events way to expencive

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nomadstrike, Aug 7, 2022.

  1. nomadstrike

    nomadstrike Active Member

    Feb 21, 2017
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    why rf you set thise events cost like 500+ euro to get the new event items this is litterly greed we only want to have fun you now a new game cost like 50 to 60 euro so i dont untherstand this events i know running a server cots money but this old game run on old hardware witch is not expencive and a server not need mutch electricity i know maintenance cost money but thats about it. explaining howmany poeple realy buy in on this events like 10% of the server i am sure if thise event are alot cheaper alot more poeple wil invest in events dhat wil ghet you the same winnings but result in more poeple wil be happy wile know like 90% is in a bad mood to play

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