Hey guys, I need help on where to grind. Im currently M7 and i farm on the last mobs in the bikou cave (however you spell it). the exp seems so low since i see people outlevelling me everyday. Where should i grind? Ps Ive tried solemn grounds but the most i can do are rams because the mobs hit too hard.
I don't remember where i've been grinding exactly at M7, but i think i was at the last map cave, mobs are beasts in white coats with hammers! until i was able to go od1! from there you boost your way to m33 D: and get a better armor! For the people outleveling you, maybe they are using premium service! and sup pills/ exp pills! so don't be hard on yourself.
Farm mercenary guards until m10 then farm serphant crusaders til m14 then farm quake giants in odawa cave first floor until m23 then elephants in odawa cave 2nd floor until m33