is it possible to increase the upgrading rate? making 120% , halo , dias (diamond) , refining , upgrade (upgrading level of the gear)? At least add a bit
G.M Neko after visting every faction you've probably noticed a large faction to faction variance in population density and over all population, to combat this imbalance in population I have 2 suggestions. 1) Lock Fujin character creation (as a member of this faction I am totally okay with this, we are over populated) 2) Force transfer some of the fujins (with all their gear and everything properly converted) to another faction to balance out the population/power dynamics.
would maybe nangin faction help with this? just restrict joining to fujin only until we get more of a balance?
I don't think opening Nangin would help at all we need to have the current clans and game populated to do that. But... it could potentially help because the treaty option would be unlocked and hopefully more fuj's would go nan and a treaty would let us gang up on whichever has the higher population participating.
thats partially why I say restrict nangin change to fujin until it drops low enough that it would matter, it might not be enough but it could help, once fujin numbers are dented enough then open nan to rest of factions, another thing that might help is the yaoguai stone, another bandaid but at least it could be taken outside of the HSB and level out the -20% for some of the time (assuming the yao stone replaces your faction stone to a degree)
@GM Neko About Set5 Rares. It seems like we have access to weapon, gloves, boots, and armor but not necklace and ring. Can you confirm or refute that they are obtainable through the exchange system or maybe through pvp drops? It would be nonsensical to waste a ton of silver (which I already have done) on exchanging for something we can't get (previous tickets say they're in the exchange system but I tested it over 9000 times and got nothing).
Hi etfjudas, yes I have been around the factions and I will be coming back soon! As for population balance, some of the factions were definitely more crowded than others. We can take your suggestions into consideration for balancing the game's population, but locking character creations for an entire faction may prove to be difficult. Furthermore, we are afraid it may deter new players from playing, especially if Fujin is their desired faction. As of now, we are considering different methods towards faction equality and we will definitely take your suggestions into thought. Thank you!
I can confirm this, because I helped him test. I too would like validation/confirmation or a proper refute/ answer of any kind pertaining to the existence and obtain ability of the items in question.
Hi aerostatic, we would be glad to help you out but we need a bit more information to test this. Unfortunately, we are unsure what you mean by "Set5" Rares. Is this a term in our current TS2C version? And if so, how do you discern between "Set5" and other "Set" Rares? A few exact in-game item names will also help. Upon reading your response, we can do a mass exchange to confirm if the items you desire can be exchanged for.
Sorry, the terminology comes from other versions of the game. The set 5 items are: Shadow Kirin [Katana, Flute] or Kirin Horns Shadow Kirin Armor Shadow Kirin Gloves Shadow Kirin Boots Shadow Kirin Ring Shadow Kirin Necklace Equipping items of the same set gives various bonus stats. The sets were released without redfox releasing details on each. We had to go off information from previous versions of the game. I am close to finishing this set but I've wasted nearly 300b in silver exchanging to get nothing.
Hi aerostatic, so we did some testing on this situation and we have come to the following conclusions. Rare Set pieces are a different class of Rare items and they show up in-game with a blue item name. These Set Rares can be exchanged for at the Blacksmith NPC but you need another Rare Set piece in exchange. Ultimately, to receive a Rare Set piece, one must first be sacrificed to exchange for it. Furthermore, you will not receive Set Rares by exchanging normal Rares (yellow item name) at the Blacksmith NPC. If Set Rares are exchanged, there is a probability to receive Set Rares of another item type. For example, a "Shadow Kirin Song" (weapon) can be exchanged into a "Star Fragment Necklace" (necklace). However, it should be noted that all upgrades on an item will be removed after the exchange is complete. As for these item themselves, we are unable to conclude that they are droppable items without first checking the loot table. The Kirin Set that you have provided are G12 Rares meaning that they should NOT drop in-game, but this is yet to be confirmed. For now, we will request a loot table from our developers to see if these Set Rares are indeed on our monster drop loot table. If you have any more knowledge of this, please feel free to comment what you know to help us with this testing. Thank you and we hope this helps!
Neko, To clarify a few things: The set rares (blue rares) ARE droppable in PvP. I've gotten a few and have seen others drop. G12 yellow rares CAN be exchanged to blue rares. Upon doing so, the yellow rare loses 3% enchantment and all combine stages. This takes a few tries to make the yellow rare a blue rare but once it is a BLUE rare, it can be exchanged to other "Sets." G12 rares are obtained from upgrading the obtainable G8 rares. The problem we have is not being able to get the ring (Shadow Kirin Eye) and the necklace (Shadow Kirin Blood) from the exchanging. We are able to get all other set items (seems like the rest of the Shadow Kirin pieces come at a LOW rate). EDIT: By set items I mean all blue sets. (Assassin's, Hunter Moon, Star Fragment). More info on set gear is on Fleshmonkey's guide in the General Discussion section
Hi aerostatic, thank you for this clarification! In our testing, we were unable to receive the Blue Set Rares from exchanging Yellow Rares but we will test again with enchanted G12 Rares to confirm. As for the Shadow Kirin Eye and the Shadow Kirin Blood, we don't believe these items are on the exchange table. We have conducted numerous exchanges and the only accessories we were able to obtain are the Star Fragment Ring, and the Star Fragment Necklace. The test conducted was quick and far from thorough so there is a possibility that these items can be exchanged for, but the rate must be incredibly low if this is the case. As of now, we will request some more information from our developers in attempts to clear this situation up.
Thanks for the response. It's probably safe to say that they are not in the exchange table. It's 7m per exchange and I've used more than 300b trying to get them (very much a waste now). That's about 43,000 attempts. The other possibility is PvP drops. I know the other 4 items are droppable in PvP. Can you confirm if the Ring and Necklace are also in that drop table as soon as you hear from the devs? Please keep us updated on this. A lot of players to trying to get these items and are seeking the same answers. Thanks
Just some random things i want from this game: -Welcome Packages for new people (items would have to be untradable so people don't exploit this) -Levelling Rewards (Obtain basic gear enchanted at 60% at certain levels e.g at level 45 you obtain a levelling chest containing 60% rare set and maybe a 999 stack of pills or something. (Another server had an untradable beetle as a reward M1, and a jobul cape or an alternative for level 1's would be nice.) -Shadows? what happened to character / mob shadows lol? i liked them... -PvE War -World boss spawn that provides a clan buff of some type ( -Increase Merits obtained for Students so it's actually worth it. -Outfits in item mall (all of them so there is some diversity). -Bigger outfit wardrobe. (I buy them all haha) -M33 exp reset so we can make M33 and not M32 sitters... (want this more than anything) -Warlord cape / empy cape / cape of the gods (or whatever it will be called here) -spawn events in Proving Grounds / towns (Not just for G12's either M33's to. -Removable of swear filter, it's more of a pointless inconvenience than anything else (an option to un/mask blocked words would be nice) -Mount exp to be grindable (seems like a good idea your end, people will be buying a hell of a lot more Skylord Blessed feed on the item mall) -Mount boxes -Better RP sales / events (current one isn't remotely worth it.) -Open Nangin (Maybe manually set when it opens to help control the balance for fujins.) -Add more items to the daily missions. -As the exp is quite slow imo and the game is mainly about PVP, be generous with exp booster rewards (more sups!) -A better CP weekend Boost, +1 is a bit...Meh -Eventually Titan sets would be nice, they're sexy!