New Server - Yin Opening Soon!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by [GM]Ahri, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. Lamiron

    Lamiron New Member

    Feb 9, 2017
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    The game is currently undergoing its resurrection which is actually phenomenal considering that 9Dragons is over 10 years old. I am talking about the Steam release, which will bring new players who are MMO oriented. Hence they need another server in order to host more players. And why not make it more interesting they way they did :)
  2. DadSav

    DadSav Member

    Oct 8, 2016
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    Any word on time of new server coming online?
  3. teebawbull

    teebawbull New Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    First off this game doesn't even have enough players to have two servers, one for pvp and one for pve to begin with so why the move now? and also the hybrid role is all different; and from what the conversations says in the game (I could be wrong) that seems to be the only one that is... , If people want to PK so badly they can stay on Tao and do it w/o PVE individuals that don't want to take part in the pking aspect by using the anti-pk buff. If they want the whole sever to be PVP then move to YIN! ..
  4. Bolawayy

    Bolawayy Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    The only thing that make the game horrible is banners and unbalanced cash itens like prem and 400% cards. And what about drop rate? Are u going to increase, because it's crap on Tao server.

    Removing treasure box will make a hard banner farm (I loved it!). Keep on good administration!
  5. Bolawayy

    Bolawayy Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    That's not true. I played 9dragons since 2008 and never seem any player camp like that. They just pk for karma and leave...(unless you're kos).

    The server will have hero leagues and strong players that hunt pkers. This is the Asura system i've played.

    Gm just should to be aware of prem and trigrams because of OP stats. It should be nerfed on PK servers (50% exp+25 all stats) like it used to be on Asura.

    I'm sure that system with new skills will bring old players again.
  6. SheikRulez

    SheikRulez Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    its either Yin goes populated on the 1st 2 months and Tao will be Ghost... or when people feed up getting pked on Yin and goes back to Tao, and then Yin will be Ghost.. RF got a nutbrain to think about it and they should have info about to what happen to GC Yin merging to Yang.

    good thing for me i decided early. :p:p:p:p:p:p
  7. yang1234

    yang1234 New Member

    Jan 1, 2016
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    I'm sure most people in Tao who farmed for their gears ain't going to yin for sure and just like many people who play on GC or any other publisher knows that the pvp sever will never last yes it might bring back players but like someone said you will still need item mall to make high ref weapons and clothes and if you don't have those items like tears scales how you going to even compete with someone who spends it's going to be the same as Tao sever and BTW it's not impossible to farm gold for gears you just have to know where to farm at and also when they have collection event take that chance and farm and sell the collection
  8. NovaStriker

    NovaStriker New Member

    Mar 1, 2016
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  9. Missytouka

    Missytouka Active Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Pvp servers always crash and burn lol like on other publishers Asura and yin players will make make characters on bardo and nirvana. Once bardo and nirvana merged that server was by far the best in the history of the game. This tell you ppl enjoy peaceful grinding and bp pvp wars. People who want pvp servers are just assholes who want to pick on the weak and get away faster since you got a big grinding map to run and hide on. These ******* fake pkers actually brags about making ppl quit the game and league disbanding. Have someone look up 9dragons awaken pvp videos it's just hg lvl ppl or ppl with op gear running pking ppl who grinding no one is fighting them back. But they have the nerve to brag about it.

    Pvp it self is pointless you ppl doing 20k hits on players cause they have op gear and hp pills and they are attacking you while you grinding 99% of the time. If you going to keep pvp servers at least lower the dmg cap in pvp. You should nvr be able to 1 hit or 2 hit the same lvl and role as yourself
    exShadow likes this.
  10. Sinvil

    Sinvil New Member

    Feb 28, 2016
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    I havent played 9d for few years ever since the game left acclaim publisher. So now i m think of comming back after long pasue. So what s the status with this servers? Wich one is gonna be PvP and P2W and wich one is like old bardo server :)
  11. iGeKo

    iGeKo New Member

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Guys someone helped me I keep getting GG error I have uptaded my Graphics Card, Turned off deffender and no anti-virus I got windows 10....
  12. kungfu054058

    kungfu054058 New Member

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Um servidor PVP deve começar em jinam no maximo. pqp upa com um xp horrível ate LD pra só então começar PVP...
    não né....
  13. antibosch-delete

    antibosch-delete Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    When the server will be opened?
  14. Speed25

    Speed25 New Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    like they said , i think 10-12 h from now. Its soon 01.00 pm tuesday there.
  15. vinokski

    vinokski New Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Gm i think you should start PVP in Nanchang and hangzu not LD it's a good map for pk to start
  16. Zukee

    Zukee Active Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Even with all this new sv and what not , u still cant remove the high dmg in pvp or the OP KG pills?That is what we really want, not 2 servers like GC.....
  17. Daoji

    Daoji Active Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Although I am not a pvp'er, I've only played the pvp servers (excluding prior to the 1st opening and the last closing/merging) and am truly happy to see the return of Asura / Yin. (9D PK servers will always be Asura to me!)

    However, GC merged 2 servers (Yin & Yang) due to poor attendance and a low body count (total population), and here you are doing the exact opposite.

    Banking on Steam's pool of users bumping in to 9D??
    WantoEatPavo likes this.
  18. Bolawayy

    Bolawayy Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    The main point here is not Cavity Press. We must see something to make the economy and pvp balanced...

    They removed Blue dragon treasures...(VERY NICE). Now both premium and trigrams must be removed because of stats and of course ....DROP RATES also should be increased to make players farm more. Unless you do something about those issues, players won't stay too much in the game (like me).

    For people that cry about anti pk buff, please return to Tao and leave us having fun ok ? Pk makes every player angry and boost exp to take your revenge. A PVE server is boring ...
  19. Bolawayy

    Bolawayy Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    Peaceful grind and Pvp wars? The most players was using cavity in BP to don't get pked. This isn't a peaceful game based in the history (war of 9dragons).

    Asura used to be even more populated than Bardo and Nirvana. It explains everything I said...

    The unique problem here is those OP banners. Players also can gang pkers in PT like before (the server will begin from 0).

    Don't cry if you don't have fingers to use skills.
  20. DeathScythe

    DeathScythe New Member

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Well i guess since everyone else is time to put my two-cents in.
    1. Tao is a pvp server. Low level maps do not matter if they are pve or pvp because you do not have a long grind there. If you consistently play the game for around a month to two months you can hit hg even with players who grief. All of the lower maps in tao have the "anti PK buff" to prevent the pvp and allow you to grind. is taking the anti pvp buff away from the low maps and making them completely pve any different than the buff itself? No. The PvP in the game starts when you are hg in Kunlun and getting spam attacked while you try to grind by the large pvp leagues. So how then can you consider Tao to be a PvE server if you make the one map that you will spend 90% of your characters game life in a full PvP map?

    2. The new PvP server will not attract any of the current PvP player base from Tao and im assuming its intentional. Why would they want their biggest source of income to leave their current server to a "no pay to win" cough cough server just because it is "full PvP". Wouldn't it then make entirely more sense to make the new server PvE since their current pvp base will not leave their 20,000 dollars in gear behind just to start over on a separate server? I mean sure the steam players may want a "clean start" but honestly guys how many of you scroll through steam looking for a new "free game" to play? when you are on steam you are thinking of the big named games like counterstrike, overwatch, battlefield betas like Ark, rust, day z. People looking for a free to play mmorgp are going to google it to find the game that fits their preference rather than sort through the heap of rubble that is the free game section for Steam. Unless we get a front page advertisement for a month then it really will not change anything. The biggest problem with this game is the player base.

    3. THE PLAYER BASE. None of your Code of Conduct rules are adhered to because you do not enforce them. I have not seen a single player get a soft ban for 10 days for scamming, griefing, foul language, insults, racial slander, BOTTING, use of macros or other third party systems, multi-logging, and the list goes on. Not to mention, noone makes an effort to put the games name out there. there are no game guides on youtube that are current other than the ones i have made myself however few and poorly edited they may be. but hey im at least making an attempt at bringing new players into it by using social networking because i do enjoy the game as ive been playing since acclaim. The only things you see on youtube when you search 9 dragons is players griefing others as they are peacefully grinding, i mean would you really want to start new in a game where all you've seen is people getting 3 hit killed on youtube because of the gear gap?

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