So y'all ready to say goodbye to this game?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yeomra, Aug 28, 2020.

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  1. Yeomra

    Yeomra Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Imagine DDOS'ing over a thread.
  2. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Then you clearly havent moved on lmao
  3. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    s/o brbmomyellin, goresone, japan/morris, oswag, axew, rebz, cronal, light, oceangang, scar, slash, idol, ruby, illuminati, gods w/e the ******* guilds were called, thx 4 including me
  4. DarkSonic

    DarkSonic Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I've always been disappointed in the fact that a private server is not possible.

    This game would be glorious if everyone had what they want.

    There's like so much hidden content and items as well. The only way you could use them is by using something like cheat engine and what else popped up.

    I've never played battlefield heroes but I remember a small revival that happened that gave you all the items in the game. And there was so much stuff.

    Sucks that there's scrolls,exos and other stuff in this game that my eyes will never see.

    I've always loved this game more than Lost Saga or Getamped2 mostly cause of the mechanics of it. Regardless
  5. Yeomra

    Yeomra Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    You're exactly why I made this useless ass thread, just to annoy you. You're the only player in this game white knighting this game and not facing reality.
  6. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    So just because Im not a tool like you and refuse to jump on the "its cool to hate" trend Im a white knight? You'd be surprised by the amount of normal players that arent sociopaths who play this game. You dont even recognize how in the closet you are i.e. youve "moved on" and stopped playing but you still post on the forums -sips tea- but thats none of my business. Its cool to hate right?

  7. KingxD

    KingxD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I don't agree with people needlessly hating but the fact is a lot of the "hate" is actually valid criticism. The fact of the matter is most people don't even give criticism anymore because the people who were giving crticism already quit (hence why the population of the game is drastically down).
  8. iHumza

    iHumza Artist of Winter

    Mar 3, 2016
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    The Battlefield Heroes remake was called RisingHub. The private servers are good and everything in the game is easy to earn, more fun than old BFH. RF should learn from this
  9. Yeomra

    Yeomra Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    didnt read lul
  10. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Didnt believe you could read in the first place
    In the end Moon is the death of RF bc the skill required to be decent on moon is NOT something a new player has and will never get there. When we do get nice things players exploit them to a point they must be removed i.e. testing shop scrolls before buying being glitchable to keep the test scroll. People hated on every update's scrolls/exos (the threads are still there, you can go look) for being "recycled" even tho reusing internal assets is a staple of every fighting game since 1991 i.e. MK recolor ninjas, SF dojo clones, echo fighters in smash. We asked for a true battle-like mode (auto revive and/or stats disabled) yet everybody hates on it. People hate on wings even tho literally every other fighter game uses a life stock system + they dont even understand why wings got taboo'd; they were astro only in OGP and ONLY given away free to new accounts and in boxes, NOWHERE near how f2p accessible they are now. So yeah I dont trust the average RFer to understand whats good for the game when on average they dont even understand the basics.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
  11. KingxD

    KingxD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    In terms of expoits, look, if there is an exploit people are going to abuse it ragardless of what the game is (especially when its stuff you need to pay for). Not everyone complains every update tho. You may have the few people on the forums or whatever, but that is the few compared to the many and they probably would still buy the new scroll anyways. No one uses new game modes and new maps. Even during OGPlanet, a new map would come out, people would play it on the first day and than just stop.

    Look, tbh I don't care about not getting anymore scrolls, exocores, or even clothes as there are already a lot of those in the game. There are other things I would look to see RF get besdies these but it doesn't matter anyways.
    Tengu likes this.
  12. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    We all started somewhere and moon is where everybody started at. How can a single map be the death of a game? If you want to play another map there is a large selection of maps to play. Nobody is forcing you to play moon. If anything, nimonix is being lazy by not adding a new map of some sort. A new map (not a remake) would surely be popular because i can't remember the last time we ever got one. We've all been waiting for one

    Nimonix removing things like scroll testing can be our fault, but it is also their fault for being too lazy and not patching it. They are lazy. People will always try to find ways to exploit a game, no game is free from it and every company should expect it. They don't patch bugs that have been in the game for a very long time and surely that can't be our fault.

    Also, yes many games do recycle their content. Just because others games recycle, it doesn't mean it is good and will work for a certain game. Recycling content can work if it is done well and RF certainly doesn't do that well at all. It should be subtle, not the focal point of whatever you are trying to create

    If majority of the people don't like wings, then have it removed or make it much harder to obtain. Giving out wings like there is no tomorrow is a bad move on their part. Also, just because other games have some sort of revival system, this game has to have it as well? This game is too unique to compare it to another game. TBM exists so wings aren't needed. If you want wings play TBM, if not then you might as well not use them at all.

    Before you start talking about another shítty game that no one fúcking cares about,the only other fighting game ive played is absolver and that was for a few hours. Absolver system could work well with rf tbh
  13. sheeran

    sheeran Clean Up Crew

    May 17, 2017
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    Other than people wanting to play the game still, events seem to be the only other thing holding this game together. It's the only way to get new, yet old, items into your inventory. Updates have been overwhelming bad because their main focus was loot boxes. Loot boxes on this game are a scam because they are flooded with multiple variants of the same clothes with various stats and both timed and permanent iterations. The loot boxes are a pay to win model for players because that's where the majority of overpowered clothing and skill items reside. On top of that, players get punished with timed items or duplicates that do not resell for much making it a waste of money. There are ways to improve loot boxes, but NimoniX is not willing to or they would have done it by now. It's nice to be able to obtain a free loot box every other week or so, but the loot box system is terrible. NimoniX is a greedy company that will abuse the small player base until the game ultimately closes and/or switches hosts again.

    It's now been two months without an "update". If you can even call what they had updates. It's safe to say that the game will probably not get any quality of life changes or improvements. In over four years under Red Fox Games, what changes were made? They added air panic which was nice. They also added RE Scrolls which offered a new skill feature for players that get below 25% HP. They stopped making RE Scrolls though. That's all I can think of in over four years. They added very few features and neglect to fix others. When there were updates, they were focused on Loot boxes, and did not care for players feedback about them. Any potential for this game is dead under NimoniX. At some point players, who can agree with what I am saying, need to stop spending money on this game. It seems like NimoniX doesn't care for our feedback, so if you stop spending money, they will know something is wrong. Put the ball in their court and hold them accountable. I hope I am wrong, but I do not believe RF will improve as long as NimoniX holds full control of the development of the game. I try to just play and enjoy the game for what it is.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
  14. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Other communities in the FGC call RF One Stage Fighter and I've heard it called that a far back as 2013ish. Yes you are forced to play moon when its impossible to fill a room in anything but moon, glac team and NHAA. We got the Cliff Waterfalls stage and nobody plays it despite it being a better Glac. We got Gem Fighter exclusive stages in True Mode like Risky 2, Jackos Shack and Ancient Ruins but again nobody has ever opened that mode to realize it. Why give us even more stages when the community wont play them? Why do you think they just gave us reskins for moon and glac instead of actual new stages as our last stage update?

    The scroll testing exploit wasnt patchable without removing the function entirely. Not their fault, 100% player sided.

    Youre welcome to dislike reusing internal assets (recycling) but when the titans that rule the fighting game industry like SF, MK, Smash, Tekken, Guilty Gear etc have been doing it since the 90s and still do it to this day you cant exactly say it doesnt work or that its not a common trend bc its present in far more fighting games than it isnt in.

    Saying if you wanna use wings just go to TBM is stupid bc it removes the choice between wings or 360 guard, you just get to have both. Also wings arent for TBM so yeeeeeeah. Wings by default make the game 2x funner because you get to play 2x as long, objective fact. People that hate wings are using it as an excuse bc their kills are luck, if they were actually good and believed it theyd have no problem killing people again.
  15. sheeran

    sheeran Clean Up Crew

    May 17, 2017
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    Remove all Moonlight valley based maps. People will just choose another map to mainly play. This game allows people to choose which map to play. The majority just enjoy those few maps so they continue to play it. There's no incentive to learn other maps or play them in general. They don't host reoccurring tournaments. And once again people get to choose what to play so the majority plays certain maps. Revive effects should just be removed at this point for the simple point that True Battle Mode was made. If anything, remove TBM and just add an option to how many times players can revive when they fall of the map. I would say Revive Options: 0, 1, 3, or infinite times per round. I also support removing back guard item effects as well.

    While you can maybe blame players for exploiting things in the game, you can also play the developers at NimoniX. They're not capable of fixing or improving their game or they would have. We can go around and suggest things, many people have, but nothing is improving. This is the problem. There are solutions to many problems. NimoniX isn't capable or they would have done it by now. All they care about is their loot boxes. Proof is in the 'updates'. Also, don't point out little features here and there that they added. There isn't enough new features to justify the rest of the bad 'updates' we got since 2016.

    tl;dr: At the end of the day, NimoniX doesn't care for their game. Suggesting what could be done is pointless at this point. They're incapable of improving the game in any way and only care about loot boxes.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
  16. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    I'm trying to say is that if rf releases a completely new map for battle mode that is actually decent, it will surely be very popular. This game never gets anything new so anything new that actually does come out will be popular, unless people don't like it. You can't force someone to like something.
    Whilst moon might be one reason why you quit, its another reason why the majority of players still play the game.

    I'm sure nimonix could have patched it but decided not to because they are lazy. If you release something that can be exploited, even if it isn't exploited by anyone, it should be patched. It is their fault for releasing a flawed system. If an exploit exists, expect people to take full advantage of it. What you are saying is complete nonsense.

    As i said, if recycling was done well, i wouldn't mind. RF on the other hand does a shít job at reusing things. Also, can you get this thing out of your head where nimonix should recycle because other big companies do it as well. Just because someone else does it, it doesn't mean its good or that you should be doing it as well. Sheep. You only look to what other games have and what they do, not what this game can improve on. If you seriously think you can improve this game by rehashing content (which people are getting sick and tired of) then you are definitely not right in the head. There's a limit to where recycling can take you.

    Also im trying to say just remove wings completely. TBM makes wings redundant. If nobody likes tbm, they probably wont like wings either
  17. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Your whole first paragraph contradicts itself. Also how is Cliff Falls not an actually decent stage? By your logic it should be popular because people love that stage.

    Im sorry but how can you even have an opinion on RF doing recycling badly compared to other games when you've already admitted youve only ever played 2 fighting games in your life? You literally lack the knowledge/understanding to know any better whereas I've been to major tournaments like Dreamhack, Combobreaker and EVO. Are you familiar with Dunning-Kruger syndrome? You call me a sheep while you parrot bad opinions you'd only hear an RFer say. RF since beta has been nothing but borrowed and reused assets whether you realize it or not, its the entire premise of the f-ing game so if you dont like it maybe youre playing the wrong game. Up until recently anytime other fighting games had a big moment RF would ride the wave i.e. Ifrit Exo (Cinder from KI) was released shortly after Cinder was added to KI 2013, Hondon and Dotetsu released for Tekken7 Akuma and Geese. Nobody cares if these skill items re-use animations already in RF, thats not the point. Players that play relevant fighting games LOOOVE when RF does this so maybe youre just not aware / out of the loop? Dont know what else to tell you chief.

    Also not sure if you've heard of this thing called "pro choice", its where you dont tell other people what they can and cant do and they do the same for you. I know its an alien concept for RFers but hey, awkward thought, maybe some people dont care as much about wings as yall do. In fact I see more RFers cool with wings than not these days, people figured out how to stop being sheep and think for themselves and realized wing letting you play 2x longer let you have 2x the fun. The whole reason they were taboo'd in the first place (I even voted with banning them in the original forum poll) is now a non-issue; in OGP you only got them when you made a new account or bought them from the shop and boxes. Now we get them for free by the hundreds all the time.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
  18. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Bro there hasnt been a skill item update in nearly 2 years there aint gonna be one tomorrow lol either RF updates are done or we're gonna get one THING a year, this years thing being the Cloud (ff7) set. 13 year old game, lasted way longer than most fighting games do tbh.
  19. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    Cliff falls is a shít map and it would be popular if people loved it. If people loved it they would be playing it wouldn't they? If they didn't like it, they wouldn't play it. Not a difficult concept. You like it, other people don't. Stop crying about it. Nobody cares.
    If you think nobody cares about RF reusing animations then say that to everyone else complaining complaining about it everytime some new scroll or something of the sort is released.
    RF does recycle badly. Recycling content and knowing whether it has been applied well or badly isn't a matter of experience in a genre of gaming. Fighting games aren't the only ones that reuse content. Many other games do it and i dont deny it. Im well aware of it. In other games, not stricly limited to fighting games and im not saying every game is like this, but popular games tend to reuse the same content in a subtle manner. They attempt to make it not-so obvious. Like a crate to cover fire in a shooter. You wont really notice that it is the same crate but even if you do, it can work well depending on the aesthetics of the map. On the other hand, you got RF making a scroll with a "new >>Z that just has that reused tornado effect.
    I can tell you for a fact that recycling in RF is terrible. There isn't much point in showing evidence as every "new" scroll is recycled whilst barely adding anything new to it.

    No one cares about how RF rips ideas like exocores or clothes and whatnot from OTHER games. It can be quite cool to see if anything. Just like the bleach exo/clothes and dragon ball clothes. ngl but idek where you pulled this bullshít from anyways. What every single person, apart from yourself ,who play(ed) this game wants is new animations/models being made, not seeing the same move being used in 5 completely different scrolls.

    Also, fúck wings. They should have removed them completely. If you want battle mode with only a certain limit of revives or infinite revives, then that should be an option available to the room master in the room. At least this way people wont complain because its fair. Could even change how you play the game and is much easier to manage than wings

    you are a sheep. Not going to bother replying to another paragraph you send because we will just be going in circles as always. You are the last remaining person who still protects nimonixs antics even though they have fallen this far. They let this game die, not us. The only reason this game has even come this far is because of the players so bash on nimonix for being some lazy twáts.
  20. DebacleRF

    DebacleRF Member

    Oct 19, 2017
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    you should know better than to argue with Tengu
    kid lacks some serious brain cells
    everyone disagrees with him and he's like, "wait am I wrong? no.... it must be everyone else that's wrong"
    xenlyiin likes this.
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