It’s time to announce the winners of our Spread the Word… and You Could Win! rhidik - 1,000 RC imanblast18 - 2,000 RC EarthDragon07 - 2,000 RC YstufeedOh - 2,000 RC dungo666 - 2,500 RC All prizes have been distributed. Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered this contest! We’re looking forward to hosting more in the future.
We're Live! Twelve Sky 2 Classic Open Beta has begun! ..... r u ???? (alive Shinen ?) look how many members were in the beginning and how many are now , why ???? has this game there a future ? May someone cares what happens ? I want to play this game and not only me , do you? Send a message , be with us , show us that you exist ..... i still hope ! PS: if you need help tell us !