My Gooned up story :D

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by foolld, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. foolld

    foolld New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    So, earlier today while playing on moon, a player joined my room (who will remained unnamed because I don't want any disciplinary action to happen to them) who's attitude... wasn't exactly the happiest lol. They began saying I annoyed them because of how I played. It began escalating as time went on and soon they were kicked by another member of the room who got tired of their attitude. Later, another joins who was really good and won, making them room master. Once they became room master, we got a "bye bye" and they closed the room. Turned out to be friends with the person who was kicked for their attitude. This happened again when I remade by a different friend theirs. What ensued was a heated conversation on the shouts. Now, I originally was slightly irked, but the more I thought about it, the more I really can't be mad, I mean, these people, all of em, WERE REALLY GOOD LOL! They really owned those rooms when they got in lol... So pretty much I killed em with kindness skills. NOW MY FRIEND ON THE OTHER HAND... she was pretty angry at them. Still is I think. Well, the whole point of this is to the person who sent those people to close our rooms, just know that leaves a nasty mark on our community. Your passion for the game is respectable, but players shouldn't have to worry about goons waiting for them to make a room. It could even drive the player who's getting ganged up on to quit, which to you may sound good, but leads to a lower player base, and if others see this kind of behavior, could add goon wars on top of guild wars lol. And to those of you who go through situations like this, don't try to argue or get heated, just know there's other rooms! Don't let it get to you, just continue your game and play your way! Besides, at the end of all of it, those people who kicked me were pretty nice after a while. I just wanted to make this because I plan on streaming once I build my new computer and I just want this community to be a positive one that I can show viewers and possibly encourage them to play.

    Player got mad, sent goons, goons were friggin gods and kicked me, I was nice, they were nice, everything's cool.

    But for real, don't use goons LOL I don't want this to become a big issue on this game and lead to a lower player base. Stuff like that can really drive it down.
    tinytinytintin likes this.
  2. LilPastry

    LilPastry Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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  3. Autronix

    Autronix Clean Up Crew

    Mar 9, 2016
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  4. tamirtov

    tamirtov Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    LilPastry and tinytinytintin like this.
  5. Yusuke

    Yusuke Best Dressed

    Mar 3, 2016
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