So those of you who know me or don't I am Sol Rox, on of the legendary Directors from the early years of rumble fighter. I have decided to return to complete my unfinished series. I will post the videos in chronological order. #1 I created something called Random Series. Random #5 saw the introduction of (Virus Sol) #2 I decided to continue with the idea of Virus Sol with the creation of the series. #3 The series continued with the second episode #4 I took a break from the series to bring another random, which was related to the overall story. #5 The series came back with Antivirus having his own side story. #6 As the series returned I decided to go a little harder including talents from league of legends as voice in the prelude which explained the entire series in a nutshell, this link is the entire series playlist. Now here we are present day the series will continue with a new era, I'm looking for talent to be a part of this series overall.