Event Blood of Iron: Chapter 5

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [CM]NineArts, Jan 23, 2024.

  1. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    After barely surviving the assault on the emperor of Black Dragons, our heroes regroup to search for the whereabouts of the survivors of the War of the Nine Dragons to aid them in their fight. Will they succeed or will their efforts fall short before the emperor's reign? Find out in this latest chapter of the Blood of Iron Saga.

    Blood of Iron Buff
    The Blood of Iron Buff returns for this next chapter of the Blood of Iron story. The following bonuses will run for the event period's duration.
    • Maximum Life increase by 25000
    • Maximum Vital Energy increase by 15000
    • 10/1000 of Damage absorbed into Life
    • 10/1000 of Damage absorbed into Vital Energy
    • Exp gain increase by 20%

    The Blood of Iron Buff lasts for 180 minutes. Once it expires, you can relog to receive it again.

    Blood of Iron 5 Questline - Nine Dragon Path
    Being utterly defeated by the Emperor of the Black Dragon Clan, you are called to return to Gong Jiamu with the herbs you have obtained from the Ruins of Kunlun. As the Elixir is still far from completion, efforts are shifted to find the remaining heroes of the War of Nine Dragons, before being greeted by a mysterious stranger, seeking to aid them in not only refining the elixir, but putting an end to the Black Dragon Clan for good. Can you trust this stranger? Or are you falling into another one of the emperor's traps?

    Mysterious Stranger.png

    Upon Finishing the [Blood of Iron] Nine Dragon Path quest line, you will receive an Emperor Chronicle Spirit Elixir Box, and will be able to obtain passes for the Cave of Conqueror Secret Area farming dungeon from the Nine Dragon Path weekly quest, via Windgram.

    The Emperor Chronicle Spirit Elixir Box contains the following items.
    • [Emperor Chronicle] Enchanted Orchid
    • [Emperor Chronicle] Azure Heart
    • [Emperor Chronicle] Jade Spirit
    • [Emperor Chronicle] Thunderstruck Ginseng
    • [Emperor Chronicle] Five Elements Dawn

    Cave of Conqueror Secret Area Farming Dungeon

    With the passes obtained from the weekly quest you will be able to enter the true version of the Cave of Conqueror Secret Area dungeon. After completing the dungeon you will receive valuable rewards via the raid reward UI.

    Monster Drop List
    • Korean Ginseng
    • Ethereal Mushroom
    • Sealed Bead
    • Sealed Bead (Medium)
    • Option Switch rune
    • Option Add Rune
    • Conqueror's Herb: High Level

    Cave of Conqueror Secret Area Farming Dungeon rewards include the following items.
    • Black Dragon Spy Support Elixir Box (Contains one of the following items)
      • [Emperor Chronicle] Enchanted Orchid
      • [Emperor Chronicle] Azure Heart
      • [Emperor Chronicle] Jade Spirit
      • [Emperor Chronicle] Thunderstruck Ginseng
      • [Emperor Chronicle] Five Elements Dawn
    • Black Dragon Jade Piece
    • All new elixirs activate as a level 1 elixir. If another level 1 elixir is used, the effect is overwritten.
    • The success rate of taking the new elixirs is 100% by default, however they may fail if intoxication is too high.

    Black Clan Invasion Continues
    With the Lord Emperor of the Black Dragon Clan still at large, the Black Dragon Clan Agents infect deeper into the land. As they have made their way into all of the clan headquarters, it is up to the heroes of each clan to put a stop to their invasion before it's too late.

    Black Clan Invasion.JPG

    Heroic Quest (Daily) Invasion of Black Dragon Clan [2]
    NPC: Nameless Wanderer (Hefei)
    Condition: LVL 90+ Defeat 15 Black Dragon Clan Agents
    Reward: Black Dragon Seal

    Easy - Liaodong - [Event] Black Dragon Clan Agent
    Normal - Loulan, North Sea, Tibet - [Event] Black Dragon Clan Elite Agent
    Hard - Kunlun, Qingdao - [Event] Black Dragon Clan Master Agent

    Heroic Quest (Weekly) Invasion of Black Dragon Clan [2]
    NPC: Nameless Wanderer (Hefei)
    Condition: LVL 90+ Collect 10x Black Dragon Scout Secret Documents
    Reward: Yellow Dragon Seal

    All Clan Bases - [Black Dragon] Elite Black Dragon Skirmisher

    Blood of Iron Chapter 4 Modifications
    Ruins of Kunlun Weekly dungeon rewards have been changed to the following.

    • Black Dragon Leader Support Box (Contains one of the following items)
      • Yellow Dragon Jade
      • Mystic Silk
      • Pure Evil Blood Pill
      • Incarnation Aura of Buddha
      • Chulmok's Incomplete Cabinet
      • Wooden Plate Shard (5)
      • Sapphire Stone Shard (2)
      • Abandoned Luggage (5)
      • Sealed Bead (Excellence) (3)
      • Secret Command of the Black Dragon Clan
      • Black Dragon Ginseng Root (50%) (5)
    • Black Dragon: Smelting Reward Box

    A Jade Dragon Resource Box can now be obtained, via the completion of Stage 33 of the Infinite Dungeon.

    Jade Dragon Resource Box contains 2 of the following items.
    • Infinite Spirit (High) (100%)
    • United Spirits Tablet
    • Ink Jade Shard
    • Marberry Jade Piece
    • Embrittlement Stone Shard
    • Processed Golden Fragment
    • Silver Ore Fragment
    • Beryl Stone Fragment
    Wan Daye Resource List
    Wan Daye Resource 1.png
    Wan Daye Resource 2.png
    Wan Daye Resource 3.png
    Black Dragon Special Supply Box contains one of the following items.
    • Sapphire Stone
    • Black Dragon Steel-plate
    • Iron-case of Chaemorin
    • Chulmok's Secret Vault
    • Mystic Silk
    • Incarnation Aura of Buddha
    • WarmHearted Soul Stone
    • Pure Evil Blood Pill
    • Vigorous of the Forest
    • Wrath of the Sky
    • Ultimate Tablet
    • Golden Heavenly Mirror

    Nameless Wanderer Resource List
    Nameless Wanderer Resource 1.png
    Nameless Wanderer Resource 2.png

    Nameless Wanderer Create List
    Nameless Wanderer Create.png
    Event Notice:
    • The event begins on January 23, 2024, after maintenance, and will run until February 20, 2024 before maintenance.
    • Any accounts found abusing the event will be permanently banned.
    • Reward items are obtained at a fixed probability -- there is no guarantee that you will get them.
    • The event schedule and details are subject to change without notice or compensation.
    • Click the [?] icon at the top-right corner to open the Resource and Create window.
    • Place your cursor over the magnifying glass to check the properties of an item.
    • Event items and Resource lists will be deleted from the game. Be certain to use/open them by February 20th's maintenance.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
    naycho likes this.
  2. ninhho

    ninhho Active Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Thanks for making Wan Daye more useful in life. :)
    [CM]NineArts likes this.
  3. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    To make iron blood silver plate (1) it is require a quest item from a previous quest line ,wich is no longer available to be obtain now,or we still can do some other quest,to be able to make a relics?
  4. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    IDK how long I've actually been back trying to play and be active, but ever since I have returned, there has not been 1 event done that the F2P or casual player can be part of. I got some friends, in my league and player that I just know, that have quit or quitting. I've spent and I've given some things away that I have made, so that some others can enjoy the things that they cant get, due to Real Life!

    RF can you think about something that all players can do or get? I dont mean overpowered items or things, but something that gives them a sigh of relief after grinding and farming to only fail!
  5. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    The quest item Iron Blood Clan Silver Insignia can not be deleted, nor did we delete them from character. If you completed the Blood of Iron quests, you should have it.

    Otherwise, if you did not start the corresponding Blood of Iron quest, you can still get the item. All items to make the Iron Blood Silver Plates can still be farmed through the farming dungeon rewards.
    7hech0isen0ne likes this.
  6. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    In this event there is at least a free gift available for everyone. By F2P event, I believe you mean you want the whole event to be for free to play or casual players. However in any and all events, there will always be some aspect that is geared towards higher geared players and spending players. Although, no changes can be made to this event, we will keep that in mind for future events to make an engaging aspect lower levels and casual players can also participate in.
    7hech0isen0ne likes this.
  7. Honorius

    Honorius New Member

    Dec 21, 2023
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    When RF make event for Item Mall discount price eieieiei
  8. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    This line is much better than before! Keep it up! Also in event info,you can add additional information about elixirs 300/400 and 500( by consuming it,you got maximum of stat) so players know for what actually they spend money!
    I really like it,because now for 25 bss ,1 player can got a minimum of 300 all stats!
    If he is lucky,he may go 400 or 500!
  9. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    What I mean is, have an event that can benefit all players that may have missed out on an event osay cant afford a Winged Deco, that they can earn by playing. Farm events (not kill a mob 1000x to get drops and fail event). The running around maps to fight over a chicken or duck can go to hell and why is it you're the only active staff members? Did you all fire Venus aka Ahri? Trying to do 1 char is hard enough but we all have or most have 3 chars and thats a full time job trying to get a "NON' tradable item for all 3 that is actually worthless other than to use in say Gallery Costume.

    4 events or so BSS after BSS after BSS have been needed to get or make something and you have a slight chance at getting or making it - C'mon now.
  10. ticade006

    ticade006 New Member

    Oct 17, 2023
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    Weekly quest event Invasion of the black dragon clan can due to not drop when kill event agent. please check. Thank you
  11. ninhho

    ninhho Active Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Can you specify which part Iron Blood quest line reward this Insignia? I have completed all the parts (1 to 5) but still dont have in my inventory. Btw, I have sent the ticket..
    7hech0isen0ne likes this.
  12. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    As I played all iron blood events,I can insure you we don't have this item in our inventory anymore! I am not 100% sure ,but as I remember, to make smasher lvl5 or 6 it needed some quest item,no? It maybe was that one! I will check in my other chars ,wich not make this pets,so it maybe is still there! Thanks for reply
  13. Teox1980

    Teox1980 New Member

    Nov 2, 2017
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    Dear GM, i' d like to know how is possible, for Warrior class, finish the level 33 of infinite dungeon. I hit the cap of dmg at any level of the dungeon but i can't arrive at 32th level or if i arrive i ve not enought time to kill the boss. How is possible? Can you explain me pls?
  14. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    None of the quest items were required until now. If you somehow do not have the item, send in a ticket and we will replace it.
  15. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    The item will not drop every mob. The drop rate does not effect the quest counter.
  16. Teox1980

    Teox1980 New Member

    Nov 2, 2017
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    Dear GM, i' d like to know how is possible, for Warrior class, finish the level 33 of infinite dungeon. I hit the cap of dmg at any level of the dungeon but i can't arrive at 32th level or if i arrive i ve not enought time to kill the boss. How is possible? Can you explain me pls?
  17. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    In this case, you will need to use your comrades to do additional damage.
  18. asesino1659

    asesino1659 New Member

    Jan 11, 2024
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    because they removed the entries for the weekly challenge dungeon quests.
    Is there another way to get tickets?
  19. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    there are no more challenge dungeons at this time.
    Currently, in order to obtain a Beryl Stone Fragment, you must be able to complete stage 32 of the Infinite Dungeon.
  20. Alternatives

    Alternatives New Member

    Sep 21, 2022
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