Event [Updated Feb 1] Winter Celebration

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [GM]Foxtrot, Jan 23, 2024.

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  1. [GM]Foxtrot

    [GM]Foxtrot RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Happy New Year everyone! The weather outside is still cold, but that just brings more opportunity for snow. For a limited time, you can collect the letters of the word SNOW to receive a seasonal Snowman box!

    Winter Celebration Event Details:
    • Letters for the word SNOW (S, N, O, W) will randomly drop in both PvP and PvM. Event drop rates are increased compared to previous events.
    • Letters for the word SNOW (S, N, O, W) can also be obtained from the Regular War Box for a limited time. Be sure to relog after participating in the Regular War if you did not get your box.
    • Take all 4 Event Items and combine them at the Blacksmith NPC, using the Manufacture function to create a Snowman.
    • Event items will be discarded after the event ends or when the manufacturing options are removed. Please be sure to use all your collected items throughout the duration of the Event.
    • Event details are subject to change.

    Contains one of the following items
    • CP Charm (S)
    • Platinum Upgrade Stone
    • Bronze Bar
    • Mount Box 15%
    • Autohunt Scroll 1D
    • Black Feather
    • White Feather
    • Golden Feather
    • Mount Box 5%
    • Ancient Platinum
    • Lord Stone
    Two Lord Stones, a Fahrenheit Jade, and 100 CP can be combined at the Beggar NPC to create Overlord Wings.


    Overlord Wings Stats
    • Damage: 80
    • Defense: 80
    • Elemental Damage: 20
    • Elemental Defense: 20
    2024-01-23_111452.jpg 2024-01-23_111504.jpg

    Defeat the Red Dragonoid Boss:


    A strange creature has appeared in the Yanggok Valley, causing bad fortune to any traveler unlucky enough to cross its path. Brave warriors are needed to defeat this foe for the safety of everyone.
    • Red Dragonoid Bosses will have a chance to spawn every day at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00, and 00:00 server time in the Yanggok Valley map.
    • A message will appear on all maps notifying when the Red Dragonoid spawns. Be sure to check the whole map to find the Boss, as it will spawn in different locations.
    • Red Dragonoid will attack as soon as player are near it (aggro).
    • Red Dragonoid will stay on the Yanggok Valley map for 1 hour after the in-game notification appears.
    • A Dragon Treasure may drop when the Red Dragonoid is defeated.
    Dragon Treasure will have a chance to drop the following items:
    • Mount's Spirit
    • Fahrenheit Jade
    • Platinum Upgrade Stone
    • Expansion Pill Box
    • CP pocket
    • Fortune Pouch
    • CP Charm (S)
    • Diamond
    • UpLv Stone (51%)
    • Auto Hunt Scroll (7D)
    • Blue Jade Stone
    • Lucky Drop (S)
    • Gold Bar
    • Silver Bar
    • Proustite
    • Skylord's Holy Feed
    • Lord Stone
    Event items that are not used during the event period will be removed or will be unusable when the manufacturing options are deleted. Please be sure to use all your event items during the Event.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2024
  2. [GM]Foxtrot

    [GM]Foxtrot RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    We are aware of the issue of the SNOW event items disappearing when logging out and are currently working on identifying the cause of this issue. We apologize about any problems this is causing you all and will keep you updated on any information in the near future.
  3. [GM]Foxtrot

    [GM]Foxtrot RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    We have identified the cause of the event item disappearance issue and have applied a fix to the servers. If you are still experiencing this issue, please relog into the game and send us a ticket if your items are still disappearing.
  4. [GM]Foxtrot

    [GM]Foxtrot RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    We will be doing a partial compensation to players who obtained and lost the SNOW event items during server maintenance on February 6, 2024. Due to restrictions of how many items can be held in inventory, it would be impossible for us to return all the missing letters.

    As a result, we will be doing manual distributions of Snowman Boxes during the February Server Maintenance. Depending on the number of missing letters, players will get up to 5 Snowman Boxes added directly to their storages. We request that all players who were affected by this issue to make sure they have at least 5 empty spaces in their Storage before the February 6th Server Maintenance. This notice will also be included in the maintenance post, but our team would appreciate it if you could let your fellow players know about this compensation.

    Since this will be a manual distribution, server maintenance will be scheduled for an extended period of time, and may need to be increased, depending on how the distribution goes. We apologize about the inconvenience this will cause, but ask for your patience in this matter.
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