If the element damages are working, look at the colour of the mobs' names and check the diagram that shows the relation between each type of damage here: http://forum.playredfox.com/index.php?threads/stats-and-attributes.97/#post-1639 GL
I think LD and Icy map need its own higher xp gain rate, its been 10 years we grind on the same map already. #Make9DGreatAgain
No they don´t. The xp rate in LD and Icy if anything is too high, most players just level-through those maps in a day or 2, and never really get to enjoy the map. If you´re stuck in those maps, you need to seek help from more experienced player.
So nice update but is just me or is impossible to get (spirit of kunlun skein or spirit of kunlun string ball)?? How are we suppose to farm belt and clothing? They are 2-3b in hefei, that is way to expensive at least add the in the item mall if we can't farm them in game......