In this update, you will be able to register Costumes into your Costume Gallery, which can be accessed via F11, where you can change, unequip, and add additional stats to all of your Costumes. Costume Gallery Registration In order to register a Costume into your Costume Gallery, you will need to purchase slots using in-game gold. You can purchase a maximum of 6 Gallery slots using gold, then for slots 7 through 50, you will need to use Costume Slot Ticket, which can be purchased in our Marketplace. To Register a Costume, simply right click on the Costume you wish to register in your inventory. The icon for the selected deco will appear in the Costume Registration and Extraction section. Upon clicking the Register button, you will be asked to confirm registration of your Costume into the Costume Gallery. Keep in mind that once you register a Costume, it will be deleted from your inventory and will be permanently registered. Additionally, timed Costumes cannot be registered to your Costume Gallery. Cost of Costume Gallery Slots Potential Abilities and Extraction In the Costume Gallery system, you will be able to add Potential Abilities, or stats, to your Costume, by clicking on the Fabric icon in the Ability section. Ability slots are ranked 1 - 5 with the first slot being Rank 1, and the last slot being Rank 5. To unlock Ability slots, you will need to use Fabrics, which can be gained through Costume Extraction, by right clicking a Costume in your Inventory and clicking the Extract button in the Costume Registration and Extraction section of your Costume Gallery UI. Keep in mind that Clan, timed, or opposite gender Costumes cannot be entered for Extraction. Fabric Cost for Potential Ability Ranks
You get fabric by extracting them from decos. You can only extract fabric from non-timed, and same gender decos.
1. Evill Assasin Deco is with 4 ability but with 4 slots for ornaments, L4 deco is with 5 ability but with 2 slots So now Evill Deco is better because we can add 5-th and still have 4 orn slots into it? 2. Does it means registered deco can`t be stored?
Lies. You cant extract fabric from clan decos... not even 1 fkin piece of fabric lol You expecting us to destroy decos that we paid 15€ for it? Like assassin deco?? Throwing money into the garbage? I know i throwed my money at redfox and apperently it was worse than throwing it to the garbage...
has any1 tested this sh1t out? we need a table " for the fabric/deco gain " not for what we can do. also, can some1 link a picture of the finished product? or maybe give us a proper guide?
Shabby deco gives 1~2 fabric. You need 30 of them for just 1st stat. Up to 5.5k * 10 leather * 30 decos = 1.65kk just for the leather part, I'm not counting the coupons. Fine deco from old daily gives 1~2 fabric, as well.
Either the thing about the amount of fabrics you get when you break a deco or the cost for changing stats should be changed. Considering the amount of fabrics you can get on a daily basis and the amount you need, add in the fact that you gamble for stats when you change the stats is going to take a serious amount of time or dedication or gold, or all of those togheter to get a decent deco, best stats are pretty much lottery luck rating.
hey cm can you guys check out refine effect not showing through deco? when using costume gallery? also if I have the heavenly white dragon bag deco...the I use the costume gallery to change to something else, Glowing effect not showing either