NOTICE Update to Hacking Policy & Active GMs in Game

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [GM]Gourdy, Dec 21, 2016.

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  1. [GM]Gourdy

    [GM]Gourdy RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Effective immediately, going into game files and posting information and/or posting spoilers is against the rules.

    This is considered a form of hacking; anyone caught doing this - providing information on how to do this, posting file edits, posting spoilers/future content, taking credit for future content, etc. may lose their forum privileges, and/or may forfeit any future event participation or pending event participation.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Note: This thread is subject to change.
    NeoStrayFox, Games, NepNep1 and 11 others like this.
  2. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    This rule is officially being relaxed. Providing how-to-do and taking credit for future content will still result in a ban, however we encourage users to post user creations.
  3. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Greetings Fighters,

    It has come to our attention that a group of malicious players have been distributing hacks through Discord. Please do not randomly join Discord servers that advertise hacks. We will have a zero tolerance policy on users caught using the following hacks, effective immediately.
    • 3 Character or under in game name change
    • Double slot any item of clothing
    • Level down hacks
    • God mode
    • Boss Mode hacks (including leeching)
    • Carat hacks
    Any user caught using these hacks, regardless of their account status, will be permanently banned. As a reminder, if you are sharing your account access, you are still responsible for anything that happens. This means, if one of the people you are sharing your account with use the hacks on your account, your account will be banned, even if you weren't the one using the account at the time.

    Important Information:
    The only Game Masters/Community Moderators that will present themselves in game are:
    • [GM]Kyubi
    • [CM]Fang
    Additionally, you may also see the following moderators in-game during tournaments & events:
    • [CA]Sou
    • [CA]Happy
    • [CA]Ztar
    • [CA]MrBurns
    • [CA]Embers
    • [TA]Support

    Please note that there is no space between [GM]/[CM] and Kyubi or Fang. If you see any other character names with special characters that are not specifically [GM]Shadow or [GM]Kyubi, they are a fraud unless specified by us otherwise.

    Thank you,
    The Rumble Fighter Team
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2020
  4. [GM]Shadow

    [GM]Shadow RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    EDIT: Merit Points above 800 have beet reset to 600. We may or may not have missed a few, so if any of our players are able to find others with ridiculously high Merit Points, please report them into our support tickets.

    EDIT 2: The Black Screen issue that persisted beyond Boss Modes has been removed. However, our team will monitor the Boss Modes for any players that receive large quantities of Boss Mode boxes or completes them at a faster-than-normal time.

    Hello Fighters,

    It has come to our attention that there is a hack to acquire a significant amount of Medals, to in turn acquire a significant amount of Carats. To combat against this, a hotfix has been applied to reduce the resell value of all Medal Shop clothing and accessories to 10 Carats. Many of you might be displeased with this new resell value, however, our team believes it is a necessary change in order to combat against the Carat hacks.

    If you would like to continue to resell your Medal Shop items for Carats, you can purchase the items and submit a support ticket with your request. Our team will manually resell the items for an equal amount of Carats to a 1:1 ratio (ie. 4000 Medals = 4000 Carats).

    Furthermore, our team will be taking stricter measures to combat against the hacking in Rumble Fighter. As hacking in any form is a violation of our Terms of Services, players found with any suspicious activity will be banned for further questioning.

    Here is a breakdown of how banning for hacking activity will be processed from here on out:
    • 1st Offense: 3-7 Days Ban (case-by-case)
    • 2nd Offense: 1 Month Ban
    • 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban
    Alternate accounts primarily used to hack and send gifts to their main accounts will be permanently banned without any warnings.

    If you receive any suspicious gifts (ie large amounts of boxes or items) that you are unaware of or suspect to be hacked, please report it to us in a support ticket. We advise that players do not open or touch any of the items that they believe to be wrongfully gifted or potentially hacked. If you are to open any or all of the items gifted to you, it may be deemed as intentional hacking and/or corroborating with the player(s) responsible for the hacks.

    Finally, the only legitimate GMs & in-game moderators in our game are:
    • [GM]Kyubi
    • [CM]Fang
    • [CA]Sou
    • [CA]Happy
    • [CA]Ztar
    • [CA]MrBurns
    • [CA]Embers
    • [TA]Support
    Any other GMs/CM/CAs/TA that are not listed above are fake team members that have utilized IGN hacks. Please be cautious and report any suspicious IGNs to us immediately.

    If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know! Thank you for your continued support of RedFox Games and for playing Rumble Fighter Unleashed.
    HumoLoco likes this.
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