This is not a good managed game!! Where are you guyz? Why u dont answer to our questions, tickets, why u dont listen what players say??? Where are the updates??? Are u Serious with this game?
Its a ********... Drop rate is down, no leets, no pets, no drop, nothing!! ******** AND WE PLAY IT LIKE FOOLS!!! WE WAIT FOR NOTHING, DO SOMETHING IM BORED TO BEG FOR CHANGES!!!!!
Guys today is saturday, G/M is not working during weekends. They need breaks too, they are human beings just like you and me. Relax, seriously take a chill pill and 420 until you can't see straight.
What is it that you expect? leets and pet drops everyday? if it was that common it wouldnt be elite 0,0 i think the drop rate is just fine! get used to it....
Lol talking without know.... Im grinding 24/7 on 1 computer 1 notebook just rare not even 1 pet not even skills wtf are we talking here!! And yes its saturday but i have tickets from 7,8 days......
the rare drop rate is fine. but the elite... i dont know. i think they lowered that rate due to autohunt... Because I can't find another explanation on why do pets and elites drop so rare even though there are lots of people grinding nonstop. Like, for real
I dropped a lot of pets at a server with a super shitty pet drop rate at beast masters. like 1 or 2 pets at goblins (odawa cave 2) too, hope that helps