Keep the good work, players must be inform of what happens when you associate with the wrong type of players and what happens to your account. Everyone avoid what is extra official borders.
Interesting as tyler was in my league. Used the excuse that the account used to be his friends and they must have done something wrong with it so he was banned Yet there is a trace of evidence of selling items for real money only days before he joined us. so there are already at least two stories out there.... plus he was trying to sell items in cc to players In league at overpriced prices and trying to pressure into PayPal transactions instead of cc transactions *edit* Glad to see Tylers story was removed. An account sharing, blackmarket buyer/seller doesn't deserve to have their story told, they deserve their punishment
No. If you negotiate item trades with good screenshot Or video records of deal and trades then Red fox can help if you are scammed etc.
True Ozbud, are many stories because the accounts were shared, many people has many faces and some sold their accounts or trade it for others items and they were not anymore the owners of those accounts.This was a complicated case. We will keep posting up other stories for people to don't get involve with the black market and stay away from bad people. We all should stay clean in the limit of TOS. The only thing that remain after us in 9d is the reputation.
This is only when we speak about in game items that you sell for cc or in game money, if you go to black market there is no rule : bad boys eat bad boys. In black market even they sell on $ they report you and when they buy from you on $ they also reports you, so either way you may get your account banned. More, they keep the pictures for later to blackmail you later in case you don't buy more. The trades are made from level 25 characters in game, using VPN. So, people don't associate in game or outside with people from black market, will end bad for everyone.
@JaydenLi ... but how did you said few days ago : I really don't know you (sic) but we posted to laugh and to watch people go crazy... OS Group ! lmao I can't wait out what the next posts will be about !
Starting the summer clean up before Hainan is a smart move, too bad many good people from the community were lost on the way because of this game aspect that was not under control and has been exploited for personal interest. I hope the stories we will post will inspire you all and you will choose the right path in the game. As @Athuyar said, our reputation in 9dragons is all what we got. These are my words from long time on 9d community: No matter what is going on with the game environment, we have to keep going on to help players, having a virtual experience that we can be proud of. When you do good, good is returned to you. For each ‘act’, you get the responsibility ‘factor’ as your consciousness. A commitment often involves a mind attentive aware of what is happening around. Even little things must be made consciously. It is an opportunity to see our limits, reactions in certain situations and after all, all of this contribute to our image. To change a heart is a great power. In a game, not all it is about the highest level on server, having all the top items and conquered all titles, but also it is about the power to ‘change players hearts’ by your actions. I believe in life and game this is the greatest power of all.
Please keep from causing a disruption on our forums. The next time a thread gets derailed on the same subject, we will be taking action on your forum accounts.
Indy21 said little about the world of 9d from kung fu perspective, but in a very old article we find out what inspired 9dragons. About 9d from Indy21 perspective “Take things as they are. Punch when you have to punch. Kick when you have to kick” said Bruce Lee Characters creation, NPCs and first maps from Indy21 team Being based on a wuxia, clothes in wuxia are called xianxia clothing. Martial arts clothing is based on the traditional Chinese Hanfu Version First clothes showed by Inven Korea
As one story ends, another begins… That should have been the case of the advanced clans, but we still are lost with 3 dragons and the vagabond. The clans presented by Indy 21 Korea This short movie is an ode to the vaga role by Legend, the ProjectAI author, one of the players that fought to preserve vagabond as a role and founded the Vagabond Community. Now, after 14 years we all see what the role became. Maps by devs : Bloody Plains by devs The Cave of The Conqueror by devs
They all said vagabond was a role to play at first, was even events for vagabonds, but got change along the way. Vagabond would be the guy who started the war of 9dragons by mistake or intention.
Dungeons by devs : Nanchang Mansion of Silver Coins Beast Tower Hangzhou Mansion of Golden Coins Wild Tower
It is the same as we have it right now. Graphic never change since 2006. Only new maps and items, quests were added it.