Streamlining naming - stop confusing players

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Kaiusa, Nov 28, 2022.


Which version had the best naming?

  1. MAYN

    0 vote(s)
  2. Aeria

    1 vote(s)
  1. Kaiusa

    Kaiusa New Member

    Nov 19, 2022
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    Hello! I've been playing for a couple of weeks, and I've come across a problem at numerous occasions in which the names of items, systems and factions are simply taken from 2 different version of the game. There is the MAYN version and Aeria version of naming. This causes huge issues for new players and probably even experienced players, because things have double meanings and become cryptic, let alone feel boot-leggy and unprofessional (such as Superior Pill being named Awareness Tablet when not in use or Abyssal Strike being in Korean within the hotkey bar).

    It's baffling to me because it's obviously a factor that play's in to scare of new players from taking this version of 12sky2 seriously, having them confused and making them quit the game.

    Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of the new additions to this version within items and the systems, such as auto-hunt, auto recovery, new pets, new mounts and more crafting. That is exactly why I'm writing this post, because I care and want new players to feel welcome and not confused by lots of random names that they can't even find on google (because many are from the now defunct MAYN games version).

    I suggest simply sticking with the Aeria version of the names, as those are what the majority of the community use. Are there any copyright issues at play or just lots of bugs? Because I also noticed that many of the original soundtrack bangers are also non-existant (such as the menu music), which also are an easy way to have newer players hype to log-in and play.

    Thank you kindly for reading my suggestion! I wish for the future of this game to be prospering, more players = more interesting wars, diversity and possibility to have Nangin (Sky clan) in the mix = more income for RedFox.

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