If you have a Costume equipped on your character and equip a Costume from the Costume Gallery, the effects from the Costume equipped from your Costume Gallery will show.
It`s wrong, damn wrong. Why You guys at RF have so much hate to us - F2P ppl in every aspect of this game? I really can not understand it.
I think i've answered your ticket regarding this issue. But in-case anyone else is unsure, once a deco has been registered to your Costume Gallery, it can no longer be removed or have fabric extracted from it. You can only extract fabrics from: Non-Clan Decos Non-Timed Decos Non-Registered Decos
It was already on there. We just answered the question in-case some people missed it, navigating through the pages.
Could somone be so nice and post a SS of a deco with ability slot? For example L4 deco. It comes with 2 slots and 5 stats, so with this update it`s possible do add 5 stats more, 5+5? Or when registered, this deco is already with 5 ability slots opened, we can not add more but we can change all stats? I would like to know what will happened with this deco stats and slots after adding new ability slots. Unfortunately, what has been published here by [CM]NineArts is largely useless. That's why I'm afraid to do anything with my decos, that were not cheap to me.
in my own experience you loose all stats and slots from decos you register I did it with a clan deco LvL1 to test.. no slots or stats.. just the looks, havent tried with a lvl4 to see if at least effect from deco remains
Well, thats kinda why i ask, only thing a non korean reader can only asume or imagine.. I think someone already pointed out that on Korean server Heavenly Hermit decos are there to be collected and crafted, yes permanent, but i wouldnt add it to gallery tbh Or maybe, if he was pointing out that we have only 5 stats on gallery decos, while the pic shows 8.. My point is: why posting a link like that without at least elaborate on whats his point? what is it that hes trying to say/ point/ argue/ complain / whine/ ask, etc
Seriously this 9d version is awful, LL lvl 4 deco takes 15$ per try. It can fail it's not even 100%. Now this? It is as if RF despises free players and wants them to get out of the game. Disgusting.
Hello GM I registered my lvl 2 deco with 4 slots and i have 30 cons orny in each slot. Once I registered i will lose all that stats ? I can not tell anymore after i registered it . Can you or anyones else comfirm it please . Thanks
The gallery is only for cosmetic, all stats given by the deco is removed. What you can do is dissasemble decos for extra stats. You get 1-2 fabrics per lv1 deco
I wish GM make this clear at the beginning is that registered deco justbfor cosmetics ONLY and all stats will be remove it cost me 1.4 bil to find out .