So as you might noticed allready, since the shutdown from limitless were facing more and more cheater (speed hacks, 120% hacks, hex editor), I do know that some of you got video evidence and i'd like to gather those here, thanks in advance !!
Gabriella sent me very well proof/evidence. I hope you guys developers or the Gm's work this out. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, This is not a small problem in game. THIS IS HUGE.
with all of these evidence , and you still decided to be in silence game being attacked by hacks and yet you guys doing nothing. GM needs to interact with players which you guys are not doing. LAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It would be great if the @GMs acknowledge these issues and find ways to patch 'em up. It's not impossible, hire competent staff for starters! -_-
all they do is update here in forum and let the system reply on our support ticket. They are lacking of everything interacting with players number 1. If you can't interact with em then hire Game Sage to do it for you.
We appreciate the reports but we usually have the support team handle the direct report. We were informed that some of this reports have been taken care of from previous reports. Please send us a support ticket instead whenever you are able to gather some video capture so we the support team are able to communicate directly and review the evidence.
They ain't doin **** about this, they have to ban every single acc which is related to that hacker acc!
Support team have already taken action towards most of the players reported and they also needed to have some evidence to take proper action on some reports. We also informed the support team about the newer reports they might not received directly from support tickets. Please provide them with direct evidence through support ticket so the can also keep it on file for references.
is this not enough evidence? that your security is weak? Hunting em is not easy , we are lucky to have those videos clip. So how many evidence you guys needed? 100? If that so hop on a game and hunt em
Dude if your support system are doing something we don't need to do this. So make an action or are you too lazy to take action?
oh god people , you guys are slow poke. People are complaining yet you guys are sleeping and just gonna reply when y'all got bored?
Yeah, this issue has continued so long that there are several portions of the games economy completely monopolized by hackers/exploiters. Countless people have sent tickets and proof but its still not being addressed. The curious thing is, in most other 12sky servers, and pretty much most MMO games I've ever seen, there is an active GM or support member IN GAME to patrol and watch for this stuff, checking logs and actively resisting any exploiters or hackers. So what about that RedFox. If you do decide to finally take action and patrol/search, here are some areas to look. Island of Blood map, Island of Souls maps 1-6 when bosses spawn (usually dead within seconds of spawn cause of hackers) and Ivy hall. Those areas are usually the targets of these hackers, cause of the financial gain from materials or god pets, which are almost exclusively sold in bulk by their alts. All we are asking is for some basic support for a issue which WILL eventually kill this game. I and many others hope to see better action taken in this aspect from the RedFox team. It really shouldn't be the players responsibility to stop people from taking advantage of YOUR game, but here we are. So at the very least work with us.
We are working closely with the support team and have started to monitor some of the suspicious activity in game already in specify maps. As always we do look at player submitted reports especially reports that included some definitive evidence and specific information in regards to suspicious activity. We cant always catch every player suspicious activity in game at any given time but we are certainly looking in game on certain maps player reported maps as well as actual player reports. We have several players that have been consistently reporting and sending in some proof on some of these suspicious activity, and the support team have already taken some action.
this is interesting , "we cant always catch every player suspicious activity" like you guys don't own the system? Hire more competitive Developer and GM. You guys are so slow in resolving this case , well hire people to do work properly not people who will just sit and code and care for himself only.
So basically when we ask question you will just keep asking question. Like proof of cheater making 120% enchant you know it's impossible, not unless you guys don't know the game .