here's and idea for you gm's how about a web mall with some tiered events .. I think people would like that better and would promote the game more.... and I wouldn't jump the gun making god mode's yet. there is a lot of things that's not even implemented in the game like the legacy cape and a few other things that should come before making the god levels just saying as I am someone who has been playing 12sky and 12sky2 for many years ... something to think about
there is another problem with the pieces they need to be made where they can be sold to npc so they are not clogging up storage being they cant be sold or dropped ty
Shinnen can something be done about Proving grounds? I have already lots of pieces 1 2 and 3 however cant manage to find 1 single of the 4th because no1 goes to proving grounds Is it possible to activate x3-5 cp and x2 drop, spawn some m33 bosses like goblinkin chieftrain/ hulk and buddha ,maybe give 10 hero points to who acquire PG middle or maybe find a new method to acquire piece(4) like make it available to drop on yanggok and faction maps while invading, we need something to call ppl there since its a dead map most of the time. Wars, Holy Stone Battle and PVE is a must do so we do it more often, but pg is not so much usefull. Also sometimes we kill people on Proving Grounds and nothing happens why is that ?
Waiting for this event to be paid out! So the players that play this since beggining recieve no respect for supporting this company?