Update Game Mechanics/New Game Mechanics

Discussion in 'Etc' started by BigB0ss, May 22, 2018.


Do You Support Any Of These? Then Let Me Know!

  1. Gift Box Update

  2. Plaza Update

  3. Shout Box Update

  4. Stat Box Update

  5. Search Filter Update

  6. Fishing Update

  7. Trading System Mechanic

  8. Party Play Mode

  9. Event Battle Mode

  10. Plaza implementation

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. BigB0ss

    BigB0ss New Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I don't really know where to post this so i'll just post it here. Now this is just something i wanted to do because RF is dying, go ahead and say it's already dead but I mean, c'mon atleast 30 people still play... but compared to OGP days yeah that is pretty dead. so it's time for us to revamp RF itself it needs updated.The Game itself has dated mechanics and I think we should update them and add in some new ones.

    [UPDATE] - GIFT BOX | Make the selected shown items smaller so that you can see more at once and please
    add a date when a gift was sent or received.

    [UPDATE] - PLAZA | Either remove the plaza itself or make it the base lobby, [Example - GetAmped 2] I'm not saying just rip off that game but seriously it needs changed.

    [UPDATE] - SHOUT BOX | Just add a slot underneath it for multiple shouts to be shown.

    [UPDATE] - STATS | Why can't we see our own luck and crit unless we're in the plaza? just expand the box to add them in and to increase the font size also add a percentage or something to show the max for each stat at the end.

    [UPDATE] - SEARCH FILTERS (SHOP/INVENTORY) | add a filter that shows the items with the most stat in the selected category you're looking for. The best way to explain this is, You want a speed set so just goto the search filter and select SPD then the items with the most SPD goto the top with the least at the bottom.

    [UPDATE] - FISHING | If you're going to keep fishing in the game then add some better rewards for it, it has one item that's useful. Fishing is just a waste if time right now.

    [NEW MECHANIC] - TRADING SYSTEM | I know it's a joke at this point but I have to say it, ADD A TRADING SYSTEM!! yes I understand you make more money when people have to get the items on there own but that's a plan made to fail, if the game had a proper trade system it wouldn't deter as many new players as not having one would. (Yes I know new players are rare but i'll talk about that later)

    [NEW MECHANIC] - PARTY PLAY | a system very similar to the guild battles but basically you can have up to 3 of your friends in a (Party Play) room with you and another party fills up the remaining 4 slots or two parties made up of 2 people each can take those 4 slots instead.

    [NEW MECHANIC] - EVENT BATTLE | the creator basically gets to set up a reward for the winner of the game (reward only given when game has ended) and i understand people would cheat to take the prize so pretty much just have it to where if more than 3 people D/C in the game then the reward is sent back to the creator and the room is closed upon the games end.

    [NEW MECHANIC] - PLAZA IMPLEMENTATION | if you're going to keep the plaza then for gods sake add stuff to it! add the ability to have battles inside the plaza (no rewards for combat) or add some puzzle mini games, or ya know, just add more mini games in general. add some secret areas in as well just for fun. add some platforms meant to challenge players mobility in the main area as well.

    [EVENT IDEA] - Finally my idea to get new players is this, Have an event where players will spread word about RF in return for rewards [Example - 5 posts - 15k carat] now there is a limit to this however or else the abuse would be severe so pretty much just have it to where each account can only qualify for a website post once or twice every 3 months. so for this to work just have the player post RF support on a website affiliated with there social or gaming itself, then when they claim to have done that have them give a link to where they did it to verify that it qualifies for the event. only one account per website is allowed to be attached to said RedFox account, so just add the account name for said website underneath the link you provide. it's not fully developed right now but I believe if you held this event once every 3 months it would not only attract new players but also reward the current ones for showing there support for RF!

    I believe if we all just discuss these things and try to further them then we just might make a difference for RF. The implementation of new mechanics is necessary for a game this old and to be honest it's also very stale. C'mon people! Let's make RF fun again! [and no that's not a trump joke XD]
    Nooblater and Draygashi like this.
  2. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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  3. BigB0ss

    BigB0ss New Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Oh trust me I know how they love to ignore, GamesCampus was pretty similar but they still responded on special occasions and to be fair OGPlanet wasn't perfect but they did respond to the community more and tried to make it a fun experience which is something RedFox probably won't do unless the players lay down there hand. They'll have three options [1. Listen to the community and update the game or 2. Give up RF itself probably by selling it to another host or 3. Just hold their current percentage until it's up] and yeah the chances are pretty 40-40-20 but it shows what kind of host redfox is but it would also give us a chance to get a better host! :D but I mean chances on that are like 20 good 80 bad lmao...
    besides, every mailbox has its limit right? anyways, Love the feedback [Honest,Pessimistic,Funny] exactly how we should feel after this kind of treatment XD
    Shana likes this.
  4. BigB0ss

    BigB0ss New Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    There's no way that we can guarantee that everyone will stop purchasing RC, plus i'm not sure how much money they make off of there other games so i'm uncertain as too how effective something like that would be, none the less we need to stand as a community and show we're not their piggy bank for quick cash grabs. You are right tho, something like this isn't going to have much affect if it only uses the forums to get the attention of the player community. I don't want to sound like i'm preaching, but RF is like a mirror and every time we buy into these boxes is just us smashing a mirror that a group of individuals smash every day. kind of a bad analogy but I think you get my point XD
    Nooblater likes this.

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