I agree, PC prices need to be halved, there needs to be BOGO sales, Lucky Enchant needs to be a thing.
Yeah, We need to bring as much attention to this post as we can. There are many things that must be changed. I do not mind helping out for-free. But the fact remains that we gave out many suggestions months ago, and they were disregarded. And now the same problem exists. It's also really strange to me how CBT mean's closed beta testing which a player must be invited to. and OBT is open beta testing which anyone can join without invite. Yet, our CBT progress was wiped and OBT progress was not wiped when we released on steam?
Like I said many times they need 1 person that understands the game to explain them stuff Some1 like a game sage just to be able to talk to GMs since they never hear what we say, tell them sht like haxs that are going on , no need to be some1 with powers just some1 to pass info im really tired of saying the same old thing over and over again and never getting a reply, either a thank you after all this aint our game we are not winning anything with this we actually lose money =(
I will leave my opinion, i quitted this game 5 mothn ago and came back 4 days ago, and this isnt changed. NO EVENTS, NO GM IN TOWN , European need time changed for events we cant attend any event in game because of the time 5 AM, no yaoguai stone need to be spanned by GM because map cant accesed in Classic.... alot of thing have to be fixed. 1.Noob Pills must be reduced to 1 Silver 2. Events with GM Invasions with US AND EU times 3. EVENTS IN GAME for BOTH EU AND US Time 4.Yaoguai Stone must be spawnned by GM at Yanggok to taking. 5 Weak Faction Must get a BUFF to get new players to play.(LIKE MORE EXP for that Faction) 6.More PVP like Virgin Ghost at Yanggok Valkey like old MAYN AND WSP. 7. Many things thats i dont remember. 8. With Those changed Server will go populated and Company will earn more MONEY. 9. More Updates , More content event , GAME IS BORING. 10. Please GM WAKE UP or ur game will die like ALWAYS. Best Regards MoRieNTeS , Founder of SIEGE.
They really do need to assign a Game/Forum moderator that will have direct contact with the G.Ms. To many things need to be changed man, I've gotten an entire file with all of it. But I just cannot throw blind suggestions any longer.