Some of the problems with RF (gm friendly)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iwannadielel, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. iwannadielel

    iwannadielel Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2017
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    The playerbase
    Just like my *****, I am very disappointed with the actual size of the playerbase. I'm sure most people have noticed that you see the same IGN's and the same sets every time you log in. Some people like the familiarity but it kinda gets boring over time seeing the same people and fighting the same people using the same scrolls. Also since the community is so small, if you get caught ddosing or hacking or crashing a room (for those nhaa catfi- i mean girls out there), then you're rip bro. You might as well move to RF Japan lmfao. And I've noticed people think they're a demi-god or a protagonist in their imaginary anime because they spent 10k on RC and a booter. I won't say any names but yall gotta relax.

    The Servers
    You already know how bad the P2P servers are and how you always have to deal with lag so I won't even bother lmao. Playing RF is like driving an old beat up car. You're always worried its gonna break down while you're playing.

    The Game Support
    If you get banned for no reason or if you're having trouble actually logging in, sending a ticket is next to useless. I don't know if this happened to anyone else before, but whenever I send a ticket, there's like a 50% chance that they won't even reply to it. So gg lmao ur on your own fam. That's why people always post their game problems on the forums because they know that sending a ticket wont do anything.

    Avalons and rare exos/scrolls locked in irl money boxes. That's all that needs to be said lmao.

    Idk how to conclude this thread soo
    Yawpie and Ahegao like this.
  2. iwannadielel

    iwannadielel Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2017
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  3. Jazztech

    Jazztech Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I can't believe you would hate me for the color of my fortnite character's skin.
  4. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    @ The Game Support section; honestly favoritism still exists, in a way. The ones who have popularity, the ones who spent the most money, the ones who have sent in tickets about other players and the ones having tickets sent in about them from other players are prone to receiving more attention because of the keywords (aka their names) being brought up in their database more often then others.

    So if you're not all that popular across the community, and/or a free-to-play user, who does not use the Help Desk system a lot... You're going to be subject to being overlooked by "high priority tickets" (first paragraph summed up).

    Don't get me wrong here. It's not a staff member personally cherry picking tickets (all of the time). It is a system that has always been practiced in smaller gaming companies that don't utilize an automated response system. Some tickets are opened and then the staff contact the developers (which is Korean speaking NimoniX...) and those tickets aren't responded to until RedFox staff get a full understanding on the topic. Let's face it, the staff running this game have entirely less knowledge than 95% of the community. Again, don't get me wrong here, too. They, indeed, ARE trying.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
    iwannadielel likes this.
  5. TheImmortalSea

    TheImmortalSea Clean Up Crew

    Oct 28, 2017
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    lol fix the fact that no one plays this game anymore and then everything will fall into place
  6. astroboy215

    astroboy215 2022 Un-Fashionista

    Mar 4, 2016
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    You just gotta leave the game alone :mad: you already know why people quit. You've stated all 4 big main reasons. There's nothing we can do when we've been telling the GM's forever. Hell yea we're a toxic community because nothing has changed besides the new air drop roll and super arts function AND it took that long to change the game within 11 years. WE ain't get our trade system, no ranking gems, nothing went back to normal DMG value, bugs barely got fixed, lag is still there.

    Since brave mode is a dmg boost and ya mix that with furious beserker avalon yall wouldn't think that would compare to the old dmg values? They are just doing things in a way to make you think different so it wouldn't be as much complaining. It's still p2w at the end of the day. New scroll in shop White tiger RE , The Blue Dragon RE cost 1700 rc each + 7 of those orch gems and ur thinking like yoooo those mats could get me the best scroll or exo there is... so your gonna take the risk and buy that.There goes your p2w right there...

    Like what @Draygashi said they are indeed trying *cough* for the new gens. That's why we quit :eek: so much different ways to get milked yet we are all blind. In the end, it just messes it up for the older gens cause the time we put in for boxes just to get one of the rarest scrolls and exos. Now its in a orch box of all rare and exos and the chances to get 1 rare and exo is by logging in everyday and having those mats.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  7. astroboy215

    astroboy215 2022 Un-Fashionista

    Mar 4, 2016
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    This is the truth right here. No hard feelings to anyone.
    It just shows their actions, so let the new gens carry RF legacy. ** waiting on for something better. Something new to the new gens would be something old to us so let them have their time.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  8. wolfDee

    wolfDee Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Thread #450,882,727.
    They know what's wrong with the game more than we do. move on. it's not hard.
  9. Yawpie

    Yawpie Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    wow i guess alot of ppl are quitting o_o

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