[Help] CK Healer Build?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by qzhang, May 21, 2020.

  1. qzhang

    qzhang New Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Hi, I played during the Acclaim era and wanted to get back into this game.

    One of the builds I was looking at was a CK healer but I don't remember healers having a range attack like nukers. I can't find a range skill as a BoT strategist now. Does CK mean something other than Chi Kung?

    Also, I remember the healers having a buff for each attribute and now its just one skill buffing all the attributes. Wondering if I picked the wrong class because I remember Hybrids having the all attributes buff.
  2. Gordyg3

    Gordyg3 New Member

    Jun 23, 2018
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    A few years ago, maybe 2 or so, the game had a big update that changed the way each class and attributes work, so there is no more ck healer. What u are seeing is the newer setup.

    These days, as healer, it is recomended to
    Healer: Str=Wep Req, Ess=0, Wis=0, Con = Max1, Dex=Wep req/Max2

    Wep req str, wep req Dex, max con, then max Dex

    If this is odd, max Dex, str then fill con. U wanna pump con tho for durability
  3. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    Yeah i wont recommend with the idea of max con and and dex flr a healer, with an 15k heal skill at c12 and 5500 every 3 sec?? U can build as well more what u said last.. Max dex max str con after that.
  4. JoeSSJ4

    JoeSSJ4 Member

    Jul 16, 2016
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    Healer related... What do the formations do? Do you have to wait for them to take effect, like a timed trap or do they start damaging enemies straight away?
  5. Gordyg3

    Gordyg3 New Member

    Jun 23, 2018
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    Unless it has changed, then formations are traps and go off when the enemy walks on it, or i believe there is a mastery where u can do a forced detonation
  6. Daoji

    Daoji Active Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Formations, or Traps, are circular, are set within reach---each skill's range differs---and where you chose/click. Effects begin immediately, or within seconds. The area of effect, or size of trap varies from skill to skill, as does casting time & length. Traps cap @ Chi 10

    Two types of traps:
    - there are many supplemental traps, which are applied over you &/or your party member/s. Boosts, or buffs such as evade damage, increase dodge, crit rate, hp etc, are applied to you and any party member in the trap.
    - Offensive, are set within the skill's range. You can set directly over, or in the eventual path of your target, Seconds after the target enters the trap is tripped and effect begins (damage dealt, stats reduction et cetera).
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
    ZhouWarden likes this.

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