Yes, the login server is down again. RF, please try to plan your events better... Relog to get buff? This would be acceptible if you would give us an 6 hour buff.
server crash again....please stop renting cheap ass host server. you guy make alot of money with this game already.
This problem happens every time it's 3x Event. Its true, you can see and experience it yourself. Always server problems but never happens when its 2x events
cannot login again.... what the point on this? ppl feel hallowen scare czz cant log in ? ZZzzzzzzZZZzzzz
yeah.... Might as well make this "halloween FANGTASTIC event" buff longer. no point of a 1 Hour buff GM. Fix it and make it a longer time please while you guys are at it fixing the server down login problems. This buff is the only thing that is offered and helpful. No point of relying on the daily login boxes because most items are non tradable or storable so its pretty useless to even try, But i do understand why its daily login so people wont abuse it. So please make this Fangtastic event better please You guys started it off bad.. Then added these new "Amber" boxes couple days later. (y) <- Thumbs Up
Hey all! We're aware of the issue and have already notified our developers. Sorry for the interruption! And thank you for your patience!
so tht the point off hallowwen.. make ppl feel scare czz cant login.. cant login again now.... zz.zzzzzz