EVENT Scorching Summer 2 vs 2 Tournament

Discussion in 'Events' started by [GM]Kyubi, Jul 27, 2022.

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  1. [GM]Kyubi

    [GM]Kyubi RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Only those with the intent to kill can survive.
    Face the fiery competition with the Scorching Summer 2 vs 2 Tournament! This is not for the faint of heart, as only those with the intent to kill and strike fear into their opponents will be the last duo to stand alive.

    Tournament Sign-Ups
    This is a free-for-all tournament, meaning you will face players of all sorts of skill levels. If you're ready to face the heat of battle, head on over to the link below to get yourself started. Please ensure that you fill up the necessary sign up details. If you are already logged into your forum account, some details will have already been auto-filled for you.
    • A Discord account is required to sign up for this tournament.
      • Discord Tags are case-sensitive and cannot be non-unicode (meaning the tags should be able to be typed normally)
        • If your Discord Tag is non-unicode, please fill in the optional "Discord ID" textbox.
        • Your Discord ID is a unique number, separate from the Discord Tag. You may need to enable Developer Mode on Discord to view this information.
      • Level Requirement for all participants is 15.

    Sign ups will last from August 2, 2022 @ 00:00 PDT - August 7, 2022 @ 23:59 PDT.

    Sign Up Rules:
    • Your Discord tag is required to sign up for this tournament as each participant will be given an unique invitation link that can only be redeemed ONCE.
    • In-game name changes at any time before or during (including prize distribution process) will result in an automatic forfeit of your slot in the tournament.
    • Using alternate accounts to sign up or list as a substitute into the tournament will not be allowed. If you are caught, you will be barred from receiving any applicable prizes.
    • Please note that once you have signed up, you will not be able to make any modifications to it afterwards either through the forums, Discord, or the Support Tickets.
    • Duplicate sign-up entries will be discarded.
    • If you are not present in the tournament Discord server, you won't receive any important information and you will not be able to participate in the tournament even if somehow you receive your match details.
    Official Tournament Referees:
    • [GM]Kyubi
    • [CM]Fang
    • [CA]Happy
    • [CA]Ztar
    • [CA]Sou
    • [CA]MrBurns
    • [CA]Lustra
    • [CA]Embers
    • [TA]Support
    Tournament Details

    Sign-Up Duration: August 2 - August 7
    Discord Entry Period: August 8 - August 15
    Tournament Starting Date: August 16

    The tournament may be conducted on the following days & times:
    • Monday - Friday
      • Pacific Time (PST/PDT): TBA
      • Central Time (CST/CDT): TBA
      • Eastern Time (EST/EDT): TBA
      • Central European (CET/CEST): TBA
      • If any matches cannot be completed on a Tuesday that has a scheduled maintenance, they will be carried over to Friday.
    • Saturday & Sunday
      • Pacific Time (PST/PDT): TBA
      • Central Time (CST/CDT): TBA
      • Eastern Time (EST/EDT): TBA
      • Central European (CET/CEST): TBA
    • If you have general questions regarding the tournament, advisors/referees will be able to assist you on Discord. All matches will be streamed, except in some emergency circumstances or technical issues.

    Could not sign up in time? You can still follow the tournament in the main Rumble Fighter Discord server here: https://discord.gg/mFqV7ju

    The tournament matches will be determined under these rulings:
    Tournament Rules
    • [CONDITION] Please come ready to the match as participants should not be leaving the room back and forth to delay the match. If this occurs in the early stages of the tournament, our referees will inform you that you need to be ready prior to the match. Occurrences made in the later stages in the tournament must provide valid reasoning and must be approved, by the discretion of the referee(s). If a player leaves the room without approval, you will be disqualified from the tournament after two warnings (throughout the tournament's duration).
    • The following game mode will be used: Regular Battle Mode (Teams)
    • Please "First Load" before entering your designated room.
    • Participants found engaging in any inappropriate & suspicious activity, whether directly or indirectly may be subject to disqualification from the tournament & in some cases, an account ban depending on severity at the sole discretion of RedFox Games, it's staff & community advisors/referees.
    • Players may not begin the fight until all moderators have suicided.
    • Any and all tactics to delay your death such as : “Z Stall”, “Air Climbing” will result in a warning and it will noted by the referee(s). If the player utilizes such tactic once again during at any stage of the tournament, he/she shall be immediately disqualified.
    • Item Restrictions
      • Runestones
        • They can be used as long as they do not exceed the stat limit.
      • All Revival & Resurrecting items (Halo, Wings, etc.)
      • Avalon Driver (regardless of the attributes)
      • Pouch Items:
        • Lesser HP Potion
        • HP Potion
        • Lesser SP Potion
        • SP Potion
        • Easter Egg
        • Pepero Portion
        • Rice Cake
        • Panic Attack +1
        • Skeleton Bomb
        • Eye of Critical Damage
        • Magic Stone
        • Fantastic Runed Magic Stone
        • Superior Runed Magic Stone
    • Scroll Restrictions
      • Your team cannot double on the same Scrolls in the tournament.
        • Bash
        • Black Dragon
        • Black Out (Summer Festival Ver.)
        • Blaster
        • Blood Dragon
        • Dragon Fist
        • Epsilon
        • Hitman BF LE
        • Mystic Arts
        • Mystic Arts (Summer Festival Ver.)
        • Rain Maker
        • Sage Master
        • Sage Master (BK)
        • Shaolin Crane BF LE
        • Spike
        • Telos BF LE
        • Wind Shooter
        • Yellow Dragon
        • Yellow Dragon RE
        • Zeta Frenzy
        • Zin Taekwondo (R)
    • ExoCore Restrictions
      • Your team cannot double on the same ExoCores in the tournament.
        • All Boss Mode ExoCores
        • Attack Booster
        • Attack Booster (BK)
        • Block Master
        • Bracelet of Elementalist
        • Bracelet of Elementalist (BK)
        • [Updated August 9] Capricornus
        • [Updated August 9] Chain Massacre
        • Crazy Vulcan BF LE
        • Dark Power
        • [Updated August 9] Dionaea
        • Ghost Claw
        • Incinerate
        • Metatron - Black Tortoise Bow
        • Metatron - Blue Dragon Sword
        • Metatron - Vermilion Phoenix Sword
        • Metatron - White Tiger Spear
        • Nightmare Claw
        • Phantomcore Custom
        • Poseidon
        • Rusty's Flask
        • [Updated August 9] Shield Cannon BF LE
        • Sword of the Commander
        • Tactical Bow
        • Zin Devil Fang
    • Stat Restrictions
      • HP must be 4000 or below
      • SP must be 500 or below
        • Due to Android's SP regeneration capabilities, their SP cap will be 400.
      • STR must be 80 or below
      • ARM must be 80 or below
      • SPD must be 40 or below
      • JMP must be 30 or below
      • CRI must be 200 or below, regardless of rebirth status
    • Prizes may be lost if you do not show up to your match without any prior notice to the advisors and/or referees.
    • You will be e-mailed the unique server link used for the tournament.
      • Please ensure that your Discord matches with the one provided during sign-up. If it does not match, you will not be allowed to partake in the tournament.
    General Tournament Rules
    • [Updated August 19] Teams cannot purposely suicide in order to secure 1st Place after winning a round.
      • A point will be deducted from your team for each instance of this happening. If you have zero points, your opponent will be given a point instead.
    • Please refrain from hitting any players before referees suicide and state "BEGIN".
      • First Offense: Warning & Match will be re-done (starting back at lobby).
      • Subsequent Offenses: Disqualification from the tournament
    • Players cannot leave a room once they enter and after a match, except when they meet the conditions specified in "Tournament Rules" under "[CONDITION]".
    • Keep flaming and trash talk to a minimum. Tilt tactics will not be tolerated under official tournaments.
    • In-game name changes after you have signed up will forfeit any prizes or qualification into the tournament.
    • Cheating in any form will result in automatic disqualification and removal of your prizes on your account, and in some instances may result in a ban. Cheating is, but not limited to:
      • glitching
      • any form of hacking
      • having another player log into your account to play for you
      • using hacked or exploited item sets or stats.
    • Tournament participants MUST respect all referees & staff members that are running the tournament. This applies to megaphone messages and Discord, as well. Any unnecessary and inappropriate behavior or language aimed towards the moderators will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Offenses will be dealt with as followed:
      • First offense: A formal warning to cease reported issue(s)
      • Second offense: Disqualification from tournament and removal of prizes (tiered and/or participation) & 30 Day Account Ban
      • Subsequent offenses: Ban Duration Increased
    • Absence and Disconnection Clause:
      • In the case that a player(s) is absent from their allotted match time without any prior notice, the player(s) will be automatically disqualified from the tournament after a 10 minute grace period.
      • Disconnections caused in the lobby, loading screen, and/or scoreboard will not result in any penalties and the referee will inform participants to suicide for a match re-do. However, disconnections during the match(es) will not warrant any re-dos, and will proceed normally.
      • If a disconnection is caused in the above stated scenarios, the player(s) will have 5 minutes to return to their match. After this time, if the player did not return, the match will proceed.
    • Lag Clause:
      • Lag will be monitored based on what the referee(s) see on their screen and will be up to that referee(s) on what course of action will be taken.
      • As some players may be in an assortment of different locations around the world, some lag is bound to occur.
      • If any game breaking lag occurs from a participant, such as god-mode for more than 6 seconds straight or is immune to a game changing scenario (panic attack, except when panic breaking is performed), the match will be omitted and the player will be given an opportunity to resolve such issue. If the issue cannot be resolved, the player will be asked to leave the room and they will be unable to continue further.
    • Rescheduling & Match Postponement:
      • We will not under any circumstances allow for rescheduling of any matches unless there is a valid reasoning, and both parties (teams) and moderators agree.
    • Ruling Modifications:
      • At any time, at the sole discretion of RedFox Games, it's staff members & community advisors/referees - we reserve the right to make modifications to the rules if need be. If any changes are made, we must notify all participants of such changes at a minimum of 24 hours before the next day of matches.
  2. [GM]Kyubi

    [GM]Kyubi RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Tournament Prizes

    • All prizes will be distributed by In-Game Name, so please refrain from changing your name.
    • If you, as the participant decide to leave the Discord server OR do not show up to your match without advanced notice, your rewards will be lost.
    • Prizes are accumulative except for RedFox Credits & designated tiered rewards.
    • Forum titles will be given based on your highest tier of prizes reached.
    • If you possess too many forum titles, we may shorten or remove previous oldest forum title(s). If this is performed, you (as the player) will be notified and will be given the option to transfer your forum title(s) to another forum account that you possess.
    • Discord Roles will only be given should you be in the Rumble Fighter Discord Server at the time of distribution and will only be given once.

    Grand Prize (1st Place):
    • One selection of the following champion sets/items:
      • Gladiator Set (M/F)
      • Death Knight Set (Unisex)
      • Doom Warrior Armors Package
      • RedFox Detective Set (M/F)
      • Shiroko White Set (M/F)
      • RaVeN Guild Eyes & Mouth
      • RaVeN Guild Hair & Horns
      • Rare Scroll & Rare ExoCore Chest
    • One selection of the following accessories:
      • RF Championship Belt
      • Furious Fighter Admission
      • Golden Shoes
      • Squishy Blue
      • Squishy Red
    • 6,000 RC (split - 3,000 to each player)
    • 100,000 Carat Coupon (x3)
    • Gold Medal
    • Royal Xero Discus (ExoCore)
    • Forum Title & Special Discord Role: Burning Sage
    Runner-Up Prize (2nd Place):

    • One selection of the following prizes:
      • Death Knight Box
      • Rare Scroll Chest
      • Rare ExoCore Chest
    • Orichalcon Coupon Package (x3)
    • Silver Medal
    • 4,000 RC (split - 2,000 to each player)
    • 100,000 Carat Coupon (x2)
    • Forum Title & Special Discord Role: Burning Soul
    Top 8 Teams:

    • Orichalcon Scroll & ExoCore Box
    • Emoticon Box (x1)
    • Orichalcon Coupon Package
    • 2,000 RC (split - 1,000 to each player)
    • 100,000 Carat Coupon
    • Custom Discord Role: Charging Soul
    Top 50% Percentile of Participants:

    • Orichalcon Coupon (x3)
    • 1,000 RC (split - 500 to each player)
    • 30,000 Carat Coupon
    • 1,000 Medal Coupon (x3)
    Participation Prize:

    • Orichalcon Coupon
    • 10,000 Carat Coupon
    • 1,000 Medal Coupon
    • Hyper Scroll Box (x3)
    • Hyper ExoCore Box (x3)
    • Custom Discord Role: Scorching Summer Tournament Participant
    Prize Distribution:

    • Tournament Rewards will be distributed within 14 business days after the event ends.
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