Just a vid of me and KK member [Rad] doing a SrS run. Had to test out Bandicam, before I buy it, see how it runs on this old PoS machine! Nothing special in the vid, but thought I'd share! And yes my Dmg sucks balls, but I am F2P and do the best I can, seeing ive not been part of RF like I was Acclaim-GC. Anyways Enjoy! May add music later!
Thanks for share the video. Keep up the good work in the future. I do not believe in sucking as a player at damage and so on. We always try to improve ourselves with what we have.It is important how we do the journey and what we do along and what we learn.
I really appreciate the comment and feed back. All ive ever tried to do with any vid vs 9Dragons is or was to show fun and knowledge. Right now though I dont have the time or $ means to make the vids I know ppl would like/love and show how one item vs another pve or pvp can make a difference. But this next vid to me is hilarious and disturbing at the same time. Reason is and ill if need be will go into detail later, that a player claims that I somehow destroyed their life or another person life back in the day, way over 6 years ago. Ty for your support!
Back when KK fought for everyone that couldn't get bosses cuz of those that felt they could control them. KK was never meant to be a league that controlled anything and will never be that league.
On my main PC and finally can upload games with full graphics on "Ultra/Epic" settings. Another Map Boss, all that fight the bosses in this game, gets drops, not like here, where highest DPS gets boss and all drops!
Free2Play vs Pay2Win vs Buy2Play - Everything in game is farmable and 100% rates. This is the 1st Dungeon/Instance in game "Yemo City Instance", where players acquire lvl 15 gear at a 100% rate, just have to run it until you get all parts or a few parts to move on to "Frostbite Dungeon". The 2 Battle Companions are similar to Comrades, they have skills that you can select prior to entering combat that allows you to Heal/have more Defense or have them attack. Notice that I didnt have to attack at all or just enough to gather mobs to attack me, once they started to attack me my Companions did the rest. Feeding my Companions is very easy right now, all I have to do is grind/do quest and and dungeons and I acquire things to feed my lil friends. Max lvl for them is lvl 50 and takes no time to get them to max lvl. Mounts are free in game and you get 3-4 without paying form other types of mounts. Some mounts fly and some dont. Lvling can get you 3 Companions, right now I have 2 because I am doing other thi8ngs to get higher gear and not questing for the 3rd Companion. I will be adding my 9D vids later this week as I try to make the Event Deco and wep, just to see how long it takes me and how many fails I experience. By no means am I promoting Solo or telling ppl to join the game. I just got tired of playing 9D and failing so many times after farming months on end and never achieving what I sat out to create. Ty al and HF and GL! Later!!!
Chou Prison Dungeon run for lvl 50 gear parts/relics and accessories! Went a lot better than I thought and had a blast, will upload my 9D vids later! Well worth the $ paid to have this game and play!
Back 4 Dead Open Beta! Aug12-16th! Still trying to find something here in 9Dragons to actually record and have fun doing it. I dont PvP, never really cared much for it. 1 reason I left this go around, costing way to much in RL $ and way to much time grindin and farming for nothing in the end but fails. But I still log 99% afk for hours, if and whn I do log. But Im here if anyone needs a healer or any help that I may give in Dungeons or whatever, just hit me up on FB/Discord or here!
Once this vid is uploaded, I'll be coming to 9D for IS 1 lvl vid in SrS! Hope all is having a good time and will have a great weekend!!! Back4Blood 1440p finally! GL and HF! Later!
Been a while since Ive actually played 9D, Trying to get the time to even make something for 9D here. Thered is really nothing to do that can be done or recorded that wont take weeks if not months to record and upload and I dont have that kinda time. ID? LLGC? Patola? - all those vids will do is show how this game is not for the F2P player that is limitied on time. Ive tried a fe events since I quit back in March - No Success with farming or making a single thing. Time and effort in this version is pointless and I refuse to drop another cent on this game. I do log in for monthly hours, but thats about it. Wish you all the best here! Not sure why my stream is laggy - I have plenty enough upload speed to stream 1080p np.
This is why myself as well as my entire league quit playing here and wasting our time and $. Love the game hate how RedFox has destroyed the fun for so many! Wish everyone here the best!
KL Dungeon with my CK Hyb. Once you get to all 4 bosses, make sure you have a (Repel Wep/Phys Dmg) skill on your skill bar. Set it to Repeat 1 sec and your Stun Clan skill set to 1 sec. Then setup Medium HP PIlls for "Life" at 85 and 100% KG's at 65. This is best to make sure you dont die. Once you are to Smasher and the last boss. Lure Smasher to the Left Corner and kill him as you use your Auto Skills. Just remember to press "A" to keep attacking after your Stuns are used! I have 2 Pocket healers. SheBuffsMe and ]Leech[.
QD Dungeon on my pocket healer ]Leech[. Tomorrow, I'll do it a even a less capable char, my SF Pocket healer SheBuffsMe, with only 283k HP.
Last char SheBuffsMe with only 283k HP and doing the QD Dungeon with NO YYBS other than the 700 that she gets from bags. Please understand that YYBS right now is not necessary or needed unless you want to PvP, does it help in Dungeons? Yes and No. Reason is - If you already hitting cap dmg in grinding or dungeons, then you dont need it, if you dont have the best setup, then it could help, but it not 100% needed - Resistance or Dmg wise.
I got to finally play along side "badlaw" and it was a great run. Ty for going with my League and making it fun and enjoyable! Please take the time and Like, Subscribe @badlaws YT! https://www.youtube.com/@badlaw1271 To the ones that went with me yesterday, I as well and 1None, really appreciated it! Red Black Clan Dungeons - It was nice to get to do the runs with you all! I'm so sorry, I started the video a little late, due to being on the phone!
Getting bored with 9Dragons so, I am playing a lil more Destiny 2. Testing out my new graphics card. https://www.amazon.com/MSI-RX-6700-MECH-12G/dp/B08Z7DXHP5 Loving the card. What card are you running in your rig?