Chibi-ish drawing of character with Arctic Fox Hair. Friend says eyes were too big. Same character but in more "serious" style. Might finish this one. Line art of same drawing. Changed up hair. Not sure if it looks bad or good Masterpiece drawing right here. Nothing to critique. An obligatory DBZ drawing. The chin is horribly messed up and I really screwed my shading when I tried to do the "thumb trick".
I agree the eyes on the chibi are too big, if they're gunna be so big than they grab more attention. You start to notice things out of place like no nose bridge connecting and the orientation is off. I like the eyes though they're very expressive. I say the better fix is to fix the orientation. If the character is turned, you should see less of one side of the face including the eyes. Your line art is fabulous. The face is really beautiful and expressive, again I love the eyes. As you move away from the head you start to notice tired ness :> The hand thats moving the hair is a big part of the overall composition therefore do not rush the arm and hand, the body is fine. My advice is to spend more time on the arm and hand of the line art. Your Goku looks great, you could shade him in right now if your satisfied with it. If not, you could fix the right(my right) earlobe and nose. Other than that I have no criticism its better than what I would've done. o.o
draw without scratch sketching, use continuous lines and try to make shapes flow here this for u https://anatomiaartistica.files.wor...ton-figure-drawing-design-and-invention-1.pdf
Ah I can’t believe I missed that. I kind of struggle with noses. Thank you so much for such a detailed response. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
This will be of great help. Thank you so much. I always wanted to make dynamic poses but lacked a greater understanding of anatomy to make it happen. Thanks again for the resource.
these aren't bad at all. you only get better the more you draw. try working with more expressions in the future. Also can we make this a new art/drawing thread?
Eyes are definitely too big, but it still looks good! Draw a full body whenever you can. Don't ever try to avoid drawing things because it's hard or you don't know how! You can always find references and doing it is the only way to improve.
Stare at animal faces. I don't know if it will work for everyone but looking at a neutralized face then human faces (with emotions) helped me with perspective drawings and portraits.
A lot of famous animators and tons from disney would practice the full range of expressions by looking at themselves in the mirror.
Not sure why I like drawing the 9-tails hair so much. I call it Arctic-9 Tails in normal clothes Sketch Finished? Still want to make a background (moon-light or something). Still learning cel-shading. I'm really on and off with drawing. Need to be more consistent. What do you think? Good and bad. Thanks! Also feel free for anyone else seeking criticism to post it on this thread.
Yeah I completely agree. I'm not very good at color relativity. Thanks for the comment, appreciate it
You're fine and I appreciate the honesty! One of the biggest parts of art or learning is progression. You have to show your drawings to someone eventually or your bias on your own drawings will prevent you from progressing. It's a fallacy that a lot of people can fall into and it's not just restricted to art. Imagine thinking you're pretty decent at a fighting game because you only fight with 1-2 friends in a private lobby. It's because you never leave that comfort zone of 1-2 friends that you are limited from progressing because you choose to be comfortable rather than stepping out of that zone and progressing yourself by fighting people who are way better than you.