Listen to this while reading Exo up: Idle animation: Grab: 300 damage Note:same knock back as sanshou's KG K PP: 100,120. KP: Stun launcher 130,60,60,60 damage V: Fence edger (345 damage) Note: Invincibility frames on duck B Fire a blank and then shoot them in the head sending them flying back 500 damage Notes: inv frames on blank/"bang" unblockable PROS AND CONS PROS: Mind games,fast fence edger and 2 hit juggle. PRO/CON: Short combos, goes forwards 100% of the time. CONS:No ground hit, you can't truly juggle, punishable if missed so use wisely
LMFAOOO THIS EXO MADE MY DAY...omg That b skill looks so petty I MEAN LOOK AT THE JOKER AND HIS DANCE SUBZERO lookin like "this a joke right" Anyway, can't support. HG-A1s already implemented, and even if they weren't, this goes a bit beyond the PG-13 rating for the game