Quick Join System

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by TheDL6Incident, Jan 10, 2023.

  1. TheDL6Incident

    TheDL6Incident Creator of Buki

    Mar 3, 2016
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    The lack of a Quick Join matchmaking system is a significant contributor to the decline of the game. Allowing players to create rooms and play only with specific individuals is not the issue, however, players should never be able to restrict access to the game for others. In its current state, only a small number of rooms are available to join at a time, and if players are not friends with the room creator, they are unable to play. This exclusionary practice causes players to simply log out and lose interest in the game. It is unacceptable for a game to lack standard features such as matchmaking or quick-join systems, which are present in virtually every other online multiplayer game, such as Smash Bros, Fortnite, Halo, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Splatoon, and Valorant. The fact that Rumble Fighter deviates from this standard is bewildering and detrimental to its player base. The solution: create a Quick Join system wherein players are put into a queue and are matched up with random players instead of making players have to wait and search for game rooms to be ready. When the queue is full, or when it has enough players, the match will begin.

    빠른 참가 매치 메이킹 시스템의 부재는 게임의 감소에 중요한 기여자 입니다. 특정 인들과만 게임을 할 수 있도록 방을 만드는 것은 문제가 아니지만, 플레이어들이 게임 접근을 다른 사람들에게 제한 할 수 없어야 합니다. 현재 상태에서는 접속 가능한 방은 아주 적어서 플레이어가 방 생성자를 친구로 알고 있지 않다면 게임을 할 수 없습니다. 이러한 제외적인 실시는 플레이어들이 게임을 나가게 만들고 관심을 잃게 합니다. 매치 메이킹이나 빠른 참가 시스템과 같은 기본 기능이 누락된 게임은 불친절 할 뿐만 아니라 게임 서비스를 제공하는데에도 하자 입니다. 그리고 이러한 기능들은 슈퍼 스매시 브라더스 포트나이트, 할로, 콜 오브 듀티, 에이펙스 레전드, 스플래툰.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2023
    Aegis and NotBJJ like this.
  2. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Yeah, I don't wanna quick join and be thrown into a lobby that has someone with an IP logger already opened. I'll stick to playing in private rooms with people I trust
  3. TheDL6Incident

    TheDL6Incident Creator of Buki

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You can do that bro. Sounds really specific. But if you want, sure, keep playing with the same people from 10+ years ago. If people really wanted to hit you off that badly, they would have done it and would keep doing it imo.

    I think you're misunderstanding my point. When you play games like Smash Bros, you aren't thrown into a "game room" like in RF, You just press "fight" and it takes you directly into the game with other people. You don't have to worry about trying to find a room just to get kicked because you don't jack someone off every day nawmean?
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2023
    Aegis likes this.
  4. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I get your points, but still you will be thrown into matches with people who have IP loggers running in the background.

    I do fully agree with your post, I don't like people gatekeeping rooms or people kicking to stack their team. But the ability to pull IPs just from being in the same game as them needs to be addressed before randomized matchmaking would be ideal.
    BOYCOTTREDFOX likes this.
  5. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    support quick start button
  6. Aegis

    Aegis New Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    moon fighters still have ip loggers df? i thought moon fighters already have vpn turned on for everyone? but even if it's not turned on, i think u might be overreacting like he said. someone would have done it to you either way. also dont you see the irony in playing excluisvely with friends thus speeding the game into dying faster. diversity would go long way for this game for once. @TheDL6Incident 's suggestion would benefit alot of players who dont care about ip loggers.

    but... TheDl6 at same time, i think nobody would give a sht about quick join and still go create their own room for moon all times. from what you said, it sounds like you can't set maps for quick join so is it all random maps? for me, I would absolutely love that since im sick of thse nga doin moon all fikin time but we both know ppl will hate it cuz they r too used to mooning. we would know how many ppl would love quick join if every player go on forum but 5% of rf playerbase go on forum. maybe make poll ig and see? hypothetically, even if u remove ppl's ability to make their own room cuz we have quick join now, i give rf 90% chance of dying for real this time unless all players are willing to adapt and adjust their repetitive habits.

    god i want quick join now so rf can die fr fr
  7. R4T3NICE

    R4T3NICE Tac-of the Town

    Mar 3, 2016
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    We need rounds counter near room names, that's all i wanted... It's not even that hard to do. When rooms are done, a 5 seconds counter would trigger too. It's frustrating not knowing which rounds they are playing and it just makes me not wanna play anymore.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2023

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