Okay so i cant hold myself back anymore so i have to say it... what the hell man come on whats the % on upgrading inner??? about 9 trys to upgrade inner with mcg and all fails???? whats is the point of even using mcg it doesn't even work is a rip off same thing with the Boffm i use about 6 mcg and the same thing no success at all.. all this huge amount of hours farming letters buying mcg and for what for the event to end and not get a single piece upgraded???.... ha then u see all this account with wierd names with stand full of inner lol the hell is that hacks? SMH good RedFox good job.
You've only tried very few compared to those who have succeeded making it. Some of them got after a few tries, yes, we call it being lucky. I have a friend who got it after 30++ tries. Keep trying
is not easy getting the inner from the boxes ive open 100's of them also yes it may be not that many but with mcg?? i mean do the math of the cost of mcg and total it see if is even worth it thats what am saying.
I'm not saying you are wrong but given the stats the set gives, it is expected to be really hard to craft it.