Official TS2C Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by [GM]Neko, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Can do Hannessa, we already have plans for GM events! And, you can expect to see us around in-game and on the forums. :)
    Interesting! Perhaps we could consider launching a Twitch stream from a GM character during wars? That way, players will be able to get some entertainment by viewing the war from a GM's perspective.
    piehole and etfjudas like this.
  2. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Welcome to our Twelve Sky 2 Classic server! I'm new here as well but, I have already noticed that many players have requested more content updates and events. We already have a few events and updates planned for the near future so look forward to it!
    Sorry to hear that you have been struggling with leveling Oeuny. However, we hope that the ongoing bonus rates along with future rates events will help you out a bit. If you have questions about our server, perhaps the following post can help you out a bit:
  3. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Thanks for your thoughts tiribomba24! Information is most certainly a key for a good playing experience within any game. If you look around our site or conduct a search on the internet, you can find a few helpful guides for various elements of the game. However, it is understandable that not all of them are up to date and relevant. Do you have any suggestions on what kind of information we should be providing?
  4. aerostatic

    aerostatic Member

    May 30, 2016
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    I recommend releasing content at a higher frequency. Currently, we get a new patch about twice a year and we exhaust that new content and we get bored with nothing to do.

    Also, it seems with every patch implementation there is always something that goes wrong (see 15% mounts in mount boxes and silver bug).

    We need a higher sense of competency from the game managers in terms of knowledge about the game.
    etfjudas likes this.
  5. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    This is very interesting... It is definitely a good point to note that an EXP system that is based off of PvP combat can result in problems caused by population size. Ideally, we would like to fix this by increasing our player base but perhaps a small amount of Mount EXP during PvM could be possible. Your thoughts have been noted and we plan to review the possibility, benefits, and repercussions of implementing this element into the game. Thank you!
    Fleshmonkey and etfjudas like this.
  6. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    [POLL] Like this comment if you want a PvP Tournament as an Event!
  7. Spymaster

    Spymaster New Member

    May 11, 2016
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    I would like to have English language enforced on public chat in game. There are alot of PH players who only speak in their language instead of doing a personal message to each other. And some of us don't understand although we would love to be able to communicate with each other.
  8. [GM]Neko

    [GM]Neko RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Sorry Spymaster, don't think we will be able to implement such a rule on our servers. Unless there is offensive language involved, we believe players should have the right to speak their native language in a game. Plus, it would be extremely difficult for us to enforce, and, punishing a player for speaking in a foreign language doesn't seem appropriate. But, if you're ever curious about what they're saying, you can always try to ask them!
  9. etfjudas

    etfjudas Active Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    faction change scroll might not be a bad implementation.
    Ovkara and Spymaster like this.
  10. etfjudas

    etfjudas Active Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy b chill, this ain't BlackOrigin. You don't know him like dat... yet... ;)
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
    Fleshmonkey likes this.
  11. MinhChu

    MinhChu Active Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Sell Elites as a Costume :rolleyes::oops:
    christiandummy likes this.
  12. tiribomba24

    tiribomba24 New Member

    Jun 14, 2018
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    i think u need something like :
    1.event level if u want more players on server
    2.For new player something like lvl45 bonus set rare lvl75 or 85 also set rare (that instant when get that lvl)
    3.Some bonus on item shop and also more costume /suit
    4.Also u can added war with mobs
    5.When u grind u can add santa on let say every 300-500 mobs killing 1 santa or more spawned
    6.In war add some good drop with low change on killing enemy
    7.Also on proving ground u can add sme mobs with nice drop on every 2-3h respawn(more pvp then)
    8.Enchant event also will be nice
    Srry for my english but i hope u will understand what i want say
    [GM]Neko likes this.
  13. Spymaster

    Spymaster New Member

    May 11, 2016
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    Yep i understand, however asking them is not a solution since they can't even speak English in most scenarios. Also i disagree about using native language always in "public" because at some point you will ask yourself if you're in the wrong faction or even if this is a PH server instead of a US server. So lets make another example you are trying to join the yang formation or any war event involved with a faction assistant or leader, during the battle they announce stuff in PH language, at some point ur trying to follow but u can't and pm is not option since they are busy attacking. So again is this acceptable? i was thinking of a solution similar to swear filter (in this case language filter). Using the faction assistant powers to announce stuff in PH is acceptable? And yeah faction change scroll might not be a bad implementation indeed however i am only running from my favorite faction of all time just because i can't communicate with anyone else. So i am only running from the problem. Last but not least is this game intended for only PH players or everyone around the world?
  14. KimJoongKhuro

    KimJoongKhuro New Member

    Jul 21, 2018
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    Look, it doesn't matter what is your views are you're going to have to let it go.. Enforcement of the English language is never going to happen and never will happen because that's straight up ignorant that's why you got the swift kick in the sack by the G.M'S response. In the end its up to them if they want to help out in HSB because if they don't they'll enjoy that nega 20% and they be spamming us with the good old "Sir lang Pot?" Sir Lang Silver.?" Or Sir Lang free items?" The Answer will always be the same to them Which is "No." "No." and a "No." The only language everyone can agree on is MONEH so does Red Fox lol because Money talks.

    From yours truly: Imperial Dictator of Guans: KimJongKhuro Rip my 20% Puma
    Luciox11 likes this.
  15. etfjudas

    etfjudas Active Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    Your number 2 is out of the question because this game is designed to be harder than regular ts2 it's supposed to be reminiscent of ts1.
    Your number 6 suggestion has been implemented into the server since it began, basically what you're asking for at this point is for an increase on that drop rate, which again makes the game easier and defeats the point of the initial intent behind the design of it.
  16. Ovkara

    Ovkara Member

    Jul 7, 2018
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    just coming back into the game from a long time ago, its still enjoyable. Some [GM] activity would difinatly be a plus, and interest in listening (and responding) to players is amazing so thank you for that

    I would definatly look into adding g9-12 drops as well as fixing some of the zones that seem to be broken or adding in some new zones entirely?
    GM events such as boss spawns, or ways for non g12 to get into the action more.... usefully? or ways to assist new players other then simple exp boosts (i read a x6 instead of x3, would definatly speed up the process)
    if g9-12 drops turns out to not be an option, at least adding a way to STAY at g8 for farming on an alt would be an interesting idea or allowing g8 gear to drop from g12 mobs (seems like you cant go kill g8 mobs as g12 and get drops)
    anything that might spur more activity for trading or even just existing in saigo would be HUGE, I remember everyone used to go there and no matter what time you went there were shops and people in that area, now there is nothing and no reason
    I have seen the idea of starter or grind gear as potential rewards throughout the level up process, such as 60% enchanted gear for appropriate level, partially leveled pets anything of the sort to encourage new players and help them along the rather intimidating grind to g12 (those wall level are brutal IE. 112-m1 m33-g1, those both take as much time for the 1 level as it did to get to them)
    maybe bring in zone specific events, such as x10 exp or drop rate in SoS or odawa or multi faction pvm zones
  17. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    All these people asking for higher xp like this is ELW.

    Man i would have liked to see you level in Ts1 or Mayn on release :rolleyes:
  18. Ovkara

    Ovkara Member

    Jul 7, 2018
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    I played TS1 til the server closed, and part of me loved the grind, part of me hated the player base that were already above.

    its one thing for a game to be hard to grind, its a completely other issue when you get griefed simply because your not g12 (or m33) because you started playing the game 3 years later then everyone else and everyone has war sitters with 120-150% weapons in every war tier. thats the sad reality to this game and games like it, if you started late and are behind it makes it infinatly more difficult to catch up, especially if there is no one to help along the new comers

    which on that last note, thank you for that amazing beginner guide you put up, it has been a god send getting back into this game
  19. AnthonyBoyle31

    AnthonyBoyle31 Active Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Event ideas

    1. A way to build the player base at the top level is by doing grinding events. I try to do this every now and then but it stops me from being able to do anything to my own character for a good month or so when i hold one, also I only can do this for jins being as I am a Jin. Events like the one I ran a few months ago is a good incentive for players just starting out or struggling around the low g level or m33 mark.

    2. Pvp tournaments
    3. Monster events
    4. Run a pole again for people to vote when the best time for hsb and Labby should be and actually consider the most popular time as for European and American players the time is awful. For example I'm from England and hsb is 4am-7am which is rubbish due to this being best part of the game in my opinion.
    christiandummy and [GM]Neko like this.
  20. AnthonyBoyle31

    AnthonyBoyle31 Active Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Other ideas
    1. Proxy shops in saigo is a must !! Need that place full of trading again also gives more player interaction with other factions.
    2. Mount exp has to be improved wether it's more exp per kill or a certain amount of exp during pvm
    3. Cp boost needs to be on at all times
    4. The maps that should of been released with g12 fixed
    5. An incentive of if you've logged in 7 days in a row get given like 100-200rp. Honestly think this is a great ideas for the players who can't afford rp and keeps people loggin in.
    6. a detailed guide on the dimaonds system
    7. Lower the gap in levels for lower wars and make them different types of wars like hold the centre ring ect
    8. Better rewards for Labby
    9. More events in general as I suggested in a post above
    10. More active (can tell this is already being implemented)
    11. Implement a game sage from each faction and generally take on board their suggestions ect honestly think with even just a few tiny ideas added from your players would grow this game a lot
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2018

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