Event Blood of Iron: Chapter 2

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [CM]NineArts, Oct 3, 2023.

  1. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    In this second installment of the Blood of Iron saga, we rejoin Gong Jiamu and Yiqian Li in their journey through the North Sea. Unravel the mysteries of their quest to the North Sea and the secrets behind the Icy Palace. While under the constant pursuit of the Black Dragons Clan, the task is fraught with peril. But with great risks comes even greater rewards.

    Blood of Iron Buff
    Continue your journey into the North Sea with the Blood of Iron buff. The following bonuses will run for the event period's duration.
    • Maximum Life/Vital Energy increase by 10000
    • 10/1000 of Damage absorbed into Life
    • 10/1000 of Damage absorbed into Vital Energy
    • Increases Exp gain by 20%
    The Blood of Iron Buff lasts for 180 minutes. Once it expires, you can relog to receive it again.

    Blood of Iron: Chapter 2 Questline
    Upon finishing the Blood of Iron: Chapter 1 quest line, Wan Daye will contact you to meet with Gong Jiamu and Yiqian Li after their arrival in the North Sea. Following their lead, with the aid of the North Sea citizens, it is your task to investigate the newly controlled Icy Palace, and the secrets hidden behind its well fortified walls. Through this journey, you will find that violence is not always the answer, and sometimes you could use a helping hand in a dire situation.

    Gong Jiamu.JPG

    Upon completing this quest line, you will be rewarded with a Peerless Under Heaven (30 Days) Epithet Scroll for your efforts.

    Peerless Under Heaven.png

    Blood of Iron: Chapter 2 Weekly Quest
    After you have completed the Road to Karma Blood of Iron: Ch 2 Quest Line, you will be able to accept the Heroic Reinvestigation of the North Sea Icy Palace (Weekly) Quest from the Third Princess of North Sea, Snowland, to obtain Intricate Icy Palace Secret Keys to enter the True Icy Palace Secret Passage Dungeon.

    Third Princess Snowland.JPG

    Intricate Icy Palace Secret Key Dungeon
    With the passes obtained from the weekly quest, you will be able to enter the true version of the Icy Palace Secret Passage Dungeon. Upon completion of this dungeon, you will receive relics, consumables, and valuable materials, some of which can be used to create event items, that are only available for a limited time.

    • Black Dragon North Sea Area: Faded Pure Ice Fragment Box
    • Black Dragon North Sea Area: Support Box
    • Black Dragon North Sea Area: Accessory Box

    Black Dragon North Sea Area: Faded Ice Essence Box contains one of the following items.
    • Faded Ice Essence (1~30)

    Black Dragon North Sea Area: Support Box contains one of the following items.
    • Yellow Dragon Jade
    • Mystic Silk
    • Pure Evil Blood Pill
    • Incarnation Aura of Buddha
    • Tender Stone of Nine Divines
    • Chulmok's Incomplete Cabinet
    • Sapphire Stone Shard
    • Abandoned Luggage
    • Wooden Plate Shard
    • Sealed Bead (Excellence)
    • Huatuo's Panacea
    • Option Switch Rune
    • Option Add Rune

    Black Dragon North Sea Area: Accessory Box contains one of the following items.
    • Black Dragon Orb
    • Black Dragon Scale Bracelet
    • North Sea Ice Essence
    Black Dragon Orb.png
    Black Dragon Scale Bracelet.png

    Seo Hwarang Resource List

    Seo Hwarang Resource.png

    Radiant North Sea Ice Essence Box contains one of the following items.
    • Icy Palace Secret Treasure Key
    • Faded Ice Essence (1~30)

    Jeoksam Create List
    Jeoksam Create.png

    Icy Palace Secret Treasure Key Dungeon
    The Icy Palace Secret Treasure Key allows you to enter a special dungeon where you can obtain valuable items with little effort. After entering the dungeon, you only need to open the treasure chest to obtain the reward items, and escape the dungeon.

    • Peerless Under Heaven Epithet Scroll
    • Black Dragon North Sea Area: Officer Accessory Box
    Peerless Under Heaven Perm.png

    Black Dragon North Sea Area: Officer Accessory Box contains one of the following items.
    • [Ice Crystal] Black Dragon Orb
    • [Ice Crystal] Black Dragon Scale Bracelet
    • [Ice Crystal] Lucky Silk Handkerchief

    Marketplace Item: Blue Splendor Stones
    From now until further notice, you'll be able to purchase Blue Splendor Stones from the Marketplace!

    Sale Items:
    • Blue Splendor Stone
    • Blue Splendor Stone (11)
    • Blue Splendor Stone (33)
    • Blue Splendor Stone (55)
    Properties: Can Trade, Cannot Sell, Can Store, and Cannot Discard

    Event Notice:
    • The event begins on October 3, 2023, after maintenance, and will run until October 31, 2023 before maintenance.
    • Any accounts found abusing the event will be permanently banned.
    • Reward items are obtained at a fixed probability -- there is no guarantee that you will get them.
    • The event schedule and details are subject to change without notice or compensation.
    • Click the [?] icon at the top-right corner to open the Resource and Create window.
    • Place your cursor over the magnifying glass to check the properties of an item.
    • Event items and Resource lists will be deleted from the game. Be certain to use/open them by October 31st's maintenance.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
  2. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    Hi,Redfox team, as I observed event,is obvious ice crystal relics cannot be obtained by farming only( is a limited 20 entrance in an event dungeon with a maximum of 600 faded ice essences possibility to be obtain)with 1000 faded essences required to create this relics!
    This means for players who are not using cash shops( because sanctions or under age limit) is not possible to do it! Why you don't make atlaste faded ice essences tradable or storable,so they can try to farm it with 3 chars and make it,or sell what they got instead?
  3. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    Or make event dungeon be able to do as party of 2-4 players atlaste!
  4. Teox1980

    Teox1980 New Member

    Nov 2, 2017
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    it is impossible for warrior chars!!
  5. ConChimCu

    ConChimCu New Member

    Aug 22, 2023
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    Blood of iron chap 2 is bugged on me.. yiquian Li not pop on the map. I tried gave up and relog it’s doesn’t work either. Plz fix
  6. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    It's still going to be impossible without making the dungeon more than 1x a week. Not all players can afford the outrageous prices that other players will sell items for. I understand making $ is a part of any business, but this is ridiculous! I spend, but I am not about to drop another $500+ to try and make something.

    I came back to have fun, how did i forget that your so $ hungry and not give a dam about the casual to free2play players.

    Hell its bad enough we are getting 1st shot in KL, HN and QD as we try and grind. PvP is not fun at all now days. I can hold my own most days, but the fact that anyone that cant afford to Pay2Win or farm 24/7 dont stand a chance and will log out and walk away faster that they created their chars.

    IDK why I am even posting, RF dont care and wont do anything about the situation.
    7hech0isen0ne and Hennesy like this.
  7. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    I am totaly agree,mate,Redfox have to start more balance events! If they don't know how to do,we can give them tips to how make it! If they wanna listen, ofcorse!
    Iron blood part 1 was very good,because was nothing special to create,but with branches most prices go down,almost all players was able to got glacial +18 ,top players made alot money,new players got 30 days good enough gear to play almost everywhere in game for 30 days,so they can see,understand and decide are they want to keep going!
    This event put us back again in pay2win time,where only 10% of players are able to get something and rule the market( including me)!
  8. SlowSkipper86

    SlowSkipper86 Active Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Impossible dungeon even for a guy with good gear. Stuck at stage 4 of Chapter 2 quest where i have to kill some bosses in dung. I reach in last room with 4 stages of mobs and i cant kill the last one cause it gives me 5 mins to clear the room and it takes me 4 mins to kill 1 mob .
  9. OrzsnO

    OrzsnO New Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    You need to wait for the conversation behind the door

    Attached Files:

  10. kashey2012

    kashey2012 Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    I went through the dungeon quest 10 times!
  11. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    The dungeon can be entered 5 times a week per character (15 passes). But the quest to obtain passes is weekly.
  12. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Did you accept the windgram?
  13. SteelBird

    SteelBird New Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    Hello GM
    In Canada this weekend its thanksgiving im hoping you could add a 3x Golden Event to celebrate
  14. ASFR1

    ASFR1 New Member

    May 15, 2016
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    Same problem for my warrior. Event if i "giveup the quest" and accept the windgram , the NPC do not spawn
  15. no1care

    no1care New Member

    Oct 5, 2023
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    how you clean all mobs and boss
    why this quest is not finish ?
    what i need to do for finish ?
    2023October06 11-37-03.jpg
  16. Michael2021

    Michael2021 New Member

    Oct 26, 2021
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    You are doing the dungeon wrong, watch this video, they will tell you how to pass it

  17. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    This video is for Red passes,wich you take after you finish quests,is not the same as quests dungeon !
  18. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    I have same issue with 1 of my chars,I did dungeon 7 times and suicked at same place: after I kill 2nd boss and go to the last room ,npc there do not show next quest,wich means after you kill the 2nd boss something gets wrong! I try 2 times without removing-same ,but when I relog,it reset quests and all from beginning!
    On other 2 chars I had to enter just 2 times! Idk it is because numbers of quests or is a some ather bug,I send ticket to RF support to have a look! Also after you finish quests ,quest items remains and cannot be deleted!
  19. OrzsnO

    OrzsnO New Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    as i said,
    Wait until he prompts
    boss No need to kill,
    Just decoration
  20. Michael2021

    Michael2021 New Member

    Oct 26, 2021
    Likes Received:
    there is

    no1care likes this.

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