Players vs Players This is the full guide about the PK system of 9Dragons. Here the index with each part: Index: [What is PK?] [How does PK mode work?] [The Mask System] [Safety Zones] [Guards, Soldiers and Clan Sentries] [Karma Rank] [PK in Bloody Plain] [Black and White Wars] [Duelling in Hefei] [Storm vs Storm] [Wanted System]
PvP Guide - What is PK? PK is short for Player Kill Mode in 9Dragons and it refers to a style of game play in which players can engage in combat with other players without advanced warning or consent. It is distinguished from normal play or Pleasant Mode where combat can only be initiated as a Duel between players with mutual consent. PK Zone refers to any area or map in The Land where PK Combat may be initiated between players without warning or consent. Upon transition to a PK Zone, a warning sign will appear that reads, “Your mode can be switched to Combat mode without your intention in this area. Do you still want to move?” You may then decide to accept or decline moving to that new area or map. What is a PK Server? A PK Server is a dedicated server in which PK Mode is widely available across many maps. The areas in which PK Mode is enabled may vary from server to server. Pleasant Server vs. PK Server? The beginning player may ask themselves, on which type of server shall I play? Pleasant or PK? The question is somewhat philosophical, grasshopper, and the answer is up to you. Some players prefer a Pleasant Server, knowing that they will spend the greater portion of their combat time fighting against the thousands of unique NPC (Non-Player Character) monsters that 9Dragons has to offer. One can still engage in combat with other players in specially designated Duel Grounds like the marketplace in Hefei. Others seek the “anything goes” atmosphere of a PK Server, where combat can be initiated without warning by rival clansmen. Server choice is an important consideration for many players, because a character cannot be moved from one server to another. It is therefore recommended that you ask the advice of other players on our forums, or experiment on different types of servers with various characters, to discover which mode of game play is preferable for you. PK Zones are a natural part of The Land PK is part of the 9Dragons experience, and therefore PK Zones exists even on Pleasant Servers, but only in a few specially designated areas. On the very lowest settings, currently employed on both the Yang and Tao servers, which are Pleasant Servers, there are currently 3 PK Zones. They are… Bloody Plain is the mysterious desert terrain (once an Oasis) where the Final Duel of The War of Nine Dragons was fought. Bloody Plain is also the designated area where Black & White Wars are held between the disciples of Black and White Clans. The Cave of The Conqueror is a dungeon located in the centre of Bloody Plain, reportedly filled with lost treasures. Those who are victorious during Black & White Wars are granted access to this dungeon’s lower depths. Liaodong has a portion of it designated PK to allow players to participate in a feature of 9Dragons called Storm vs. Storm. The Yin Server has PK Mode enabled from Level III, which means all maps beyond the six clan starter areas, Hefei, and both Shi Zhang and Zhengzhou will be designated PK Zones.
PvP Guide - How does PK Mode work ? PK Mode means you can select and attack another player in relatively the same way you would select an attack a monster any place else in The Land, but with certain restrictions, rewards and penalties attached to your actions. PK Mode can only be used in a designated PK Zone (area or map) and it is performed simply by selecting an opponent player from a rival clan and pressing the Shift key to enter Combat Mode. Once PK MODE is activated, you will see an indicator warning that reads PvP (Player Vs. Player) Mode has been initiated, and you will see a timer begin to countdown. Your character will remain in Combat Mode for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds Combat Mode will automatically disengage. Here the pictures of the PvP Mode: *Note that when a character enters PK Mode they cannot use Lightfoot Technique, Revive On The Spot, or Reviving Chi Kung for the duration of their conflict. How to PK ? To attack a player you must select him, and: If he is vagabond or from same faction than you, you must press Shift key in your keyboard and act like your enemy is a mob. Once you are in PvP mode you don’t need keep pressing shift or press it again. If he is from the opposite Faction you can attack him like a mob, and don’t need press Shift. When you select a player, you will see if he is from your faction or vagabond (grey name bar). Or from the opposite faction. (red name bar) The Laws of PK PK Mode can be engaged without consent. PK can be used only in designated areas. There are no level restrictions between opponents. One cannot use Lightfoot Technique during PK or PvP. Is impossible to log out or quit the game during PK or PvP. One cannot engage in PK while residing in an Impervious state. If your opponent’s health falls to “0” then you have won the victory. You can earn Good Karma from defeating non-allied opponents or develop Bad Karma from defeating your allies through the PK Karma System. Disciples of the same major clan may not engage in PK unless they are masked. PK is possible between the disciples of enemy clans. Party Members shall not PK one another. PK and PvP are not permitted between members of the same Hero Band, Storm Party, Raiding Party or Guild. PK is not allowed in Safety Zones! Though it can indeed be initiated it is in violation of The Laws of The Land as agreed upon between both The Imperial Emperor and The Emperor Heavenly Demon. There is zero tolerance in The Land for Safety Zone violations. If you attempt PK in a Safety Zone you will be labelled a Criminal and could be attacked by the guards in all zones. Here a picture of a guard: There are various kind of guard, in the case of imperial guard they will only attack you if you violated the Safe Zone but for clan guard they will attack you if you are not on their side. If you meet a guardsman from an enemy clan you may be attacked even if you are not a Criminal. Advantages and Disadvantages of PK Those players who engage in PK can earn both Good Karma and Bad Karma as their reputations, which can affect their status in The Land. Players can acquire Blood Essence Points from defeating other Players. Players do not lose Experience Points when defeated by other Players. Since players do not Drop Items upon defeat, there are no Items lost or won. What is Good Karma? Depending on one’s level of Good Karma, one can embark upon certain quests that promise high rewards and can also equip certain items that require prerequisite Good Karma Points. What is Bad Karma? Energy from your misdeeds lingers long within one’s chakras, and permeates one’s aura. If your Bad Karma is high you may be attacked by a number of highly perceptive Guards who patrol The Land. What is a Blood Essence Point? A Blood Essence Point is a point that you typically receive when you defeat monsters throughout The Land. If your Points exceed 999 then you will receive an item called a Blood Essence, which is a requirement for weapon refinement. If you defeat another Player in PK mode, you may earn high Blood Essence Points, depending upon your opponent’s level. Know that when your character enters a Dying State your Blood Essence Points shall reset to 0. Where can I find all the details about my PK results You can find all the details about your combats in the combat record window. You can open it with F key.
PvP Guide - The Mask System A Mask is an article of clothing that allows you to temporarily conceal your identity. Masks enable you to engage in PK Combat against a disciple of your own clan while hiding your face and name. Outlawed by The Imperial Emperor, they can only be purchased from Black Market Dealers. Where can I buy Mask ? The location of the NPC is on the following screen, red arrow. Here a picture of the NPC: How to wear a Mask To activate a Mask, select it within your Bag and either right-click or double click the Mask Icon. The Mask will appear on your character and cannot be reused. Masks do not take up any space in your Character’s available Wardrobe. Should you use another Mask while a Mask is already in use, the new Mask will be immediately equipped and the effect time will be extended. Things one cannot do while wearing a Mask: PK with a Mask on: One cannot earn any Good Karma, or raise one’s level of Kung Fu, from defeating an opponent. If one is defeated, one’s Karma Points and Kung Fu decrease will remain. Duelling with a Mask on: One cannot Duel while wearing a Mask. One cannot challenge or accept a Duel while wearing a Mask. How to deactivate or remove a Mask There are three ways to deactivate, or remove a mask and each offers the same message as a result of success, “Mask has been removed.”: Automatic: after 30 minutes a Mask will expire and be automatically removed. Manual Removal (Deactivation): While wearing a Mask you may right-click the on-screen Mask Icon to remove it. If you select “YES” on mask deactivation, it shall be removed. Manual Removal (Revealing Hand Maneuver): It is possible to remove another character’s Mask by using a Kung Fu Technique called Revealing Hand Maneuver. This means that a Mask you wear can be removed by others: How to Use it: Click to select the player whom you wish to unmask and then select the Revealing Hand Maneuver Kung Fu icon that you have registered in a quick-slot. How to Learn it: This skill is classified as a Vagabond Kung Fu Technique which you can learn from any NPC who has mastered it. This skill is not restricted by gender or by clan. How to Level it: This skill can be levelled up but like many Vagabond skills it is done through the reading of a Manual. The manuals range from level 2 to level 10 and one must learn them in ascending order without skipping any levels. Revealing Hand Maneuver’s success rate and vital energy consumption rate varies by skill level. Here a picture of the skill: You can learn that skill at every clan base NPC that give you basic skills or in bamboo village. NOTE: For now this skill can only be Cheng 1. Additional Laws of The Mask There is no level restriction upon use of Masks. With a mask on you can hide your character’s true identity from both the screen and chat windows. If you engage in a PK wearing a Mask, you will be recorded as a masked person in the PK history. If you die with a Mask on and attempt to chat, your identity will be displayed on the chat window. Public Enemy Status It is written that one who wears a Mask has an illegal venture in mind, and so, know that if you are successfully unmasked, you will be marked as a Public Enemy of The Land. This means that you may be attacked by all users for five minutes. A special icon like a buff will appear on your character as a seal on the floor that can be seen by every players.
PvP Guide - Safety Zones Safety Zones are areas within PK maps where PK Combat has been forbidden. Though it can indeed be initiated it is in violation of The Laws of The Land as agreed upon between both The Imperial Emperor and The Emperor Heavenly Demon. There is zero tolerance in The Land for Safety Zone violations. If you attempt PK in a Safety Zone you will be labelled a Criminal and could be attacked by the guards in all zones. Safety Zone protection, as well as penalties imposed, are automatically effective the moment one enters the parameters of a Safety Zone. Likewise, Safety Zone features will be automatically deactivated once a player leaves the zone’s parameter. In addition to the protection and penalties offered by Safety Zones, your Life Recovery Rate increases by 50 and your Vital Energy Recovery Rate increases by 10 while you remain with the zone’s parameters. All the villages are safety zone as you can see in this example with the colour purple: Only one specific case is for Bloody Plain where safe zone are display in purple bellow: The last specific case is in Loulan where there is absolutely no safe zone EVEN IN THE VILLAGES ! The Laws of The Safety Zone If a player strikes another within the confines of a Safety Zone, and causes light damage, then the violation will be considered as a Misdemeanor. Should a player go so far as to injure another player to the point of entering a Near-Death State, then the violation will be labelled a Felony, and the offender will be thereafter attacked by guards on sight. A Misdemeanor Penalty will be enforced should you attack another player within the confines of a Safety Zone or should you step into a Safety Zone with more than 6 seconds left in a round of PK combat. You will currently be penalized if you become a Criminal in the following manner: Misdemeanor Penalty: Movement speed will be reduced by 50% and Lightfoot Technique shall be disabled for 10 minutes. Felony Penalty: Movement speed will be reduced by 80%, all defence and dodge capability will be reduced by 30%, and Lightfoot Technique will be disabled for 3 hours. Should you become a Criminal, you can be killed on sight by any DNPC (Dynamic Non-Player Character) that you encounter. There is no way to undo Criminal status until the allotted penalty time elapses. The amount of time refers to time spent within The Land, so know that this time shall not elapse or lessen due to absence. So if you have committed such an offence, and must do your time, it is recommended that you spend it in peaceful meditation whereby the Buddha seed in you may grow and thrive and help you to resist all future infractions. Prompt System Messages such as, “You have now left the Safety Zone” will alert you when you are inside or outside of a Safety Zone, and in most instances a Safety Buff Icon will appear in the upper left hand corner of your screen while you are within the parameters of a Safety Zone. There is a new penalty in game, when someone kill another player in the safety zone he will receive the following penalty: You are a bad Guy. Confusion Movements reversed. You can't used any skill. Your speed is decreased. Each of those buff will stay for 2 minutes.
PvP Guide - Guards, Soldiers and Clan Sentries Throughout The Land one may encounter various Guards, Soldiers (from either The Imperial or Infernal Armies), or Sentries from various Major Clans. These DNPC (Dynamic Non-Player Character) officials are capable of offering protection as well as meting out punishment. GUARD DNPC: Most commonly encountered in maps where disciples of Black and White clans can both enter. They are predominantly defenders who attack only to prevent imprudent PK. Defenders of White Clans automatically attack Black Clan disciples and Black Clan Defenders automatically attack White Clan disciples who enter their opponents’ designated territories. SOLDIER DNPC: Most commonly encountered at the Entrance Points of maps where disciples of Black or White clans may enter, or in the designated Safety Zones. They are predominantly defenders of Safety Zones but may also come forward to punish those designated as Criminals. Defenders of White Clans automatically attack Black Clan disciples and Black Clan Defenders automatically attack White Clan disciples who enter their opponents’ designated territories, especially should they be branded as Criminals.
PvP Guide - Karma Rank Good and Bad Karma Points will primarily be awarded for PK Combat against disciples of enemy Clans, and for carrying out certain Quests. Defeating opponents of opposing alignment brings Good Karma, just as defeating opponents who would otherwise have your allegiance is cause for Bad Karma. Know also that certain Weapons, Wardrobe, and various Items may have certain Karmic Requirements before they can be implemented. Karmic Titles of The Land that may befall you are as follows: Here an example of title on a char: .............. Bad Karma .......... ...... Good Karma The following charts indicate Karmic Gain and Loss through PK: When Level Difference between player combatants is less than 24 When Level Difference between player combatants is greater than 24
PvP Guide - PK in Bloody Plain Bloody Plain is the mysterious desert terrain (once an Oasis) where the Final Duel of The War of Nine Dragons was fought. Bloody Plain is also the designated area where Black & White Wars are held between the disciples of Black and White Clans. Bloody Plain is the only map that is a PK Zone on every server. PK is short for Player Kill Mode in 9Dragons and it refers to a style of game play in which players can engage in combat with other players without advanced warning or consent. It is distinguished from normal play or Pleasant Mode where combat can only be initiated as a Duel between players with mutual consent. Upon transition to a PK Zone, a warning sign will appear that reads, “Your mode can be switched to Combat mode without your intention in this area. Do you still want to move?” You may then decide to accept or decline moving to that new area or map. The Cave of The Conqueror is a dungeon located in the centre of Bloody Plain, reportedly filled with lost treasures. Those who are victorious during Black & White Wars are granted access to this dungeon’s lower depths. Players may find Treasure Chests scattered throughout Bloody Plain which may contain “Special Antidotes” which can help neutralize the poisons found within The Cave of The Conqueror. Safety Zones and Defenders of Bloody Plain The White Clan Safety Zone is typically guarded by a Defender of Shaolin and The Black Clan Safety Zone is typically guarded by a Brotherhood Windsman. Within each Safety Zone you will also find either a Master Hand, Imperial Army Guard or a Bloody Hand, Infernal Army Guard who will enforce the rules of The Safety Zone and hand out severe punishments to those who break them. See the map listed below for designated Safety Zones within Bloody Plain. Safety Zones are indicated by the colour purple. The Laws of The Safety Zone (Bloody Plain) If a player strikes another within the confines of a Safety Zone, and causes light damage, then the violation will be considered as a Misdemeanor. Should a player go so far as to injure another player to the point of entering a Near-Death State, then the violation will be labelled a Felony, and the offender will be thereafter attacked by guards on sight. A Misdemeanor Penalty will be enforced should you attack another player within the confines of a Safety Zone or should you step into a Safety Zone with more than 6 seconds left in a round of PK combat. You will currently be penalized if you become a Criminal in the following manner: Misdemeanor Penalty: Movement speed will be reduced by 50% and Lightfoot Technique shall be disabled for 10 minutes, Felony Penalty: Movement speed will be reduced by 80%, all defence and dodge capability will be reduced by 30%, and Lightfoot Technique will be disabled for 3 hours. Should you become a Criminal, you can be killed on sight by any DNPC (Dynamic Non-Player Character) that you encounter. There is no way to undo Criminal status until the allotted penalty time elapses. The amount of time refers to time spent within The Land, so know that this time shall not elapse or lessen due to absence. So if you have committed such an offence, and must do your time, it is recommended that you spend it in peaceful meditation whereby the Buddha seed in you may grow and thrive and help you to resist all future infractions. Endangered: if a player steps outside a Safety Zone they may attack or be attacked, Safe: protection to players is offered in the form of dire penalties imposed upon violators who attempt combat within a Safety Zone. Prompt System Messages such as, “You have now left the Safety Zone” will alert you when you are inside or outside of a Safety Zone, and in most instances a Safety Buff Icon will appear in the upper left hand corner of your screen while you are within the parameters of a Safety Zone. Lost Disciples of Bloody Plain & The Cave of The Conqueror You may encounter many ex-disciples of Major Clans who have dweller too long in Bloody Plain and have succumbed to the ill effects of this desecrated area of The Land. The result is that they have all gone quite insane, will not listen to reason, and shall attack without warning. Among them are Steel Sword of Wu-Tang, Black Falchion of Heavenly Demon, Heavy Pole of Shaolin and Viper Wheels of Sacred Flower. Here is wisdom… do not dwell too long in Bloody Plain or suffer the same fate that they have!
Black vs White War Bloody Plain was the location of the Final Duel of Nine Dragons and is considered sacred ground; however, the entire area remains seething with hostile energy. Great battles between Black and White Clan forces are often waged in Bloody Plain, and these battles are called Black and White Wars. Due to the destructive nature and history of this area, Bloody Plain is a PK Zone on every server and Black and White Wars will always be carried out there. While there is no level restriction to engage in combat in Bloody Plain or assist your fellow disciples, it is recommended that you have a fair amount of Kung Fu skill before taking part in the carnage. Although the rewards for winning a Black and White War are great, the corpses of too many novice disciples continue to litter these desolate grounds. How will I know when a Black and White War is about to be waged? You will receive a system message which reads, “A great battle between Black and White Clan forces is about to be waged in Bloody Plain. Please go to assist your fellow disciples.” What happens during a Black and White War? Those who reach Bloody Plain in time are divided into Black Clan Forces (The Brotherhood, Sacred Flower and Heavenly Demon) and White Clan Forces (The League, Shaolin and Wu-Tang Clan) and each side must defend their Grand Master while attempting to defeat their enemy’s Grand Master to win. All White Clan disciples must defeat Overlord of North Sea while protecting Hermit of South Sea. All Black Clan disciples must defeat Hermit of South Sea while protecting Overlord of North Sea. If one side defeats the others Grand Master, those forces will be rewarded with increased Attack Ratings, Immunity to the poisons found with The Cave of The Conqueror, and a Pass to move to The Cave’s hidden 5th floor. There is a very strong deviant clan in The Cave of The Conqueror and should your party destroy them, the rewards shall be great indeed. If a Vagabond kills a Grand Master the event shall immediately end. If too much time has passed the Grand Masters of both sides will retire into seclusion. If you plan on engaging in a Black and White War for the honour of your Clan, please review all of the guides relating to PK (Player Kill Mode) that are posted on our message boards. This war is simple, you just have to defeat the Overlord of your opposite side. These overlords are represented by mobs: For the White Clan member you have to kill the Overlord of North Sea here is a picture of him with his location on the map. For the Black Clan member you have to kill the Hermit of South Sea here is a picture of him with his location on the map. You can see the life of each overload on you screen with the following barres: This life barres will update while people attack the overload, this way you can easily see how the war is going. The only problem you will get is the fact that here everybody can PvP . PvP system is the same than usually nothing change excepted the number of people in BP . If you side win and you are in Bloody Plain you will get 2 specials buff, each of those will stay for 180 min if you do not die: This buff give you a 300 damage boost and resistance to Cave of The Conqueror poison. This buff allow you to go in the 5th level of the Cave of the Conqueror. It is where True General Way spawn. Take a look at the the guide about the 5th level of the Cave of the Conqueror that give all about True General Wei.
Duelling in Hefei There is a Level II map called Hefei that is accessible from all six clan starter areas, which serves not only as a marketplace, but also as a Duelling Ground that is overseen by a neutral NPC (Non-Player Character) clan called The Duel Master Clan. One can engage in PvP (Player Vs. Player) combat with other players in specially designated Duel Grounds after each player has given their mutual consent. Minimum level for engaging in a Duel is Opening Chi Cheng (Level) 1. It is currently only possible to initiate a Duel in a selected duel area in Hefei. Group Duels are coming soon but are not yet enabled. Starting a Duel You can initiate a Duel by selecting an opponent, right-clicking, and then choosing Duel on the active menu. You can also initiate a Duel by selecting an opponent who has registered to the Duel List. To review the Duel List you must visit an NPC of The Duel Master Clan who can assist you in sending out a request for Duel Writ. Laws of The Hefei Duel Grounds If your opponent’s health falls to 0 during a Duel, you will be named victorious. If the Duel Time runs out, the disciple with the greatest remaining health will be named victorious. Duel results are not currently being saved. You cannot earn Experience, Kung Fu Skill, or Karma through the winning of a duel. There are four Duel Arenas where up to four different teams can duel at any given time. You will be placed on standby when all of the Duel Arenas are occupied. While on standby, your Duel Request will be cancelled should you log out or move to a different map. One cannot initiate a Duel with an opponent who has attained mastery in the form of either 12 levels greater or lesser than your own. Types of Duels There are four types of Duels: Free Duel, Individual Duel, Group Duel, and Duel Competitions. Here are their characteristics. Free Duel: After paying an entry fee in gold to a Duel Master, you can engage in Duels at the Duel Grounds without any prior agreements. You can also have Duels while joined in a Party. Individual Duel: These Duels require the agreement of both individuals. The Duel takes place on a smaller Duel Ground. Group Duels:These Duels are started with the agreement of Party Leaders. Battle Royals and Leader Battles are staged in Large Duel Grounds. In smaller Duel Grounds, Multiple Rounds or Single Rounds can be fought.Battle Royals is a type of Group Duel that will only end when everyone in one group has been killed.Leader Battles are similar to Battle Royals but they end when the leader of one group has been killed.In Multiple Rounds, two teams engage in one-on-one combat in an agreed order. The winner of one round stays on to fight the next challenger. In Single Rounds, two teams engage in one-on-one combat in an agreed order. The number of winners will determine the outcome. Duel Competition: This is a large-scale Duel. The final winner will be given an Epithet, Reputation, and items worthy of Artefacts or better.
Storm vs Storm (SvS) So let's start this guide with a little old Trailer about the SvS: This Storm vs Storm battle is an event that is during 1hour, it is a mix with PvP and PvE side of the game. Those battles can only happens on 2 maps Nanchang and Hangzhou: In red you can see the 2 fortress on the maps. ............................ What you need to do and know before an SvS: A SvS is not a battle that you can win alone and to be able to participate you have to be in a Hero Band or an Hero League. The Master of the league (or the band) will have to register his league (or band) to the fight. You are only able to do that with the guide which is outside of the fortress. Note that you have to pay some gold 3KK for a league. Careful the max number of League/Band is 20. This is not a simple, because there, you will fight against a league that posses the Fortress and which is helped by powerful mobs and extremely strong boss (One of them is as powerful of a guard). But as you will be not the only people attacking the fortress you will get other team as enemy at a certain point of the battle ! Beginning of the Battle Your team has sign in, you can now start the SvS. The SvS will start at a special time, you will be able to know that time by talking to the NPC guard which is just outside the fortress. At the beginning a special icon will appear near you life bar for every people that are logged in Hangzhou or Nanchang. Icon for the peoples that attack the fortress. (2 Sword on a red font) icon for the peoples that defend the fortress, last winner. (a shield on a blue font). During the first 3 minutes of the battle, the Master of each league/band that signed in, will be able to use some special Lion Roar and send a message to everybody that do the SvS. Each Master will be able to use 10 roar. A special window will be opened on you screen with you combat record and the point your league got. Here is a picture of the point window: It's in Korean but the important things are the circle The red one is the point you actually working on. If it's become green it's completed: The assault So first here are the maps of the 2 fortress: Hangzhou: Nanchang: The fortress are devised in 3 parts: The first one that is the beginning of the fortress till the first door. You first mission here will be to destroy the doors, for that all the team will have to work together and destroy it. The Team that possess the fortress will be able to go inside the second room, so nuker will be able to attack you if there are on the wall !!! If you are warrior you will not be able to attack them :S. The second part is similar to the first, you still have to destroy the big door you will find and fight against mobs and the team that posses the SvS. Once you have destroyed the second door you will be in the last part of the fortress, here everybody which is not in your league will be you enemy !! There will be a guard and a boss there to help the owner of the fortress with a lot of mobs too. Here a picture of the last part of the fortress with the owner on the balcony: In this last part the master of the league will have to enter in the fortress, only him can go there, so you need a powerful master ! His mission will be to talk to the owner of the fortress and scare him ! The master will be able to talk to the owner only if your league/team has 10 Points, you can see those points in the special window that has appeared at the beginning of the battle. Here a picture: You will get 1 point every 3 min of battle, of course your team will be able to increase those points faster if they kill the mobs or fight with other team. Here a picture of the fortress owner and a master talking to him: Don't forget that until the end of the battle you can try and try again each time you get max point. Even if a new team has take the fortress you can try again. After the SvS And the winner is..... That what you will see on the screen, there 10 first killer listed with all their information about how many gold they win, how many GK and how many people they have kill, and their team. The team that has win, will get of course some rewards ! First each member will have a special deco a white in Nanchang and a blue in Hangzhou. The league will be able to collect some stuff in the fortress, those stuff are special weapon like WD weapon or special plate relic, gold... All those item will have to be collected after that the team has win the battle or all will be lost. The next Battle Of course this will never end ! You will be able to try again this battle. An armistice of 14 day will start and you will be able to try that again after that time. The Master of the League/Team that has won should be able to select the next time for SvS. It has never worked
Hey, Fullneo Any news on the wanted and tracking system? Would love some information on it to be honest