You know I find it ironic that some players argue with this argument even months ago. The main fact still stands, And I still stand behind it, along with many others playing the game currently. Sure, The game's grind was fun years ago. However we are in 2017. Look at any big title MMORPG. You can reach max level nearly over-night or in a few days. Why is it that we wanna leave the XP gain and this entire game system default as it was many years ago? This includes many many things, The "H" guide. Completely "out-dated. I could re-write and fix that easily. Merit conversion system, Completely garbage. This could be fixed easily with a few simple math calculations. CP gain for low levels, Completely trash. Again a few math calculations. (This will welcome farmers? No. You can prevent that) Text for wars, item descriptions, crafting etc. "Easy text edit fix" XP gain, We are in 2017 no one wants to spend months to reach max level to have fun. They will quit. Chat system, "Prohibited words' We have nudity on by default, Yet we do not have an option to put chat filter off? Stat distribution, For the new players we should put the exact effects of 1 point for each stat added to the character. Once we update the "H" guide, if you decide to listen to us of course. Cash shop, "Everything in the cash shop needs changing" Name change for example, is not a big deal. It shouldn't be an insane price. You can keep track logs of all name-changes made by an account anyway. Quests to avoid coding efforts, You can leave this out. Instead reward new characters with none trade-able gears. There are many more things I'am willing to give suggestions on and or even help with. These are just a few to list. What's my godly suggestion to you @RedFox staff? Open a new server, Recruit some Game Sages, Let us play on that server and give you instant feed-back on the changes that must be made to make the game enjoyable for all. Paid-To-Win-Games are disgusting and die out. Let's not make the same mistakes as others shall we? The game does not need to be paid-to-win in-order for it to be successful, You may ask your self, well what do we know we just play the game? Well some of some of us do more than just play games. And understand programming. And others are casual players, Either or. Having a game that is fun for all is the what you should aim for. And display it as your greatest achievement, and run with it. You either take this great risk or stay on the current path and watch how it turns out. ~ We either make our own path or we follow one set by others, Make your choice. ~
I also forgot to mention, You guys have two cross-hair pointers in game, Should probably remove one it causes un-needed pointer flickering. And if you do not have it in your script, You need to add a script to remove the default desktop pointer.
I agree with everything but the exp rates, and the only thing that's pay to win right now is the PS and PC, that's it
I still stand strong with the XP rates, However as for the PC's we either remove it entirely make it drop only or make the prices low so that players will buy more and it will also be more accessible for free-to-play players. And if you are a F2P that does not mean you cannot invest into the game, That just means you cannot invest as often as others. Also if you are a F2P and you cannot even progress in the game what makes you think they will spend? Trust me, I have already taken both business and player aspects into account. And I do not mean add a higher XP bonus event, I mean actually lower the amount of XP required to level per level, Simple math calculations, we can cut everything by a certain % and done problem fixed in minutes.
Costumes is what will keep this game alive. We can add those to the cash shop some can be $5 others can be more etc. But we "cannot" give them stat bonus's cosmetic display only. RNG is terrible let's face it. Allowing players to purchase mounts/pets and increasing drop rates like I've said on countless efforts. Will make players and in-courage them to spend more or support the game. ( We can leave certain mounts out and allow them to be drop only, While not changing the drop rate.) Thus making certain items rare and others not as much.
you are contradicting yourself by saying we need to not make this game F2P then in the same go saying add this and that to the item mall. Things need to be how they were meant to before Aeria got money hungry and sold everything on the item mall, drop only many games use a RNG system.
Here's a good example ArcheAge a really big game, Had so many players upon launch and shortly after no exaggeration 50%+ of the player-base left due to RNG and p2w aspects. I do not think numbers lie. And no, I will go further into detail once the G.Ms replies. Just because you have a mount in the cash shop does not mean the game will be paid-to-win if that same mount will drop in game fairly frequent. But not so frequent to where players wont purchase it. Simple math calculations and commands dude. It's what programming is all about.
At the moment no, Seem's to be working okay. But for some others they have red bars. So not sure what could be the issue there. If I'am not mistake I believe the servers are located in US West, I'am from US East which is why we need two servers for the two main US locations world-wide.
Also, Meant-To-Be? The game was meant-to-be paid to win, That's why the original developers made everything insanely low drop rates and high XP pools needed in-order to level, Thus making players spend cash on the cash shops.
You cannot make G4 in one week without PS and a 100-200% pet. Anyway, Are you saying that grinding to g4 is fun? Cause if AFK grinding is fun let me know. I don't see people saying "Hey, I had so much fun grinding last night, what about you?" I think people would rather prefer to actually play the game and interact with others in the community. Not afk all day.
The TwelveSky franchise was made and designed for the eastern market, very grindy since it's apparently a big thing over there, as a F2P game it was always going to have a Item Mall, and what is in the item mall currently Is fine. Nothing new needs to be added except maybe costumes, putting in mounts or what ever else you have planned would just put the game in a state exactly like Aeria games where you could come into the game and be maxed inside a week. I agreed with you on the PC's and the Pill prices, the H guide needing to be updated as well but you completely lost me when you stated they should add mounts to the item mall. Sure reduce PC's and add BOGO's to them, but do not go and say they need to add mounts that directly effect the way the game works
Its something that doesnt affect me at the moment but players sure need Lucky upgrade to make 120% its a major thing Mounts are not a big deal atm, if they add 5% mount is fine but 10% and 15% is outminded They need to Fix in game stuff b4 adding new things thts the only problem