This noble dragon its definitely doing some kind of glitch or hack there is just no way around it Elite sword 123%+ with wings I think this was posted before he needs more than 1.2b to make this happend this was like 4-5 days after server open Now He is in war with different wings or maybe its a different Noble Dragon but with leet 120%+ too? and a FALCHION 200% he can take a whole faction alone No money in the world can get you where he is why? Cause I can bet not even the whole tiger economy reaches 1.2b between the highest levels while only 1 dragon has more silver or almost more silver than a whole faction and you can't buy wings or seal break scroll with RP Ive been almost 24/7 playing farming and grinding all I got is a rosary Still 195% non stop grinding and you tell me this guy got elite sword drop and Falchion too? Im sure I will see noob Dragons defend him cause he is their ticket to win Holy Stone battle in the future I know this game very well I played many servers trust me ive seen so many great players and none of them could have done this in a month or 2 and this guy does it all in a week or less on a server that its harder to grind and has lower economy
if gm don't ip ban main character and alts for hacks, i guarantee there be more hack items floating in game. this game is doomed to fail if gm's/pm's fail to do their jobs.
I think gm's have done something about xNeko.. He isnt on the hero list anymore.. Maybe they did ban him.. Or he changed name and went incognito
if (i dont' know for sure so i'm not gonna claim it) nelo does hack and change name, and GM "can't" do anything about it, then this server is useless.
GM never did something about that because many posted about that sht hacker Only think what remain here is or is a best frend with this GM who fck everyone or the best hacker in the game and GM cant banned that sht kid
I saw his shop in town about an hour ago, he's still active. Last i saw he had White Tiger Wings. There is another Guan with White Tiger Wings now as well. Don't know if he bought them from Nelo and he's already crafted another pair. But either way, that's still way too much money in the Guan Economy, and way too much money from 1 person. I also saw in chat that someone was selling an m3 elite blade. So that's yet another elite that's dropped for dragons, yet not 1 person and gotten an elite drop in the fujin faction. Jins have only gotten 1 elite so far. Doesn't seem legitimate. GM's need to look into this **** a little faster. It's not hard to look at logs and see when his character acquired the item, and exactly how he got it.
Jins have Jin's 3 leets and Fujins have a few that iv personally seen in war and so far i have only seen 2 leets on dragons + the dude i met today that has a M3 leet so there are a few leets around
I am with you guys on the xNelo hacking part but the GM's are not to blame about fixing the hacks. They await patches from the developer (SGData). Regards, Pharoah
Nelo is still in game. Yes, it is suspicious achieving all this. but without a proof we can't accuse him of anything. i think we need to hear it from the GM's. i hear a lot of people talking about him, but none have ever mentioned that they've seen him actually hacking whatsoever. so yea..
Sad but true they would have to either catch a alt of his hacking that ties it to the same account or His main hacking that or that last one would be finding a hacker that is hacking and trading him everything those are the only way to prove any of it at this current moment
GM can you get this sht ban? or you need to sck more balls till all ppl left this fking game who atm have alot of hacker's if you are so indiferent for that why the **** you open this game? you need more money or what? you get a ticket noob with a video from a guan who make it with all zThe tag on guans how they hack and farm for pets and still no answer why the **** you are so indiferent? because people are idiots and put money on game? that's why or wtf is your problem and you dont fix that? really hope to fking reply on this chat or do something with them dont be so "cute"
If someone could explain to me how he got all those stuff I would play the server But nobody can tell how he got it nobody irl money doesn't cut it and I know players who used 100's USD they are not even close to the silver and achivements this guy has I just need a word from GM's thats all I need