Today, we will be covering the changes to the Black Temple Dungeon dungeon. The changes affect Green and Red passes. Purple pass remains the same. Here's what to expect: The monster levels for Green and Red passes has been increased. Green Pass: Deviant level 240 - level 255 Red Pass: Deviant level 240 - 255 New monsters have been added, and monsters location has been revamped New Monster Drops have been added. The amount of experience points gained in Red and Green mode has been increased New repeatable quests added to NPC Qibu Baihuo to obtain Black Temple Marble and Black Temple Plate Box. The Resource list and Creation list has been updated at NPC Qibu Baihuo True Witch Plates can now be purchased from NPC Qibu Baihuo. NPC Qibu Baihuo New Resource Items NPC Qibu Baihuo New Create Items Black Temple Item Drop List: Black Temple Jade Ornament Ironblood Essence (Destruction Five Elements of Deities Book (1~5) Book of Deity (1~5) Book of White Dragon (1~3) Black Temple Ruler (Absorb) (7 Days) Black Temple Ruler (Elapse) (7 Days) Black Witch Talisman (Low) Black Witch Talisman (Mid) Record of Five Elemental Deities -Complete- Black Temple Marble Bag of Five Guardian Seals Alpha Bead
A question. The gsme say the Black Temple Epi is just forn7 days, here it is a perm.. Can u change it
9Arts, those create epi's (Elapse & Absorb) are they end game content ? couldn't not even craft 1 on them even with 50 tries with mcg x10 or could it be bug atm? Just want it for sake of my perm epi collection. thanks