My Theory on the Re-using of Scrolls

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Maomi, Apr 19, 2019.

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  1. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    same i stopped spending all my salary on this game which is i quit along ago. but its not enough because some idiot still feed nimonix like damn idiot.

    Also everyone dont wanna quit because they love some idiot here.
    doston8 likes this.
  2. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    metatron items *or majority of boxed items* - Hobbies cost money and so do "free" games, get a job or dont buy them
    trash servers - Wouldnt be a problem if people wouldnt ddos them
    p2p servers - Isnt an issue in GemFighter because people there dont commit cyber terrorism over an online dispute so it wont be changed
    randomly falling through map on moon (slightly rare occurrence but it does happen nonetheless) - Happens in every fallout game go cry me a river
    levi jump - Doesnt happen when people have a good connection get better net
    disconnecting 24/7 (esc = disconnect, frequent random disconnects in 2 player rooms, typing in loading screen disconnects, sometimes the whole room just disconnects) - Probably a personal issue bc the ONLY time I DC is when Rooftop comes up on random but even then this game takes 20 seconds to relaunch this game cry me another river. Dont like getting DC'd for typing then dont type when youre Loading Stage seems like common sense.
    stupid censor - cry me a papayaing river
    no competent updates - Free boxes and RC scrolls in the shop as carats that can formula into a higher cost RC item making it so F2P players can get what would otherwise be an RC item. "No competent updates"
    No NEW carat items - RE scrolls can be obtained purely thru carats, we get a new SE scroll every year and Full-Impact was the first carat rare as opposed to a regular box.
    no new clothing - They do make new clothing but its just boxed bc they want to give it stats people would actually wanna go for.
    recycled animations - Every fighting game does this, its called building synergy between related fighting styles i.e. Ryu and Ken have the same moves, Guile and Charlie have the same moves. Cry me a river.
    levelling system is pointless and rewardless - Only after level 25 then it becomes a Time Played tracker which is all it should ever really be. "Power levels are meaningless".
    first load - Every game has a first load delay.
    no frequent events - We get 1-2 events per week minimum...
    bonus presents are useless (golden tickets and the rates that box on getting a ticket is atrocious and all the scrolls are easily obtainable) - THIS is a something that does need to be addressed considering portions of the Former Top10 scrolls are in the shop as carats now.
    daily box rewards are boring - What more would you want for them to give? I like free carats, scrolls and medals which usually turn into more free scrolls.
    p2w - Get good I see Mewtwo/DSKxMonkey crush people on his f2p acc all the time.
    lots of really underused scrolls are still RC for some reason - I agree scrolls that have no defining factor like Liberty/Vale/Muhons etc needs to be addressed and Ive already posted about it in my RF Remastered thread.
    lag - 100% player-sided issue
    repetitive bossmodes - Welcome to PvE in online games.
    recycled bossmodes - Theyre rotating the rewards in/out instead of making a whole stage for 1 scroll. Work smarter not harder.
    single player bossmoding doesn't give chests - Removed due to exploits
    enchanting has worst rates - Worse rates how? Just because the +% Sucess event ended? e.o.;
    clans are dead - 100% player-sided issue.
    5 day wait for gifting - People abusing the system are why we cant have nice things i.e. testing shop scrolls.
    window mode isn't 1080p in lobby (takes up like 1 quarter of my screen) - Slight inconvenience that might break something else by trying to fix it.
    game stutters quite often for some reason (and i can assure you it is not my PC's fault. It would be stupid to think so) - I experience no stutters and I play this game on a potato atm.
    trash launcher - I mean kinda yea but its just a launcher
    outdated UI - Also posted about this last month in my RF Remastered thread.
    plaza still exists - Id say kill it with fire but it's already come this far >.>; and the community wanted it. Id like to see it salvaged if possible.
    earning carat is cancer af - Its beyond easy if you do daily quests which drop coupons and silver brits.
    spenders usually got recycled items - Its called an Item Rotation because some people need one thing and some people are missing other things.

    Ill give you this my dude you actually said some **** that needs addressing unlike some other people I know.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    doston8 likes this.
  3. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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  4. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    There are more ways of getting money than getting boxed content. They could do a good job with spenders but sadly they like giving us shítty spenders so there is no reason to not hate on them.

    The servers are pretty pathetic. It struggles to maintain the handful of people online

    P2P servers, I obviously wouldn't want my IP exposed for others to see. Why you defend this one is beyond me but anyhow

    Randomly falling through maps? Never had this one occur in any game I've played, and stop comparing this game to others. Compare it to what it is and previous updates of this game which may be difficult for this game

    Levi jump happens with lag?, It is pretty much constant or at higher speeds and I can record if you really dont believe me though

    Disconnecting happens all the time. Explain why sometimes half the lobby randomly disconnects? Why do i disconnect when I press escape, what if the other person types in loading screen?, What does my internet have anything to do with my game just coming off with no reason and same case happening with the other person in the room? What about the disconnects in shop? Most definitely not a personal issue but one that a lot of the people have. You are obviously trying to block out all the main points so this game doesn't look like shít because you really want it to fit in with the nostalgia of this game that u had like 10 years ago

    First load in a game like this? I've never heard of a game EVER have such long loads on such small maps. I can load a map in csgo faster than I can in rumble fighter. Don't give me the excuse that every game has a first load when this game's first load is fúcking atrocious., Most definitely not my PC's fault

    Daily box? I most definitely do not need over 4000 turtle shells or angel wings. Stop giving us useless rewards and replace them with something else. Also, change the animation for opening the daily boxes cuz that one is kinda laggy. I can't spam open it like the rest of the other boxes in this game

    P2W, Not everyone enjoys playing with the same, boring scrolls all the time. What do you want me to do with mao gong against a guy with sage master black? Not everyone has the time to invest time to be skilled at this game like he is

    Lag is nonetheless a problem which could have been aided with the support of redfox but they clearly neglect us

    Repititive bossmodes? I don't understand why you still compare this to others, but you do you. It is repetitive and boring nonetheless so that doesn't change anything making that statement

    Recycled bossmodes? You misunderstood me. I wanted to imply that they just release the same monsters for each bossmode. Also, why should someone that already has this certain scroll/exo or w/e wait another month till the next bossmode comes? What do you expect him to do, wait patiently? We would have no idea which bossmode comes when either.They could just have all of them released at the same time which would benefit us all. The rewards in the boxes are very boring and annoying to earn. No one wants those fúcking DARKSTOMPERS for 3 days.

    Singleplayer bossmodes, it got removed due to LAZINESS instead of fixing the underlying issue of the exploit but hey, our fault they can't be bothered to fix it right?

    Enchanting has the worst rates. I managed to waste 27 lessers and only got to +5 on a gem ONCE. explain?

    Our fault that clans are dead? No, redfox and nimonix neglected it entirely. They could release clan events and tournaments to help revive it but that's our fault, right?

    The time we need to wait to gift doesn't have to be 5 days, it is extremely inconvenient.

    Game stuttering is definitely not my fault, as seen from here.

    Launcher defo needs some tweaking or a complete revamp, launcher RE boxed?

    Earning carats is not easy. Aside from spamming bossmode, it is pretty much impossible to get a lot of carat quickly. Daily boxes are unreliable for a source of carats

    Censor, extremely annoying. I can't say "this exo" without it censoring and I say it quite frequently in game

    As for the events, Our last event ended like over a week ago and since then, I've had nothing to do. The events we get have rehashed rewards and are extremely competitive. Spenders are trash. Since when did ANYONE EVER want a devilish aura? PHOENIX WINGS? SERIOUSLY? black dragon for 100k carat? You are kidding yourself. You are confusing yourself. Quantity does not equate to quality even when quantity is poor

    Also on the note of recycling scrolls, Are you fúcking serious? You are seriously comparing ONE game that has two people doing the same attack to pretty much EVERY scroll in this game being in atleast 5 other scrolls. They don't create new animations because there is only a limited number of ways to throw a punch, its because they are LAZY. Also, on spike, why do they just use combat taekkyon's blue effects on it? They couldn't create like a new time of effect or I'm sure theres only a limited amount of effects to create for that as well isn't there

    Rotation for spenders? Don't give me that. It removed all exclusivity of an item. I can understand releasing something that is quite old and only a few ppl have as a top prize in a spenders.
    Spenders are trash anyways Since when did ANYONE EVER want a devilish aura? PHOENIX WINGS? SERIOUSLY? black dragon for 100k carat? You are kidding yourself. You are confusing yourself. Quantity does not equate to quality even when quantity is poor

    It seems to me that you are ignoring all the problems that you've been told and even if you do acknowledge something, you twist it and make it seem acceptable which the MAJORITY of the players don't agree with. Why you defend redfox is beyond me. The only reason I enjoy this game is due to the core gameplay of the game. All these things are frustrating which may lead me and many others to quit this game.

    I'm not sure how you haven't realised this but what these guys do to create new "content" is rehash old content and cover it up as "new".

    Sorry, but I can't agree with anything you say apart from the problems you've acknowledged as an actual issue because these are problems I FACE, whether it be due to players (only as long as there is a possibility of getting an actual FIX for these problems)
    Sakura321 likes this.
  5. Drevius

    Drevius Comic Book Creator & Clean Up Crew

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I mean...Nimonix sucks.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  6. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I stopped reading after you doubled down on saying player-sided lag is something RedFox should be fixing and not the players themselves who have garbage net lol like what is personal responsibility? You see I dont hate boxes because I have a job to support my hobbies.
    doston8 likes this.
  7. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    You just proved my point. You clearly love having their dícks in your face because you are blocking out the truth so that you can protect the fantasy of redfox EVER being good host. You ask for reasons as to what this game needs fixing and when presented with a valid reason/argument, you decide to evade rather than agreeing/disagreeing. Your pride has been hurt because I literally told you only SOME of the things which need to be addressed which you don't like am I right? Oh well, it's not like we care because you clearly aren't of any use to anyone other than paying for the staff's salaries.
    Sakura321 likes this.
  8. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    This is you right now


    Imma go buy some RC because I have a job to support my hobbies :cool: Have fun crying your broke tired ass out
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
    doston8 likes this.
  9. sheeran

    sheeran Clean Up Crew

    May 17, 2017
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    All of these Scroll remakes are a result of developer (NimoniX) greediness. They remake Scrolls so players have to spend more money to get an updated version. They are very greedy and very lazy. They know a select few will continue to spend loads of money on a game that is going nowhere. NimoniX and RedFox Games are to blame for not doing a better job actually updating the game. Along side them are the players who also continue to spend their money because it shows the companies that players are happy and satisfied. The majority of players are not. The game is at a stalemate and has been for many years. Don't spend anymore money because it's a waste. You can get everything you need from playing actively and participating in events. Try to enjoy the game as it is because nothing will improve.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  10. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    You're the one at loss wasting money on this game. But hey, atleast we know you love having redfoxes díck in your mouth
    Sakura321 likes this.
  11. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I enjoy the game and I have a job so Im riding redfox? Is that the only comeback you have?


    Have fun staying broke.
    doston8 likes this.
  12. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    You're riding redfox cuz u back everything they do whether it be a problem or not. You're in denial, you've been shown to be it and you still deny it. That is pathetic.
    And these pictures doesn't make any of your points any stronger
    Sakura321 likes this.
  13. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    LOL You can try putting words in my mouth all you want but I very obviously don't support RedFox blindly as just last week I got onto the GMs about trying to give us Blaze Phoenix as an RC spender prize. I'm in denial over what? Having a job to afford my hobby(s)? Understanding that we don't live in a perfect world and sometimes bugs exists and not everything can be fixed? Id call you a joke but you arent funny.
    doston8 likes this.
  14. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    Are you fúcking thick? You are in denial with pretty much every point I've made even though I've given you reasons as to WHY they are fixable by Redfox/nimonix. The only reason you complained about that shítty blazing phoenix in spenders is that you wanted more for your money which sadly, we don't live in a perfect world now do we?
    And i don't care whether you spend money on this game or not, pretty much everyone is sick and tired of boxes after boxes after boxes which surprisingly, you arent
    Also, you do look like you follow these guys blindly because of your constant backing of Redfox for their inability to fix something which can be fixed
    Sakura321 likes this.
  15. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    If you dont like boxes dont buy them.
    doston8 likes this.
  16. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
    doston8 likes this.
  17. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    seems my comment was deleted but no one is talking about boxes anymore. You defend these incompetent people for their inability to handle and manage this game. They give us nothing. No actual entertaining events nor any worthy spenders. Oh well, keep ignoring the actual point at hand. It makes you look more retarded than you've already shown yourself to be. How can you ask someone problems as to why this game is bad and when presented with problems with valid reasoning, you back away and resort to ridiculing (pathetic attempts, however) to back your fantasy of a host you make them out to be?
  18. LoliBot14

    LoliBot14 Active Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    u can see this guy writing 5-page long essays for no reason because he's triggered and mad cuz bad
    HumoLoco and Tengu like this.
  19. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    nah the kids just avoiding the "argument" but i dont really care. I have time to spare so
  20. LoliBot14

    LoliBot14 Active Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    if that's true, that's being hypocritical from what kingxd said LOL
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