Zasty already a vice, @tamirtov next in line tho. I don't pick inactive players or ppl don't try to help this guild.
Since when did tamir contribute to this guild! If so how did he contribute anything besides AFKing for Happy Hour Events WDAFAFAFAFA I OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT -1 Vote
That's it? Greetings... REALLY GREETING OTHERS I thought it be some major ass contribution but fuhhhhh bruhhh asdadadweriwerjnwekrwer NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
You're suppose to talk in a guild and participate in guild events once a while. Hate when bandwagoners/ hoppers join my guild expect to gain something.
If I were to join I'd definitely be one of those Bandwagoners/Hoppers eZ I will definitely gain something that's for sure <3