Hello Heroes, The servers will undergo maintenance on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 starting at 18:00 server time (6:00 PM PDT). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 1-2 hours. Changes and Updates: Routine Maintenance and Server Check GameGuard update patch Cash Shop Box Rotation Boxes Removed: Heaven Jade(14), Heaven Jade(13), Heaven Jade(16), Boxes Added: Heaven Jade(18), Heaven Jade(17), Heaven Jade(July) Links added to box contents An update patch will be applied to address a game client crash issues. The update will be automatically installed upon launching the game, so make sure that you have your game client up to date. Check if any Windows defender or Anti-virus software is preventing the download of this update. We'll update this post when the maintenance is complete, and servers are available. Thank you for your patience during the upcoming maintenance. Thank you as always. We appreciate your cooperation and support.
since the "maintenance" i dc almost every death can yous do anything right... this server is so lost... you GM are Useless
i think they did nothing so many player reporting problems and none are dealt with but we get routine maintenance that do nothing updates are always bugged and 0% interaction with server or they would notice the PG are disabled bosses disabled events set to wrong lvls hackers do as they please... i feel like even the g/m posting these announcements is just a bot...
its probably just 1 dude in a room full of computers n wires spinning in a circle copy pasting 3year old events into the current period
trying to get stone back while hackers taking it over and over then last few seconds he aoe me for 8m damage
can you put an item list for the boxes youve added? Boxes Added: Heaven Jade(18), Heaven Jade(17), Heaven Jade(July)
GM'S what is in the July box? We all thinking it Wargod, yet not a single person has seen what is in it. We've tried some but yet to get a wargod. So post what is actually in it
por favor, resolvam o bug de morrer na arena e desconectar, na arena R0- R6 fica muito pior, tem novos jogadores chegando, vamos formar uma boa comunicação entre os GM, estou jogando a 6 meses e não vejo nenhum GM. Mais Moderadores no game precisamos disso.