Sooo lies all lies just give me back my item that's all wolf 10% and gtw 99% jins i know you are friend of randall icarus .
I don't have a 10% wolf or any wolf for that matter, why would I want a crit mount when I have a 150 elite ring? The only 99 gtws I own are fujin and I made them from clean. So no idea what that's about. The only thing I got off randall was a 15% bull, in exchange for my 150 g8 elite blade, 99 g8 elite ring and my 99 guan bdws.
hmmmm -- GM loves us , we they not why we stiLL playin this game? bcoz the game is ALIVE even players quit ..
Im guessing its still not over.. lol I haven't logged in a week + had to re-download it just to keep posting on forums because I'm still interested in watching it play out. No popcorn needed. Hold on hold on whats going on here.. oh! two Guans just killing each other? Proceed!