Maintenance Server Maintenance: 09/28/22 at 18:30 PDT [COMPLETE]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by [GM]Ryu, Sep 28, 2022.

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  1. [GM]Ryu

    [GM]Ryu RedFox Games Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    Hello Heroes,

    The servers will undergo maintenance on Wednesday (today), September 28, 2022 starting at 18:30 server time (6:30PM PDT). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 30mins to 1 hour

    Changes and Updates:
    • Routine Maintenance and Server Check.
    • Fix Fahrenheit Jade Event Item to be used on previously Beggar NPC > Craft Menus
    • Fix the Guardian Pets Beggar NPC > Add Ability Menu
    • Fix the Black Apostle and White Apostle Costumes as tradable items.
    We'll update this post when the maintenance is complete, and servers are available. Thank you for your patience during the upcoming maintenance.
  2. [GM]Ryu

    [GM]Ryu RedFox Games Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    The Server Maintenance is now complete. Players can log back in game now. Thank you for your patience we tested recent errors from the update and has now been fixed.
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