I was thinking about making another exocore since no one really understood that this was supposed to be silly but helpful at the same time. But I don't even have the time for all of that anymore. Trying to get the set redrawn so it's more accurate / RF related. I was also trying to figure out how to make both skills useful in PVE. I added hp gain for the wielder but I'm not exactly sure if it makes sense. The skill already naturally heals allies but the wielder doesn't receive any sort of healing / boost in return so my 1st idea was per hit like the new elementalist exocore but I added that before it came out. It's nice to know that they're willing to have a skill like that. Bump.
Your exo is for sure going to be implemented soon. This runner up list is definitely a foreshadow of its inevitable existence
bumping bc almost on 2nd page and all ur exocores are **** and mine is superior in every way thx 4 reading
So um, I was looking at several suggestions posted in the "Scroll Design Contest" event and realized that there were already animations that I wanted for Feast! in game. So I deleted most of the sprites I had posted and changed the V skill animations to ones that already exist. If anyone has the "Cook" exocore let me know. I need to record its grab and post it here. I also need Soul Saber. I could easily record it from Youtube but the quality would be so mediocre I'd honestly rather not. If you don't have it perm they're also available from the timed exocore boxes that were given out a ton of times. Kinda glad I got to improve this suggestion even if it doesn't get in.
its cool that u guys r making new exocores and all but feast is 2 years, 2 months, and 17 days old and u gotta respect ur elders (bump)
Buffed the V skill. Reduced SP cost for kG and added chance for debuff. Gonna push for carats if this gets in.
I might edit it one more time b4 I send it into the abyss. Definitely not entering it again tho Nimonix is obv on a diet