Question: If the deco that you want to register to gallery has glowing effects, will they still show when using it from costume gallery after registration? Another question: Where can I find cool looking decos that are cheap so I don't lose much after registration, because apparently they get removed all slots / stats and you can't ever remove it from gallery again - therefore it should be good looking but still cheap.
Have you taken a look at the choices from the costume NPC in Hefei? You can make them with the coupons you get from your daily Hefei quest.
question: can u register deco of another clan to gallery? ie. I'm a SF but would like to wear HD deco
Yes you can. Just buy the deco you like, put it into your bags, and go to your Costume Gallery page. At this page, find the deco you want from your bags at the lower right corner. Once you find it, Right Click on it so it appears at the bottom bar where it says Costume Registration & Extraction, and click the Register button. You will need to have opened an empty slot for a new costume beforehand tho. We have a default allocated 5 registered costumes, each that needs gold to open. Once you have hit the max capacity of 5, you will need to buy a Costume Ticket from item mall to add the 6th or more costumes you want.