odawa 3, G12 Valley Of Deceased, God level Outpost ruins, God Level Illusive Castle) to name a few.
    10. A separate hero board for God Levels and Master Levels.
    11. Have an occasional item mall sale.
    12. Allow us to customize our mounts and etc. Through color palette swapping options.(not important)
    13. Please remove the annoying chat filter that won't even let us type in full sentences.
    14. Release a data sheet of what all the diamonds effects do.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  4. Hannessa

    Hannessa New Member

    Nov 16, 2017
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    1. G9-G12 drops
    2. Atleast twice or once [GM] Event every month.
    3. HSB should adjust 3 hours earlier so it would be not so late for the EU or American players.
    4. Stability of server (i'm referring about the disconnection issues every war).
    5. Elite drop rate must be tweak i think 3x drop rates only applies to rare (my opinion).
    6. HSB live through facebook would be nice of course GM view.
    7. Be responsive like maximum of 24 hrs :) not 20-30 days before reply.
    8. weekend XP and drop rate should back to x6 or more to help new comers.
    9. Please read this and make it as your referrence.

    Thanks [GM]Neko
    iiRisk and XxOPTIMUSxX like this.
  5. Oeuny

    Oeuny Member

    Jul 1, 2018
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    I'm new sort of I got level 16 and stopped playing years back. I'm now G9 and started playing more often and spending money the past 2-3 weeks and I've noticed the lack of updates and in game events. What I mean is that it seems that shop updates or in game events happen rarely. Is there going to be more frequent and often updates and game events happening in the near future? Like this week haha or this month :D I may have been more spoiled with xp rates in other versions but with no xp boost it will take more than around 3 or 4 straight days per level at my rate that I see now. Is this version being "classic" supposed to make everything more difficult to obtain? Or is the game being classic supposed to keep the an original feel on how pvp is core? I'm looking for mostly GM thought's on my OPINION.
  6. Hannessa

    Hannessa New Member

    Nov 16, 2017
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    Hoping that Facebook live during HSB will be granted ASAP :)
  7. PeaceMAN

    PeaceMAN New Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    I feel like GM's presence in-game should be your first priority. If not, atleast assign game sages from each faction and have them throw events to keep the community alive.
    Aside from HSB, labyrinth and war, there is not much in-game activities to do especially for Maxed players.
    haettr, Fleshmonkey and etfjudas like this.
  8. Spymaster

    Spymaster New Member

    May 11, 2016
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    Adding or applying these to the game, thus making it more interesting and enjoyable would be nice:

    1. Adding medal system for in war to obtain rewards afterwards. To make war more interesting as an addition to the level experience and silver.
    2. Fixing names of items and skill by adding descriptions and type (if it's 7th blade skill or 6th etc).
    3. Add constantly weekend events (double or triple exp or drop rate weekend etc.)
    4. Add main events to win certain rewards for (Masters and Gods levels).
    5. Releasing Nangin faction would be nice.
    6. Adding a faction population balance control system.
    7. Applying time effect (Guild Director) into bonuses (exp, drop rate etc) count(sum hours) and last after disconnection. Because i get dc so many times it's really unfair that i stay all 4 hours and after taking the bonus, suddenly i get disconnected, so please make it last and count after disconnection.
    8. Improve server stability. Random disconnections.
    9. Improvement of graphics if possible for high end users.
    10. Increase bosses spawn rate, hard to find and kill one. (On last two maps (of gate master) they don't even appear or at least never seen one).
    11. Add bosses at the beginning of wars.
    12. Increase pet drop rate... I'm m9 and i haven't got not even 1 pet after all the weeks of grinding.
    13. Players drop 1 item when killed in war, invasion etc... (not their item but rather random item like a normal mini boss or mob).
    14. Add promotion or specials of the week on item shop, for example get 2 for 1 etc..

    Thank you [GM]Neko.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
    iiRisk, Grumps and khuromkong like this.
  9. khuromkong

    khuromkong Member

    Jul 13, 2017
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    just be active,mingle with the players once in a while.
    iiRisk, Goresone, Grumps and 2 others like this.
  10. Horneddragon

    Horneddragon Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    1. G9 -G12 Drops
    2. New and Old Maps that not active or working at the moment
    3. Balancing the game with added mount boxes and or better drop rates of the more important items
    4. Actually to see the GM's involvement in the game at a players level(more events or boss spawning events)
    5. Maybe even throw in some new RP only events like tiers,raffles,special ocassions,and maybe time conv to rp for free players.
    6.also fix little issues like when respawning from dieing the time that you wait to actually kill someone in war is plain and utter ridiculous.
    7.The Communication from the TOP to us players need to be more timely and in more detail
    8.Maybe bring back some of the old items from the item mall ( mount cage -so people can get there items from the second page of their pet bag so they can grind pets :); maybe even the 120% ticket or whatever it was;bring back the silver bars so if we do ever get a tower truce we all can be at the same lvl tower for all or make it where we can truce on cp tower but not the other 2 towers so we all can gain some of the herbs they drop for lvling towers.
    9.maybe fix some of the rp boxes on giving such crappy items who needs 100-12% mats and 100-15% from 250 boxes maybe add more of a mixture like god cleanses for all lvls (m1-g12) sols,maybe new materials for enchanting and upgrading thats helps the process and maybe a exchanging system for items not needed like i surely dont need 150 wings that are useless to me.
    10. Game Sages might do some good too (least it might be nothing else a lifeline directly to the important people.)
    11. Theres alot of people playing this game cause they love it and miss the action just most of all PLEASE fix the drops and the game issues so we all can play our game and spend or line your pockets with money if we want to do so :) Again thanks for the New GM and welcome to our community and looking forward to the future of the game a beacon of light :)
    iiRisk and Grumps like this.
  11. Sweetcracker

    Sweetcracker Member

    Jan 9, 2018
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    iiRisk, Jazerade and DivJam like this.
  12. tiribomba24

    tiribomba24 New Member

    Jun 14, 2018
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    All of u ppl want so many but how about ur respect for every new player come into about all FL or VFL who shout only for them on about ur expensive about the player`s who donate and u want rp in same price with cp?......b4 u want exchange something in game u need do what i type UP after that i think u can say to gm do something also.....coz if he do what u want is like try respect new player and try a bit help them with info( not with item or money ) just info will be more great....I will respect Tempestat or some like this from guan(dragon) that is a real player of this game he/she help all new player with info some time with item....My repect tempe...this is all i want say b4 i will type what this game need
  13. aerostatic

    aerostatic Member

    May 30, 2016
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    Return silver bars to the game so we can build towers.
    etfjudas likes this.
  14. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Halos are fine.
  15. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Not a bad idea! We will keep this thought in mind as it is understandable why gaining EXP in PvP situations only can be frustrating. However, with the changes in the Mount System, mounts were tailored to be a motivating incentive for players to PvP.
    iiRisk, christiandummy and Oeuny like this.
  16. Oeuny

    Oeuny Member

    Jul 1, 2018
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    Maybe instead of adding xp for mounts while grinding, increase the amount of xp we can gain from pvp for mounts. It would have to be increased by a reasonable amount because it's like killing a million mobs but instead of mobs it is players that repill.
    christiandummy and etfjudas like this.
  17. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    It doesn't need to be a high rate of XP, maybe .100 or .050 per 3 hours just as long as there is another way to level it as the only way at the moment of leveling a mount is to PvP or eat other mounts is just not doable on a server with a population of this size.
  18. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Thanks for your suggestions etfjudas!
    Stuff like this is easy to accomplish, I already plan to visit you players regularly in-game in the upcoming weeks!
    Any suggestions or requests for these events? We would love to hear your thoughts.
    It seems like many people have requested this as an aspect of the game and it is certainly a topic worthy to be discussed for future TS2C developments.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
    piehole and christiandummy like this.
  19. aerostatic

    aerostatic Member

    May 30, 2016
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    The drops aren't even up for discussion. It's a common sense addition to the game. Every other level can farm gear to use. G9-G12 levels can't. This needed to be implemented to the game months ago.
    christiandummy and [GM]Neko like this.
  20. etfjudas

    etfjudas Active Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    First off, thank you for replying in a concise and quick manner.
    As for event suggestions:
    Dueling tournaments in saigo separated by gear brackets (rare 90 -108% users, elite 90-108%, Rare 120-150, Elite 120-150)
    Game Trivia.
    PvM fights held in saigo, proving grounds and yanggok regularly.
    Also g9-12 drops are quintessential and most people want those put at top priority.
    [GM]Neko likes this.

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