How many people hate Echalon?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chaos, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. 1bearcats2

    1bearcats2 New Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Btw the game wasn't designed this way, it was designed w/the blue buff, which is currently broken , so in essence you are EXPLOITING the situation. Like the speed limit sign that's knocked over, you've taken the attitude , there must not be any limit, then attempt to seem innocent by using the excuse "well everybody else is doin it"Driving ppl to bankruptcy by using the warrant system isn't an answer either when pk'd 8 times in 30 min & camping to prevent 2nd role questing is just greifing. I like pvp, but there are many that don't & I'm willing to accept pvp as side content (because of lack of restraint or denile by some pvprs) the server should only open as pve so as to keep as many ppl as possible. Those only into pvp will come back when it's working.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
  2. Avluela

    Avluela New Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I don't hate Echelon at all. Lots of love to my league mates and all others playing this game. I don't kill anyone because I'm not into pvp but my league mates do it and I take grief for it but that's fine. I'm happy with the inner mechanics of the league and all the support and fun we have.

    tankundercover likes this.
  3. iDropBombs

    iDropBombs Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jamie gonna get pked lol
  4. Alamareth

    Alamareth New Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    My personal experience are that some of these players are the most arrogant asshats I've met in games in a long time.
    On the other hand, some of their players are absolutely wonderful people to talk to and play with.

    My only conclusion is that the guild is somewhat to fairly active and well enough run to attract trolls who only want to use that power to kill people lower than them. Not a good type of member to have since they aren't reliable. Anyway, Blitz could fix it but he obviously doesn't care what you, me, or anyone else thinks about it. That's his prerogative. Karma will eventually come his way.
  5. Darkfiregoth

    Darkfiregoth Member

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Karma comes his way all the time, GK from Whites, BK from Blacks.
    tankundercover likes this.
  6. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    The league has had some teething issues and I am trying to resolve them but there are issues with preference clashes as everyone in the league has come from other leagues and have their own perception on what our league should be doing and the direction it should be going in. To constantly iterate that we are the only ones killing people lower than us just means you're just making assumptions. My league like other leagues have all killed players lower than ourselves but equally so has leagues Amicittia (now 9dragons) and Legends.

    Dinovic spent the majority of his/her Saturday night killing people trying to finish their quests so we resolved that situation. Everyone is quick to accuse our league of being the predominant problem but we are not the main cause of people leaving.

    I have respect for anyone that politely gives their opinions and criticisms but stop tarnishing us as a bad league, we are only doing what needs to be done because nobody else wants to do it.
  7. Alamareth

    Alamareth New Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    I said no such thing. I said that was my personal experience and it's true. Your guild accounts for about 80% of my PK deaths and all of them were in situations where I had truly no chance. Incidentally, your guild is also the only one with players that react wildly to any sort of "fair" fight. Don't take this to mean that I think any surprise attack is invalid. But I do think having to fight someone 2 tiers over you is pretty cowardly. That said, I've met plenty of kind and otherwise fair individuals in Echelon too. It's a mixed bag but it appears biased in that most of my negative game experiences are largely Echelon.

    I also had to deal with a quest troll, intentionally screwing up a quest in Datong. Guess what? Also Echelon. What other conclusions am I supposed to draw from all of this?

    I get the problem, I've been a guild leader of very big guilds in the past. It's tough to create the proper community, but unfortunately for you - what you say in the forums really doesn't matter if it doesn't reflect back in the game. Good luck with executing whatever you are trying to achieve. It really is pretty hard.
  8. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    I just find it pretty ridiculous that so many people have a negative connotation of us but never seem to be able to provide tangible proof of so many deaths. If you have a complaint about my league, why don't you just message me rather than have this public lynching thread about us.

    It seems like you all want to help spread this animosity without even discussing it first.
  9. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Just to weigh in cause I am nosey and bored. Being in a strong league is fun and so far congrats to Blitz and Lemon and all the other current "big names" for achieving that so far. One thing that people might want to get a grasp of is that I am betting most people in this **** measuring contest ( or she-**** for the ladies) don't actually know who the hell the people in their leagues are. Many leagues have gotten big quickly and then get demolished cause they haven't developed any friendships within the league or a good chunk of the members have different ideals than the rest and form a completely different style of league altogether. Whole lot of boasting going when a large portion of the player base isn't geared or even 2nd role yet.
    Not saying this will happen but burning bridges right out of the gate might not work the way you expect.
    Blitzcronk likes this.
  10. bLoodMoon

    bLoodMoon New Member

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Too many big egos in there... kids can't take down too many s.w.a.g
    A bounch of gays also :D
  11. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    We have our bands: Echelon, Solaris, Aeon, Ascension and Odyssey. The league grew to maximum size in less than an hour, we still have 40 members in each league but we are going to be purging the inactive ones. We have actively kicked or removed players that have been a problem. The semantics and structure of the league exist but we still have to work on guidelines and have people follow them. It isn't that easy controlling 200 people and having new people come/go every day.

    We are a target to people because regardless what the response is, we are a direct threat. It is very difficult to maintain order and formality in any league and I hope people at least appreciate where I am coming from with this.
  12. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Exactly, a lot of people are going full rage this early. Lets see what leagues end up doing what for a bit before we brand leagues. I was in BiA in gc and contrary to popular belief we had some pve people that couldn't care less about wars and stuff. But at the same time not everyone is like that. People will find what suits them eventually and some will be more of an obstacle then others. I need to sleep I am thinking to much.
  13. yougetsnada

    yougetsnada Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    before I joined jasmine I started in Echelon, unless your high level they don't really answer you, but other than that its an active, clean and fair league. you hate them because they have numbers and levels, that just makes you a hater.
  14. Ciuma13

    Ciuma13 New Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    My opinion pvp is ussles in this game why do you even pvp for karma epy you dont ahve any plates karma relic and on high lvl all relic is no req karma . I dont pvp for "fun" becous i dont like to be hated i prefer to be loved by all then hated by many and loved by few. I was Amicitia (the league was remake) and becous our master was fc and pk everyone thats not mean all member from amicitia pk i was grind side by side with Wicked and i respect ppl wich ar not kids and understand first comes lvl,gear then at cap lvl come pvp becous u dont have nothing alse to do . If Echalon is so powerfull as thei think why u dont make sonething with that power and keep things balanced be organised protect you black ppl from cc ...the war should be black vs white or viceversa but sience acclaim when white ppl start allie with blacks or viceversa thei ruin the pvp fun .

    A good PVP league back then was NM and SR and by good i mean organsie no random Pk or ull get kicked.
    So on side note i like do pvp if i get reward Like in SVS
  15. Alys2

    Alys2 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    why hate any league? all welcome in game, have fun! the person u kill could be the 1 to help ya
  16. Zukee

    Zukee Active Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Yes SR was a good league tho give them props.

    TayTay killed me when i was fd nuker and tay was high gb and said"haha".Now my nuker fc10 and tay ec i killed tay 3times in a row with 2 nukes and i said"hahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahah noob".

    Happy endings.
    tankundercover and Blitzcronk like this.
  17. Redmi433

    Redmi433 New Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    To Echelon and all others,

    Let me make some things very clear about Amicitia ..

    1. The league name is Amicitia, not Amitta or whatever else spelling error you choose to put in.

    2. If you know Amicitia since the old days, you would know, they were NEVER a pk league, and it was their biggest mistake taking in random azzhats into the league, who chose to pk low level members.
    Amicitia is and never was a RANDOM pk league, and this has been resolved now.

    The azzhats have left and formed their own league named 9dragons.

    Amicitia was formed, and named such in the spirit of family, and friendship. It was reformed from the original Ghostfamily League.

    At Amicitia, the goal of play is to have peace, help anyone in need, and be civil.

    I hope this clears the air, and I wish Amicitia all the best now that the toxic members have left.

    Genocide League.
    IrisuKyouko, Blitzcronk and sain like this.
  18. Vrangsinn

    Vrangsinn Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    That's my only complaint :< That, and I got a little miffed at Blitz over quest mob, but he said it wasn't intentional and I got over it because I'm too old to worry so much over a game, especially this one :p

    I first started playing this game on Asura, so it's not a far stretch for me to have to grind looking over my shoulder. I don't like it; I'd prefer to be able to grind in peace then visit bp/cc if I have bloodlust. But whatever will be, will be.

    It's already been said, but I think it bears repeating: This thread is a mite aggressive and unnecessary. One week into fresh game.... A little debate and hot discussion is going to happen, but be civilised ffs lol
    tankundercover and sain like this.
  19. AncientShifter

    AncientShifter New Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    My only complain would be this one... since one of your members try to PK me... and fail... surely enough i get 4 others to come and finish me.... precisely where i was at.... now you said that is collateral damage because of your feud with other leagues?

    I did was i was suppose to during CBT and OBT... not just ruin quests for others and just being plain pain where the sun doesnt shine....

    But beyond that... ill PK when someone tries to PK me... im just in the game to hang out with friends
  20. Tiani

    Tiani Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    **** this echelon league, bunch of noobs man, just pk low lvl, and campers, gank 5v1 always, SMH man **** this league........

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