Devil trigger description shina you have to draw the demon arm, sword attached to the back, and revolver held on the left thigh stance walk guard punch kick activate skill (v or b) hold skill key (v or b) swingy sword attack 80, 110, [60-60], 140 = 450 your girlfriend's fantasy 80, 110, 150 = 340
origin of zin karate 90, [100-120] = 310 spinal therapy 215 gauntlet of carat (50 sp) abusive relationship simulator (75 sp) (fail) (success)
virginity thief (20 sp) onii-chan the rough (40 sp) [45-45-45-45-45], 100, 150 = 475 premium bodyguard generator (80 sp) [20% damage increase during its duration, 125 damage per phantom blade]
Since no one here likes to give actual constructive criticisms I'll give some. 1. Timed damage increases are near useless in this game. 2. Walks never get implemented 3. Having a dash that relies one other contact point to function seems counter productive 4. The charge times seems perfectly fine but how far is this hand going 5. I don't know if you want them to start implementing items that encourage block stuns
@Shina This exo looks flashy. Still, if this was implemented, Dark Lightning and HG-A1 would look useless. Sorry bro. @RumbleNomad - You are correct with everything except for 1 and 5.
2) gotta believe m8 3) true, prob sounded cool on paper 4) uncharged maybe a couple feet, fully charge the length of devil shadow's arm :^) 5) another phantom core is in the game, might as well make the game even more cancerous