EVENT The Gift of Thanks - Forum Thanksgiving Event

Discussion in 'Events' started by [GM]Kyubi, Nov 22, 2022.

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  1. [GM]Kyubi

    [GM]Kyubi RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    The best gift of the season is the Gift of Thanks.

    Our Rumble Fighter Team is grateful for all of our players, new and old, for your continued support! We hope that you can be thankful for your fellow players as well! This Thanksgiving, share your thanks with one friend on Rumble Fighter. You can only receive and give to 1 player however, so make sure to choose the friend you are most thankful for!

    Event Rules:
    • Gifts must meet the following criteria, and must be something meaningful to show your thanks.
      • Skill Item, Clothing, Accessory, or Class (Android/Shaman only)
    • Gifting and Receiving must be done between two players. Gifting and Receiving will not count towards the event if you Gift to / Receive from multiple players.
    • Players will be required to post a screenshot of their gift box AND indicate the recipient of the gift. The gift message must contain "The Gift of Thanks" or somehow indicate that it is for this event. Also, the IGN of the Recipient must be included in the post for clarification.
    • On the forum post, please also leave a brief letter/message stating your thankfulness towards the player. If you have gifted multiple items, please also make sure to include each gift for verification.
    • Rewards will be cumulative, meaning if you qualify to receive the "Thank you Gift Box", you will also qualify for the lower tiered rewards.
    • Any IGN changes before event prizes are distributed MUST be mentioned via a Support Ticket. If you do not receive your prize for having changed your IGN, the prizes will be revoked and not corrected. In short, please let our staff know about the IGN change to make the necessary changes before sending out prizes.
    Event Prizes:
    Gifting Rewards:

    • Gift 1-2 items of either: 30,000+ or more Carats Value OR 300+ RC value:
      • Reward - Orichalcon (x2) & Baby Black Dragon (7 Days)
    Receiving Rewards:
    • Receive 1-2 items of either: 30,000+ Carats OR 300+ RC value:
      • Reward - Orichalcon (x2) & Black Cheshire (7 Days)
    If you Gift to and Receive from the same friend, you will also receive the following bonus items:
    • Title of Good Harvest (30 Days)
    • Thank You Box & Key (Scroll OR Exocore)
      • Please specify the type that you'd like to receive in your forum post.
    Event Duration:
    • November 23rd, 2022 00:00 PST - November 30th, 2022 23:59 PST
    Prize Distribution:
    • 5 - 7 business days after event concludes (subject to change)
  2. Fabiano93

    Fabiano93 New Member

    Aug 13, 2019
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    IGN : Fabiano Sent Jin Taekkyeon Scroll to IGN : mersedesy
    IGN : Fabiano Received Black Friday 2022 Box x 2 from IGN : mersedesy
    I did the event with mersedesy because he is an old friend and he always helped me , thanks mersedesy !
    I'd like to receive thank You Gift Box - Exocore
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
  3. h3w3y

    h3w3y New Member

    Mar 6, 2016
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    IGN : Coupe Sent Black Friday 2022 Package to IGN : Presto
    IGN : Coupe Received Black Friday 2022 Box from IGN : Presto
    I did the event with Presto because he is an old friend and he always helped me , thanks Presto !
    i'd like to receive thank You Gift Box - Scroll

    also scroll box for presto and thanks fabiano for the quick copy, paste, and editing

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  4. Buscemi

    Buscemi New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Last edited: Nov 25, 2022
  5. DBestna

    DBestna New Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    IGN : Captivity Sent Sent Black Friday 2022 Package to IGN : Jversatile
    IGN: Captivity Received 36x Hell keys From IGN: Jversatile
    I Bm so i really Appreciate the keys for more Armor Sets C: !

    Thank You Exo Box Please :)

    Attached Files:

  6. Laurel55

    Laurel55 New Member

    May 3, 2016
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    IGN: lento gifting IGN: Loin Green Skyhorn
    also received Another Baguazhang from Loin, proof of which will be in a separate forum post
    I'd like to receive the exocore thank-you box
    haven't spoken to Loin in a bit but he brung this up to me which I was pretty thankful for, I would've missed out. I'd been looking to have this scroll for a long while. Thank you Loin for your kind attitude!!!

    Last edited: Nov 25, 2022
  7. R4T3NICE

    R4T3NICE Tac-of the Town

    Mar 3, 2016
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    IGN : Sapient Sent Hellhand Gauntlet to IGN : Avokzs
    IGN : Sapient Received Pink Dizzy Bottom From IGN : Avokzs

    I've played with Avokzs for a very long time and we were in the same guild back in the days, he helped me on my journey on this game and i'm grateful to him. Can't wait to battle eachothers with our fresh new items!

    (The event gift is at the bottom)

    We both would like to receive the Thank You Gift Box - Exocore, thanks.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2022
  8. ladyboom

    ladyboom New Member

    Mar 12, 2017
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    They should have created a walk-through video simulation for this because I believe I did this wrong

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  9. PrinceOfPain

    PrinceOfPain New Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    RumbleFighter_11252022-105925.jpg RumbleFighter_11252022-110209.jpg IGN : PrinceOfPain Sent Another Baguazhang Scroll to IGN : Rayx1234
    IGN : PrinceOfPain Received Darksider scroll from IGN : Rayx1234
    I did the event with Rayx1234 because because he's one of the realest on Rumble Fighter And one of my first friends on red fox ! , thanks Rayx1234 I appreciate you homie .
    We both would like to receive thank You Gift Box - Exocore
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2022
    rayx123456789 likes this.
  10. LordKuma

    LordKuma New Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    RumbleFighter_11252022-134843.jpg RumbleFighter_11252022-134810.jpg IGN : LordKuma Sent Staff of Eternity Exocore to IGN : EvilLarry
    IGN : LordKuma Received Xero Discus Custom Exocore from IGN :EvilLarry
    I did this event with EvilLarry cause he is an old friend, I guess you can say we're frenemies lol gg EvilLarry and thank you !
    I'd like to receive thank You Gift Box -Scroll box
  11. LarryChan1351

    LarryChan1351 New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    RumbleFighter_11252022-133325.jpg RumbleFighter_11252022-124649.jpg IGN : EvilLarry Sent Xero Discus Custom Exocore to IGN: LordKuma
    IGN : EvilLarry Received Staff Of Eternity Exocore from IGN: LordKuma
    I did this event with LordKuma cause he is an old friend, thank you !
    I'd like to receive thank You Gift Box -Exocore
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2022
    rayx123456789 likes this.
  12. christian280

    christian280 New Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    IGN : Peanutbutter Sent Meriken to IGN : ShadowEmbers
    IGN : Peanutbutter Received Black Friday 2022 Box from IGN : ShadowEmbers
    I did the event with ShadowEmbers because he is a great companion and always helping others!
    We both would like to receive Thank You Gift Box - Exo
    Sent Gift.png Received gift.png
  13. Rencore

    Rencore New Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    IGN: lLoonatic sent Sunmudo Scroll to IGN: Sexy
    IGN: lLoonatic received Devil Scythe Exocore from IGN: Sexy
    I did this event with Sexy because she always have my back and I got hers. :)
    We both would like Thank you box and Key- Scroll
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2022
  14. solipistic

    solipistic New Member

    Dec 24, 2016
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    IGN: Keikeu sent Boxing Scroll to IGN: Meal
    IGN: Keikeu received Enigma Package from IGN: Meal
    I participated in this event with Meal because he is always there for me and has always come through for me when I needed him.
    I'd like to receive Thank You Gift Box - Scroll

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  15. Finessing

    Finessing New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    IGN: squirt sent green skyhorn and chest key (normal) to IGN: Savas
    IGN: squirt received xero discus exocore from IGN: Savas
    I did this event with Savas because he is the cutest little boy ever
    I would like the Thank You Gift Box - Exocore. Thanks!
  16. propropro

    propropro New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    IGN: Savas SENT Xero Discus to IGN: squirt
    IGN: Savas RECEIVED Green Skyhorn and Normal Key from IGN: squirt

    I participated in this event with squirt because he is like my little rf-son, I always enjoy coving with him in free channel.

    I would like a "Thank You Exo Box" please and thank you.

    Attached Files:

  17. Buscemi

    Buscemi New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    RumbleFighter_11282022-153739.jpg RumbleFighter_11282022-175837.jpg IGN:Buscemi SENT Boxing & Normal Key to IGN:JimmyChoo
    IGN Buscemi RECEIVED Red Sky Horn & 5 Gemstone Generators from IGN:JimmyChoo

    Decided to participate in this event with Jimmy because he is my day 1 rf friend :) !

    We would both like Thank You Gift Exocore Box.

    UPDATE: Sent ticket for the message not being in the gift for Boxing/Red Skyhorn and was told to send another gift with the message. (Normal Key & Gemstone Generators).
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2022
  18. asanluv

    asanluv World Record (Al Hata) & Community Advisor (RuF)

    Dec 18, 2016
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    Thankful for my Canadian chum, Willy.

    LF> Thank You Exo Key/Box

    Gifts sent to: Willy

    IGN: Sou
  19. deweytran

    deweytran New Member

    Mar 6, 2016
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    lev thanks for nothing 1.png lev thanks for nothing 2.png
    IGN : Dash Sent Black Friday 2022 Package to IGN : uLev
    IGN : Dash Received Black Friday 2022 Package from IGN : uLev
    I did the event with uLev because she is an amazing lady friend and she always helped me get in touch with my feminine side , thanks uLev hope u find a hot muscular girlfriend PRIDE FTW!
    We would like to receive thank You Gift Box - Scroll for uLev and Dash
  20. Wangdung

    Wangdung New Member

    May 7, 2021
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    IGN: Wangdung sent Boxing Scroll and Lesser Enchant cards to IGN: RoxPary
    IGN: Wangdung received a Kobudo Scroll and Lesser Enchant Card (10 Uses) from IGN: RoxPray
    As some of you already know, we are Koreans. RoxPray is an old friend who stayed with me in Gemfighter. We love Rumble Fighter's events so much. Events that you can participate in will always participate. Thank you for the various events Rumble Fighter ^^ S2
    We both would like to receive the Thank You Gift Box - Scroll, thank you ㅇ _ㅇ b
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