Hello everyone! As you can see i'm new to this version of game, but ive alredy created many character looking for my playstyle... Only to find that there isn't. Why if i want to make say.. a support/healer character game tells me NO all you do melee healer can do better. What's the propourse of giving healer def smash if you don't giv it def nuke aswell? And why nuker don't get def nuke? if warrior have def smash?, why the def smash of hyb/healer can reach 100% succes rate while def nuke stays at a useless 60%? I know that alot of ppl gonna come and say "It's because that's how the KR game is" and blah blah blah... IT'S OUR GAME we're paying for it! Why can't we play it the way we want to? Why is it so unbalanced towards melee? Say... a melee character can chain smashes all day long while a ck user has to wait 1 sec between nukes. That is totally unfair in my opinion. And i know these kind of changes aren't easy. Hell i don't know anything about programing and i know it may cause alot of bugs in the beggining but these changes really NEED to be made. So stop creating stuff to make profit and start making content that improves game experience. YES, I'M TALKING TO YOU PLAYREDFOX! You may be the publishers, but we're the ones paying for your game. What other suggestions you guys have?
I agree, this is why 85% of people are melee in the game.I cant name 1 thing which is best for ck hyb/nuker compared to melee...Nothing will get fixed i am telling u that.Their are alot of things wrong with this game but they keep on releasing new content(Maybe because JWG tells RF to). Server is dead.Weekdays have u seen the bloody pop bar?Their is like 10stands in hefei.Nothing to do weekdays...For weekends it is all about event. Pve wise their is nothing to farm with this drop rate.Also most of the stuff u need item mall stuff combined with mob stuff to make and with this drop it is a nono.I would rather buy it lol. Pvp is dead from G1 and never been fixed. Even if u have best gear and whatever, what will u do?Kill guards?90% of people dont pvp and some are just terrible.(No offence pve players) Game is feeling like Yin server on GC and sad to say it is coming to an end. We may have all this content and stuff but players cant farm it...Why cant they?This is because everything is item mall related.Banners item mall,beads item mall,ds/db item mall,deco item mall,refining wep is item mall,clothes refine item mall,relics item mall,passes item mall,DROP RATE item mall,what have i missed out? Spending all this cash to get good stuff and to do what? What u really need in this game to be successfull is high hp+hp pills and thats it. #Fact
Sicne it's a dying game, they're focusing on just making themost profit out of it while they can... AND WORST PART IS TAHT WE KEEP BUYING IT! It's our choice if we let that happen... If htey don't give us the game we want, we don' tpay anymore SIMPLE
@Op Both defnuke and defsmash has a chance of not applying the def-nerf. The description on the defsmash is wrong. Defsmash and defnuke become useless at higher level, since it inflicts bleed instead. Healers do have a def-nerf skill ... it comes later and is aoe. It has a long casting time but afflicts most mobs and even bosses.